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Most cost-effective Crew Starters

Vermicious Knid

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Pretty sure every crew box needs a bunch of additional models to create an "effective" (assuming this means "tournament competitive at 50ss") crew. There's no real way around that. A single minion choice repeated three times is rarely effective.

However, the ones with the most bang-for-buck in terms of models that form a good starting point for building up a decent crew selection (in my opinion) would be Lynch, Pandora, Von Schill, Perdita, Marcus, Ophelia and McMourning.

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A question for the opening poster, as I'm not certain what it being asked: When you mention effectiveness of a crew box, are you looking for "power" pieces that will be useful in tournament lists (realizing that you still typically build after knowing opponent, opponent faction*, strategy, and scheme pools) or are you looking for a way to get to 50ss cheaply but without giving yourself too much of a handicap.

As an example of the second idea, the Ramos box easily hits 50ss and fits both his theme and his playstyle reasonably well,  You probably won't need to add much to get into the game, though overtime you'll probably branch out into additional models/masters.  The Viks box has been given as another example of an almost 50ss box, but one where you might not often use the extra Ronin in a more competitive setting (though you can most certainly get by with them in a casual game).

Conversely, the Dark Debts box is very low on soulstones (capping out at 21 soulstones before upgrades and cache), but Illuminated are pretty good models at 7ss, while Jacob Lynch is a pretty good master, so you could consider that box a very good starting point, though a bit on the cheaper side soulstones-wise.  Compare that to the Rasputina box, which clocks in at 25 soulstones, before upgrades and cache.  Ice gamin are still pretty lowend models, so from that box, you might only use 17 soulstones (or less in some cases) of it in most games (after you expand your collection).

I think Marcus is a good example of a possibly efficient box, since you don't get any duplicates and I believe all of the models are considered pretty decent. It is also on the higher soulstone count side of things, so you wouldn't need too much more to get to 50ss.

With that in mind, I'd look mostly at the boxes that don't have a lot of duplicates (since as others have mentioned, you might not want to take all of the duplicates all of the time).  So the following list looks pretty good, imho:

Ramos (has duplicates, but fits play style)

I'm sure there are more that people can argue for but those are my top picks of currently/soon to be released boxes.

*Opponent and opponent faction are two different things, which tend to only matter when in a small meta, but can come into play even in larger metas.  For instance, if I ever get the chance to play Joel Henry of Malifools fame and he declares Neverborn filth, I can almost plan to build my list with the assumption that he'll be playing Lilith, almost regardless of strategy & scheme pool.

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^ Basically what he said. My list was also to some extent based around getting "general value" models, ie ones which work well with any Master in the Faction. Having a solid base of such models makes it easy to expand to further Masters.

(That's why Marcus didn't make my list, for example - his models don't play particularly well with other Masters.)

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Small side note: At the moment I consider Von Schill and Viktorias as the most effective starter boxes for Malifaux beginners. They include many Mercenaries. For a beginner who has to discover what he likes about the game, the risk to never use on of these models again is comparatively low.

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I'd say the Freikorps one, who looks golden to me in terms of utility and flexibility to achieve all Victory objectives (both Scheme and Strat's); there are no game breaking models there by themselves, but together form quite a good Crew; I have played a lot of games with just that starter vs a lot of other non-starter-box Crews and I don't remember the last time I lost with the Korps (even against hard match-ups like Kirai).


May you want to expand it further with a heavy in your Crew, just look at either Lazarus, Strong Arm Suit or Hannah, and you will be most served.

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Hey guys, I'm the OP of this thread

Some of you have asked me about my specific criteria about which faction starters are the most cost-effective. Good question - I should have spelled out what I'm looking for a bit better, obviously. The answer to that question is that I have a lot of different factors I am looking for.

In order of highest priroty to least priority, here's how I rank my considered factors...

1) All (or at least most) of the included models are things their master wants to regularly play with

2) Included models are effective with at least 1-2 other Masters

3) The included Master is not a Summoner

4) the box is at least an average Soulstone total

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Hey guys, I'm the OP of this thread

Some of you have asked me about my specific criteria about which faction starters are the most cost-effective. Good question - I should have spelled out what I'm looking for a bit better, obviously. The answer to that question is that I have a lot of different factors I am looking for.

In order of highest priroty to least priority, here's how I rank my considered factors...

1) All (or at least most) of the included models are things their master wants to regularly play with

2) Included models are effective with at least 1-2 other Masters

3) The included Master is not a Summoner

4) the box is at least an average Soulstone total


Hmmm, with this in mind, the following are some thoughts based on your 4 criteria:

For #3: A "Yes" means they are not a summoner and meet your criteria.

For #4 I'll just list soulstone cost of box without any upgrades added.

The following are based on the M2E plastic boxes, except where no M2E box exists, then it's based on the old metal boxes.  I've skipped on boxes that we've seen art for, but have not been released, though I've included Gencon releases.


Lady J: 1) Yes, 2) Yes, 3) Yes, 4) 30ss

Sonnia: 1) Yes, 2) Yes?, 3) She can, but not really, 4) 27ss

Perdita: 1) Yes, 2) Yes, 3) Yes, 4) 32ss

Hoffman: No M2E Box yet, Old Metals: 1) Yes, 2) Maybe?, 3) Yes, 4) 19ss (and no totem)

Lucius: Available soon(?): 1) Yes?, 2) Maybe?, 3) Yes, 4) 31ss


Seamus: 1) Yes, 2) Yes!, 3) He can, but it's not a huge thing, 4) 26ss

Nicodem: 1) Yes, 2) Yes, 3) No!, 4) 33ss

McMourning: 1) Yes, 2) Yes, 3) He can, but it's not a big thing, 4) 29ss

Kirai: 1) Yes, 2) No!, 3) No!, 4) 14ss  (worst box by your efficiency standards)

Molly: No M2E Box yet, Old Metals: 1) Yes, 2) Yes, 3) No, 4) 22ss (and no totem)


Ramos: 1) Yes, 2) Yes?, 3) No, 4) 42-50ss (depending on how you base the 6 spiders, 2 swarms or 6 individual spiders)

Rasputina: 1) Yes, 2) No, 3) Yes, 4) 25ss

Marcus: 1) Yes, 2) Not really, 3) Yes, 4) 34ss

Collette: No M2E Box yet, Old Metals: 1) Yes, 2) Maybe?, 3) No, 4) 26ss (and no totem)

Kaeris: No M2E Box yet, Old Metals: 1) Yes?, 2) Maybe?, 3) No, 4) 26ss (and no totem)


Lilith: 1) Yes, 2) Yes?, 3) No, 4) 25ss

Pandora: 1) Yes!!!, 2) Maybe?, 3) Yes, 4) 36ss

Zoraida: 1) Yes, 2) Yes, 3) Yes, 4) 32ss

Dreamer: 1) Yes, 2) No, 3) No, 4) 23ss

Collodi: No M2E Box yet, Old Metals: 1) Yes!, 2) No, 3) ???, 4) 24ss


Viktorias: 1) Yes, 2) Yes?, 3) Yes, 4) 32ss (not sure if missing a model from this)

Tara: 1) Yes, 2) No, 3) Yes, 4) 27ss

Von Schill: 1) Yes, 2) Yes, 3) Yes, 4) 34ss

Leveticus: No M2E Box yet, Old Metals sold out on Wyrd site: 1) Yes, 2) No, 3) No, 4) 22ss?

Hamelin: No M2E Box yet, Old Metals: 1) Yes, 2) No, 3) No, 4) 16ss


Somer: 1) Yes, 2) Yes, 3) No, 4) 25ss

Ophelia: 1) Yes, 2) Maybe?, 3) Yes, 4) 33ss

Ten Thunders:

Misaki: 1) Yes, 2) Maybe?, 3) Yes, 4) 31ss

McCabe: 1) Yes, 2) Maybe?, 3) Yes, 4) 25ss

Yan Lo: 1) Yes, 2) Maybe?, 3) Yes, 4) 24ss

Mei Feng: 1) Maybe?, 2) Maybe?, 3) Yes, 4) 27ss

Jacob Lynch: 1) Yes, 2) Yes, 3) Yes, 4) 21ss

I would actually like additional comments on the above, as a lot of it is Theoryfaux (based on reading/hearing the experiences of others as well as comparing my experiences against statlines and abilities in the books)


As a quick side note.  I think pretty much every master works well with their box, though perhaps some don't need all of the extra models in the box, and perhaps I should have spent more time evaluating that.

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I think that the list gives question 1) a "Yes" answer way too easily. I mean, how many times does Misaki take three Torakage? Or Lady J take all three Death Marshalls? In most of my lists there aren't three identical Minions. Things that break this rule are mostly stuff that I can summon, really cheap things (Bayou Gremlins) or something that can be sygergized well (Witchling Stalkers with a Witchling Handler).

For Guild McMourning, he can't legally use two of the models in the starter so the first question is a strong No.

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Hmmm, with this in mind, the following are some thoughts based on your 4 criteria:



I don't have enough experience to comment on the accuracy of the list, but I like the  basic idea--especially for newbs.   For the newb who is more into game than fluff, or on a limited budget, it should provide some useful guidance.  


The only thing I would add is something about general play style with an eye to avoiding the mismatch that is so often reported by new players who haven't added enough or the right sort of terrain.

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Personally Ramos isn't a bad start. Really all you need is The M&SU box and 2 additional boxes of Arachnids and you are set! Here's why...


Ramos -- 7 Pool
Brass Arachnid [4]
Howard Langston [12]
Joss [10]
Steam Arachnid [4]
Steam Arachnid [4]
Steam Arachnid [4]
Steam Arachnid Swarm [8]
This is the contents of the box in it's cheapest form and probably most effective form (SS cost I mean) It leaves you 4ss. With just the crew box alone you have pretty much a 50ss crew minus upgrades, drop an Arachnid and you have an additional 4ss to spend on those upgrades. The extra 2 boxes of Arachnids should be made up as Arachnids rather than Swarms for summoning purposes and you are all set! 
An additional option if you wish to expand on this is an Electrical Creation or two for the upgrade which helps generate more scrap when they are killed or can be used to murder stuff but this ramps up the cost of the crew (in cash this time)

Sadly that's not the same as being an effective crew. You will likely end up using only the Viktorias and maybe one Ronin most of the time.



Can't say I agree with this statement at all. The Viks are my most used models and I very often use Both Viks, The Student, at least a couple of Ronin and Taelor often makes a lot of my Outcast lists because she's tough and nails, hits like a truck and is a general all round badass. The entire box is crammed with useful models for a Viks crew, Taelor might not always make the cut but every model in there is totally worth owning if you plan of starting up with the Outcasts. Sure you'll probably never use all 3 Ronin in a 50ss game but 2? Sure!

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I think that the list gives question 1) a "Yes" answer way too easily. I mean, how many times does Misaki take three Torakage? Or Lady J take all three Death Marshalls? In most of my lists there aren't three identical Minions. Things that break this rule are mostly stuff that I can summon, really cheap things (Bayou Gremlins) or something that can be sygergized well (Witchling Stalkers with a Witchling Handler).

For Guild McMourning, he can't legally use two of the models in the starter so the first question is a strong No.


Nurses are good enough I wouldn't give it a strong No.  If anything, it might be worth answering 1) with a sort of yes/maybe/no numerical response.  Guild McMourning is probably a 2/2/2 for the rest of his crew models.  Lady J is something like 2/1/2.

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I can't speak for the other box sets, but Lilith's Box crew can easily be used with just about every master, specifically the Tots. (with the exception of the Totem, though that's true for all totem specific models) I've also used Barbaros quite a few times to good effect with Pandora. 

As for the Pandora box set, for my own personal experience, the only items in that box that I ever use any longer are Pandora and Baby Kade. The Sorrows and Poltergeist never see the table (Insidious Madness and Primordial Magic just offer so much more to me, personally), nor does Candy unless I just want an easy scoring Bodyguard target. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

actually wouldnt jaboc lynchs bow come out at 24 SS before upgrades?


its 7x3 = 21 for the 3 iluminated and 3 from the hungering darkness

For just the box set, no upgrades, the Lynch crew comes out at 21SS. 0 for Lynch (Leader), 0 for Hungering Darkness (His base cost, you do NOT pay for his Cache), 21 for three Illuminated.

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thats why Im in doubt, Im checking the cards I have, and it says darkness costs 3


or is it it has a cache of 3?


Henchmen have two "costs" on their card: cost and cache. That's because they can be crew leaders in small games. Normally you pay their cost, but when they act as leader, they have a cache like Masters.


So the Darkness costs 0.

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