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Five Models every Outcast Player should own


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I am tempted to include Crooligans (Tara, Leveticus, Hamelin) or The Drowned (Tara, Leveticus, Jack Daw) just to be clever, but I won't, because much love to the Viktorias, Misakis, and Von Schills out there who are Outcasts but somehow still don't hire any Resser models.

1. Ashes and Dust ("My objective-grabber eats all of yours, and is immune to things like burying, conditions, Charges, and being killed.")

2. Hodgepodge ("You mess with my Master, you become my Soulstone.")

3. Killjoy ("DROP BEAR!")

4. Johan ("Come for the condition removal, stay for the BIG FREAKIN' HAMMER.")

5. Taelor ("Your Summoning Crew doesn't feel so OP now, does it?")

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Suggested title: How To Lose Friends And Out-Activate People

For the record, I faced Rathnard not too long ago during his trip to NYC post-Gencon. This trick made me gain a LOT of respect for ihm as a player, contrary to what you might expect. I might suggest that using this in an unfamiliar meta which you know is unfamiliar with the trick will gain some oohs and ahhs (although perhaps if they know you or your trick well enough, they may give you groans and moans instead). But suffice it to say, in Rathnard's case, he made a friend that day partly because of it XD


~Lil Kalki

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1 killjoy be fair every Malifaux player should!!

2 Hans cos ping is hilarious

3 Convict Gunslinger who don't like rapid fire

4 Hodgepodge Effigy get you ss and mist I play Hamelin amazing

5 Rat king even without Hamelin crew gnaw 5 inch marker discard take wounds then sacafice for rat catcher and rat and keep playing on

Great fun post thanks for posting

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I only really play Levy and Hamlin but I would say


Abomination- for attrition games these guys are fantastic. Built in heal, potential to summon new models , denying 0 actions and suits and providing a free damage flip at the end of activation. I honestly think these guys are in the running for best non effigy four stone model


Hans- A great big gun and the ability to deny your opponent options through removing upgrades or hurt their hand is really nice


Lazurus- The access to blast markers is very nice not to mention any synergy he may have with other constructs you are bringing


Lucky Effigy- The ability to provide soft cover and a chance to help generate soul stones is rather nice for four stones


Ashes and Dust- The sheer amount of AP advantage this model provides is crazy. It has the potential to summon more models, it splits into two new full activations when it dies and it isn't exactly easy to kill. This model usually requires the full focus of an enemy crew to remove it from play and even than sometimes it worms its way back in.

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1. Freikorps Trapper

They're just so good at range. Even their presence can make your opponent cagey to the point of over-cautious in order to avoid exposing models to the snipers from hell.

2. Strongarm Suit

It shoots. It fights. It tanks. It can't be pinned down. In all seriousness that last one is possibly the best - standard tactics to tie a model up don't work with the Strongarm as it can charge whilst engaged and ignore terrain and models on that charge. With the zero action it hits at 3/5/7 with triggers to ignore reduction and get pos flips on damage. Ace.

3. Johan

6 stones for condition removal with attached relic hammer is just too good to pass up. Oathkeeper Johan is also nice for a surprise assassination run on Construct masters.

4. Freikorps Librarian

Multiple heals in an Outcast crew is so handy. Settle in and keep the Viks topped up, or bounce Freikorpsmenn back up past the Legend To Live Up To threshold when the von Schill bubble hits the centre in Turf War. Particularly good with Hannah in a tag team as she can borrow their abilities and form a bubble of suit denial.

5. Ashes and Dust

The supreme flanking force. A&D can eat any enemy scheme runners and if you've got a decent crow can turn them into your scheme runners. Swift is massive in Stake a Claim and if your opponent actually does manage to kill the thing, as long as you're fairly close to the flank it can come back the same turn.

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2. Strongarm Suit

It shoots. It fights. It tanks. It can't be pinned down. In all seriousness that last one is possibly the best - standard tactics to tie a model up don't work with the Strongarm as it can charge whilst engaged and ignore terrain and models on that charge. With the zero action it hits at 3/5/7 with triggers to ignore reduction and get pos flips on damage. Ace.


4. Freikorps Librarian

Multiple heals in an Outcast crew is so handy. Settle in and keep the Viks topped up, or bounce Freikorpsmenn back up past the Legend To Live Up To threshold when the von Schill bubble hits the centre in Turf War. Particularly good with Hannah in a tag team as she can borrow their abilities and form a bubble of suit denial.


Having played against a Von Schill list earlier tonight that had Strongarm in it, and both of those models charging out of combat into my other guys, I can attest to the versatility and annoyance at trying to pin them down, much less beat through their armor/wounds/hard to kill. Throw in the librarian healing them back up and it became a brick wall of hell to kill.

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This ones an easy one for me


- Johan (Condition removal and a tough little bugger who hits like a tonne of bricks)

- Friekorps Librarian (Healing out the Wazoo! Also a great source of Ca damage)

- Bishop (Because he's boss! Give him Fast and watch stuff die)

- Killjoy (Also because he's boss!)

- Taelor (She's tough as nails, versatile and a great all round henchman)

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As mainly a jack, leve, Hamelin, Tara player:

1. Sue - can't believe he hasn't been mentioned yet, min dmg 4 at ring or close with a decent ram in hand plus handing out finish the job or putting up ring of fire

2. Ashes and dust - for all reasons already mentioned

3. Ama no Zako - a great henchwoman with lots of utility

4. Bishop - such a hardy enforcer, can be pretty quick and hard hitting, as well as hard to take down, plus handing out paralysed is gravy.

5. Rusty alyce - a summoning henchwoman with an awesome gun, and can punch hard if needed.

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