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Who is your favorite Master and why?


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Aww yess, this is the kind of bandwagon thread I can get behind (stolen without apology from the Guild).

So which Outcast Master is your favourite? You can pick more than one if you want - you're probably already wanted by the Guild, so what's the harm in flouting the rules?

Based on the fluff, my favourite is (perhaps predictably for those who know me) Viktoria - her backstory in gaining a sister is fantastic. She's a ton of fun on the table as well, since playing her crew always feels like dancing along the blade's edge - one wrong step and it's all over except for the crying.

Gameplay-wise, I've become very attached to Leveticus. The ability to choose a model (practically ANY model) within 12" and evaporate it into nothing (or into a new friend) is pretty bad-ass. His incredible hiring pool allows for some really interesting combinations, as well.

Who is your favourite, and why?

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Gameplay: Viktoria, Hamelin, Leveticus, Jack Daw, Von Schill, Tara, Misaki

Story: Viktoria, Misaki, Von Schill, Hamelin, Tara, Jack Daw, Leveticus


My great divide with Outcasts is simply that the mechanics I find most interesting leave me a bit off put by the body horror aspect (hi Levi).  I love the look and aggressive, chaotic playstyle of the Viks though.  They're my big draw here.

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My great divide with Outcasts is simply that the mechanics I find most interesting leave me a bit off put by the body horror aspect (hi Levi).

Yeah, I hear that. Levy's Crossroads story is genuinely uncomfortable to read. Between Levy, Hamelin and Jack, Outcasts have easily overtaken Ressers and Neverborn as the "horrible monsters" Faction.

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I think my favorite to play will be Von Schill for a long time.  Since he doesn't do anything specifically awesome unlike most of the Outcast Masters, finding the best use for him in each game is always a fun challenge.  And making use of the crew's synergies isn't always easy but is required in most cases to be successful.


As for story, I am less solid in the Levi camp.  In 1.5 I liked where he was going and I liked the feel of him.  But as M2e stories continue to evolve he is moving away from what my "mind's eye" is of him, nobody's fault but my own.  As a result I think I have to run with the Viks or Von Schill.


Misaki is 10T, she's out....  Tara is the new comer so her stories aren't as deep and I dislike Hamelin's storyline.  So it leave Jack Daw who while an interesting character, is hard to get behind.


You know what, let's just answer Von Schill for both.  I like that he hates the Governor from the start.  I like that he goes and does his own thing.  I love that he has Hannah as his sidekick and she's a Librarian.  The Steam trunk gaining a personality kinda like a dumb R2D2 is cool.   Yeah, VS is pretty darn cool in my book.

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VS definitely has some good background, and is one of the only passable "good guys" in the game (by which I mean he's not overtly evil - it's a low bar in Malifaux, yet very few manage to clear it). It's just a shame that he's such a hopeless loser on the table.

Sorry, I mean he's an "interesting challenge". :P

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Viks without hesitation for me. I bought into Malifaux for Misaki because she was pretty cool when I played her with 1.5 but it was the Viks that got me 100% hooked when I properly jumped into Malifaux at the beginning of M2E. I love their theme, the models, their play style, their story. Everything about them is win as far as I'm concerned. They are probably not only my favorite Master in the Outcasts but the entire game. Gotta love some scantily clad samurai chicks!  :D

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Totally digging Jack Daw (as if you couldn't tell by all of the threads I start), both mechanically and flavorfully. Hamelin is a close second on both accounts. I want to get Leve once he is released in plastic and then I will be sated with the Outcasts - he'll be in the running for somewhere in the top 3 XD


~Lil Kalki

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Playwise, definitely Leveticus. I've written about why in Why I Love M2E Leveticus.


Jack Daw is second, but I still need to learn him a lot more before I'll really feel comfortable with him. I also really like Hamelin's style.


Fluffwise, I think Tara is my favorite. Or the Viktorias. Or Jack Daw. Or Leveticus. Or Misaki. Or maybe Von Schill. Crap, I really like all their fluff.

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So far from from M2e I've played the Viks, Von Schill and Tara.


Tara is my favourite to play. She's given me the most interesting games. Either my opponent and I are both thiking "awesome, this is going perfectly" or we are both thinking, "Oh no, this is going horribly". Which to me just makes her really fun to play. The learning curve for her was pretty brutal though, as it certainly took me a while to get the hang of her. 


Von Schill has been quite solid for me, but in general much less exciting and mush more predictable. The Viks on the other hand have been very swingy. They seem to either win big or lose big and just don't seem to be as fun for myself or the opponent.


pretty excited to try AvaTara in some more game and expand her into Ressers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fluff wise - Leveticus
Gameplay - hmmm, I have to go with Hamelin for Outcast, but that with the caveat that I have seen/played all Outcast masters except the Viks. No one locally, or on Vassal have used them against me, and I have yet to get around to putting their box together.

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Game play - its Leveticus. He is still the one man apocalypse. One of the best master killers in the game. Incredibly versatile crew options, and he synergies well with his crew. Hands down, he is a dirty old monster!

I've never played him, only against him a number of times, but everytime I do it feels like a slow, dry game. Not overpowered or a negative play experience, just not entertaining. It's why I passed on him for now, despite my love of his fluff. I'll probably still pick him up and play him eventually once his plastics come out as I love the newer artwork for him versus his original pewter figure.

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I've never played him, only against him a number of times, but everytime I do it feels like a slow, dry game. Not overpowered or a negative play experience, just not entertaining. It's why I passed on him for now, despite my love of his fluff. I'll probably still pick him up and play him eventually once his plastics come out as I love the newer artwork for him versus his original pewter figure.

I don't find his game play slow at all. He can jump between different sides of the board and blitz early with the sacrifice of a waif or abom. I have killed 10+ss models on turn 1, simply by that my opponent have miscalculated Leve's speed and threat range. With that said, I understand where you are coming from. Leve kills stuff, summon, and pop up at a lot of places. That is what he does, but he does it with the best of them!

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I've never played him, only against him a number of times, but everytime I do it feels like a slow, dry game. Not overpowered or a negative play experience, just not entertaining. It's why I passed on him for now, despite my love of his fluff. I'll probably still pick him up and play him eventually once his plastics come out as I love the newer artwork for him versus his original pewter figure.


I feel exactly the same way about Hamelin. I've played with him once or twice now and played against him a bunch of times and every time I hear his name coming up in a game I instantly feel myself die a little inside. He is boring as hell, slow, uninteresting and really a chore to play with or against. It's a shame because I really want to like the him but I find it almost impossible to enjoy a game involving him unless I'm blasting the crap out of the crew with Sonnia. I just can't seem to get excited by Hamelin unlike the rest of the Outcast Masters. 

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Leveticus is the premiere Outcast master in my mind, hands down. He is very intimidating and his hiring pool is so large you can have a very particularly suited or more generalized crew, depending. If you know exactly what your opponent is playing (because you've seen precisely what models he has... or maybe he just has a big mouth, haha) you can tailor your crew specifically to exploit the weaknesses of the opponents crew. That is a beast of an advantage as is.

I would, however, probably NEVER take old Levi in a mirror match though unless perfect strategy/scheme/match up condition could be determined beforehand - this is, of course, the power gamer inside me talking.

All things considered though, I like Jack Daw the best - look, function, theme = perfect. I definently have an affinity for crews built around extreme utility and not ones that are kill focused (can not wait for all the Brewmaster plastics to come out!!!) for an very long list of reasons. Control/debuffs/tarpits/disruption blah blah blah - wait, I can take nurses?!?!? Deeeeeeeeamn. >8)

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