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Modularity of Lucius Crew


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Hello all,


I am trying to figure out what I want to pick up out of the Gen Con releases.  I was just wondering has anyone tried splashing in a Lawyer or Dashnell(SP?) into another crew do the models hold weight? I ask because the reason I love the guild is that Death Marshals and Witchling Stalkers preform really well regardless of master and looking at the models in Lucius' crew box I wasn't sure if they were models you could just splash into another crew. If anyone has run a game with some of these guys without Mr. Mask leading the way let me know how you felt about them.

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Lawyer is a strong choice in almost any guild crew lots of utility both offensively ranged and melee, good support and finish the job can be handy. Don't rate Dash even in a Lucius crew, 9 points for a limited support model Franc or peace keeper gives you more

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I personally find Guild Guards unplayable. Guild Hounds, Wastrels, Witchling Stalkers, Death Marshals and Guild Riflemen all seem just strictly better choices.


For me it depends on what their jobs are.  Guild Guard have far more durability in a pair then Guild Hounds or Wastrels.  Two of them for me tend to survive better than 3 guild hounds even though the hounds have more Wds total.  Mind you I love my Guild Hounds and use them more often than guild Guard but I find that the Guard has a place in lists from time to time.  Just my last Guild game I wanted to try out Hoffman with a Rail Golem but flipped Reconitter.  So in went 2 Guild Hounds and 2 Guild Guard for the cheap.  The 4 of them together ended up holding a quarter despite getting pounded by a pair of Crooked Men, a Punk Zombie, and two Necro Punks.  The Guard even screwed up the Resser's plans by getting the halt trigger on the Punk Zombie on approach and late game hitting Nico with the Halt trigger as well to prevent him from advancing as he needed his last two cards.


But I cannot fault people for not liking them.  Ml4, Sh4, and needing to be in pairs can put them off for people.

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Lawyers have a reasonable synergy with McMourning, although you could argue that they would be competing for crows.  Even if they compete, ranged poison application is something that could really make for a huge expunge.  I might consider a lawyer if frame for murder is available in the pool.  Slapping a pair of fees on them with a fruit trigger will reveal to you pretty quickly if it's their sucker. I also like that they are freakishly hard to kill if make them suffer is in play.  Impassion yourself and pitch a card for the - to attack at Df and Wp6, that is going to take some serious resources to remove.


I think guild guard purpose comes alive with the guard sergeant.  It's expensive, but you could give the sergeant 'watch my back', and then the two guardsmen can accomplice each other.  That helps close the window between patrols.  Always on Df6 and always on + to Wp duels make a pair of guild guard uncharacteristically challenging to remove.  A nice little activation chain would be for the first guard to walk 5" and interact, then the second guard to accomplice and walk 5 then 3.  Then later on the sergeant can double walk to get them both within 3" and issue new orders to drag the scheme marker forward.  If the sergeant gets two activations, that scheme marker is on the centerline for line in the sand.  This module can drop that scheme on turn 1 and then rumble it across the table for breakthrough too, never having to use AP later to interact.  Spring the trap and plant explosives become more doable here too.  One could argue that a sergeant could do a faster version of that with hounds, but the survivability isn't the same.


Dashel cranks up riflemen pretty well.  Much like the sergeant/guard combo, the Dashel/riflemen combo is fairly expensive.  But with the right strat/scheme pool, on the right table with a few dangerous firing lanes, A Dashel + 2x riflemen module is just murderous point defense.  Activate Dashel and walk forward.  Then double walk + focus on one riflemen while keeping the other in companion range, then the other can double walk and focus as well.  Now you can trigger stand and fire to do 4 damage to anything that tries to charge the module.  If they do get to fire while near dashel, both riflemen would get the ram trigger and ++ to the attack flip and a + to the damage flip, with Sh6, that can result in a lot of positive damage flips and with two rams already in the result, those two shots could be doing 12-13 damage together.


The cop-out response is that one day there is going to be a terrain set-up, with a certain scheme pool, against a certain faction, where these models may be exactly what you want.  In a vacuum, Dashel's abilities are too focused in on the guardsman type to put him in the "powerful henchman" category.  The guild guard just happen to be in a faction that has guild hounds and watchers, so their scheming role can get overlooked.  And the lawyers are this interesting 'damage over time' minion with very high survivability and some cute utility, in a faction that tends to just kill things in one or two activations.  I think that lawyers can be valuable due to how they are different.

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Agree on the Riflemen daschell module and the guard/Sarge combo.   And I like the lawyer as a versatile scheme runner/utility and fees can make people sad face if you put it on their favorite model. 


I know with Lucius, and I assume some others this might be true too, that Guardsmen almost always earn their 4 points of SS even if they just keep busy a bigger model.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I run guild guardsmen a reasonable amount. I find they really do help against elite crews. For example we are likely to see more Teddy played around boards with the recent release. This is a model that has a terrible defense so really your lower shooting doesn't seem as daunting. Couple that with the automatic trigger and you are burning away a control hand. If you have a austringer also using distract, suddenly your limiting cheat options. Which of course feeds directly into the executioner being more successful with Bloody exhibition. 


Additionally, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. So it rarely hurts to send rounds down range. Also while most times it won't be in your interest to spend a 7 of rams you still have the ability to force horror duels, and paralyze is fun. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is the Guild executioner any good with Lucius?


There is not much obvious synergy, as he is neither a Minion nor a Guardsman. He is also expensive, so you will have less Minions. That said, he does what he does, regardless. In a game with a lot of Scheme marker placement or card denial, he can be worthwhile.

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Is the Guild executioner any good with Lucius?


Lucius is pretty good at moving friendly models into useful places,  so he can drastically increase the speed of the executioner. He is also a good model to get an extra Ap from Lucius (only from his action rather than just walking, but bonus attacks from his claws are one of the best Ml attacks in the guild) 


I wouldn't field a crew full of Executioners for Lucius, but if you are lookign for a big hitter to suppliment your swarm of minions he is a good option.



I've mis-read issue command. No extra actions, just the mobility boost from  thats what LAckies are for.


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I think i'll throw an executioner in my crew for the fear factor. Now im a little confused on something.... on the new M2e box art Lucius has a platinum or silver looking mask but cant really tell due to shading on the pictures I have seen on the new art.....while in other art i see a gold mask. So what is the actual mask color?

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I've tried Dashell and Riflemen with McCabe and got some pretty nice results. Dashell is really there to support the Guardsmen, any crew that makes use of them can benefit from his inclusion. He is kind of limited unlike the Lawyers. They work real nice with pretty much anyone but I'd imagine they would work really well alongside McMourning due to the poison as well as their usual shenanigans 

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I think i'll throw an executioner in my crew for the fear factor. Now im a little confused on something.... on the new M2e box art Lucius has a platinum or silver looking mask but cant really tell due to shading on the pictures I have seen on the new art.....while in other art i see a gold mask. So what is the actual mask color?


Mine will be gold-bronze because the iron one is hogged by Sonnia.



Lucius is pretty good at moving friendly models into useful places,  so he can drastically increase the speed of the executioner. He is also a good model to get an extra Ap from Lucius (only from his action rather than just walking, but bonus attacks from his claws are one of the best Ml attacks in the guild) 


I wouldn't field a crew full of Executioners for Lucius, but if you are lookign for a big hitter to suppliment your swarm of minions he is a good option.


I should point out that Lucius has no way of giving AP to the Executioner, and his only way to move him up the field is "What Lackeys Are For". Thus, most of Adran's advice is false, I fear. The Executioner isn't a Minion.

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Lucius is pretty good at moving friendly models into useful places,  so he can drastically increase the speed of the executioner. He is also a good model to get an extra Ap from Lucius (only from his action rather than just walking, but bonus attacks from his claws are one of the best Ml attacks in the guild) 


I wouldn't field a crew full of Executioners for Lucius, but if you are lookign for a big hitter to suppliment your swarm of minions he is a good option.

How on earth do you get an extra AP from Lucius with an Executioner

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Im aware or the posibility of moving the executioner around via Lucius . Not sure on the extra AP, ill have to read up on that. Personally i know the executioner does not synergize with Lucius but figured it would still be fun to field for the pure damage output from him and his schem abilities. Not to mention I plan on running a doppleganger with Lucius so maybe a possibility to mimmic the executioned on his damage along with other fun uses with the doppleganger.

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I think i'll throw an executioner in my crew for the fear factor. Now im a little confused on something.... on the new M2e box art Lucius has a platinum or silver looking mask but cant really tell due to shading on the pictures I have seen on the new art.....while in other art i see a gold mask. So what is the actual mask color?

Lucius appears in stories in chronicles 5 and 6 where the mask is described as golden, in one place it says "gold steel mask", but that may just mean that it is not solid gold, just plated.

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Lucius appears in stories in chronicles 5 and 6 where the mask is described as golden, in one place it says "gold steel mask", but that may just mean that it is not solid gold, just plated.

So pretty much gold in appearance. Awsome. Thanks Bengt. Now i wont have to sit for hours pondering on what color and how to paint Lucius mask.

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Put the executioner on a death Marshall taxi and jobs a good'un... ;)

Dashel plus two rifleman can be epic in recconoitre as they can help to tip the balance in a quarter with their range. Getting dashel to crack skulls when they get clos isn't such a waste really.

Main q to ask yourself.... Can you invest over a quarter of your points in such a static combo? If you have fast moving stuff to valence it out then I would say yes.

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Crossroads describes him too. They said he has soulstones in the eyes of the mask, so have fun with that part.

Are soulstones supposed to be black in color? Either way im not sure i can pulloff mind blowing soul stone effects with such a small sculpt but if i know the color of soulstones i will damn will try :P

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