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Not to belittle the concerns of players expressing opinions, but its interesting to see how the longer the thread goes the more hurt/angry/betrayed posters seem to be getting.

I expect in 5 pages time people will be preparing to drive to gen con just so they can burn new colette in effigy in front of the wyrd booth.

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I thought more of her was obscured, but just went back and looked. The funny thing is, I've liked the showgirl art we have seen so far. I really want a new Cassandra (I never got on with the old model. Only model I've stripped a handful of times!). And both the limited edition Performer and the Performer and Mannequin in the main book (p. 71) are good. 

Isn't that a Coryphee with the scissor hands?


I think it's funny "flashing her panties" has come up more than a few times -- she's not, on the old model, but her hand placement definitely suggests that --, as though that were a reason for Wyrd's new art direction, because other models *cough*Trixiebell*cough* *cough*Hired Swords*cough* have obviously shown us they're still A-okay with sexualized models.

There is a version of the Hired Sword cover art where Blood is only wearing the thong and straps over her boobs. It's obviously the same picture that they then added pants and vest on. So I guess there is some kind of standard, just not a very high one. :P

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It could be a Coryphee instead of a Mannequin. I kind a hope so because it does look neat and I don't rate mannequins much. And I really want the coryphee plastics. I've used the metals for less than a handful of games, they could definitely benefit from a resculp. (Mind you, so could the mannequins)

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I like the new Colette art, personally. 

I sort of thought it looked like a good representation of a professional, attractive woman that manages a Burlesque show that wants to step on stage at the start of the act, introduce her show, thank the audience for attending, and perhaps perform an amazing magic trick, and than vanish to let her "girls" be the stars of the show.

I will, however, add that I don't understand the need for goggles. They do not bother me; they just seen unnecessary. 


It totally does make sense why someone would prefer the old art/sculpt, though. 


[EDIT] As a side note: For those looking for a different Colette there is the alternate previewed/offered during the (cancelled) Fall Schematic Kickstarter .

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Since that KS was cancelled that mini doesn't exist.

I'm hardly going to argue the point but it was stated that the limited edition miniatures from the KS would be available through the Wyrd Store at some point so to me that means, to me at least, they exist in some fashion. 

I'm sure this isn't the answer anyone wants but I'd rather look on the bright side of things. 



(What sometimes happens when you look on the bright side) 

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I much prefer original Raspy (fuzzy top hat, pose and dress do it for me), heck, she sold me the entire game.  Probably wouldn't have started if I didn't like the picture of her model on the old box.

I also prefer old Colette and am thankful I already have one.  I find the new versions of Raspy and Colette a bit bland in my eyes.  

On the other hand, I have a fully painted old-Pandora and a fully painted old-Alt-Pandora plus a fully painted Avatar Pandora and yet I still look at the new plastic Pandora and I keep thinking "marry me"

Ah, hope springs eternal...

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I'm hardly going to argue the point but it was stated that the limited edition miniatures from the KS would be available through the Wyrd Store at some point so to me that means, to me at least, they exist in some fashion. 

I'm sure this isn't the answer anyone wants but I'd rather look on the bright side of things. 



(What sometimes happens when you look on the bright side)

I would be very surprised if the game tie-in minis for a failed KS game that may or may not ever itself exist ever come to pass.

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I would be very surprised if the game tie-in minis for a failed KS game that may or may not ever itself exist ever come to pass.

I disagree on the likelihood however I value and respect your opinion as a human being :)

I'll let time sort out the outcome on this one. 


(The picture for those that may not know of what we are discussing)


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Personally I like the new style. While I would say that they wear the Showgirl dresses, that is for Shows. The rest of the time they will be more practically dressed. I think what she is wearing when they are outside the shows. There are hints of the showgirl dress with the cuffs, low cut dress and I am going to guess high boots, but it is more practical. I am reminded of the story where the showgirls were travelling through the sewers, and this is how they might dress, rather than full costume.

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Personally I like the new style. While I would say that they wear the Showgirl dresses, that is for Shows. The rest of the time they will be more practically dressed. I think what she is wearing when they are outside the shows. There are hints of the showgirl dress with the cuffs, low cut dress and I am going to guess high boots, but it is more practical. I am reminded of the story where the showgirls were travelling through the sewers, and this is how they might dress, rather than full costume.

This thing that we want Show Girls dressed as when they're crossing the sewers is starting to be kinda funny XD Makes me want Avatar ShenLong still on a 70mm base, but as he was sitting on the wc in the morning(what more comfortable?) :)

(please, don't really ruin avatar ShenLong. I 'd like him dressed as the badass monks Master, whether he's in the dojo, in the sewers, at a cerimony, or wherever. Thanks)

(I'm pretty sure a Gremlin would do that anyways...)

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Personally I like the new style. While I would say that they wear the Showgirl dresses, that is for Shows. The rest of the time they will be more practically dressed. I think what she is wearing when they are outside the shows. There are hints of the showgirl dress with the cuffs, low cut dress and I am going to guess high boots, but it is more practical. I am reminded of the story where the showgirls were travelling through the sewers, and this is how they might dress, rather than full costume.

Why do people love to throw the "practical!" argument? McMourning shouldn't be running around the street with a decapitated head and his work garments when working with the Guild, but it makes for an awesomer model than a guy with pants a shirt and a shifty gaze.

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This is also why McMourning has a tray with a head on it. He isn't in a lab as that would be silly, he is fighting in the streets of Malifaux but he also has a tray with a head on it because that's just how he rolls. Also when leading a crew of the Guild.

Judge (while decapitating a Terror Tot): "Hey boss, why the tray with the head on it?"

McM (while stabbing (one-handed) a Mature Nephilim): "What tray? What head? I have no idea what you're talking about."

Edit: ninjaed by Razhem. I have to say that I'm rather surprised o_O Damn Ten Thunders and their sneaky ways! *shaked fist*

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I would be very surprised if the game tie-in minis for a failed KS game that may or may not ever itself exist ever come to pass.


Failed KS? They passed their funding goal.




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Oh ye of little faith.

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Because I know when I'm looking to run a crew of literal showgirls led by a flamboyant lady magician and her giant-clockwork-sword-wielding assistant, along with their mechanical dressing dummies (some of whom have big scissor hands), the first thing I ask myself is "But are they practical?"

(And don't even get me started on the Viks and their Hired Wardrobe Malfunctions.)

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I can't make out the flavor text but there is another possibility that explains all of this.

Remember, Colette is both a showgirl AND a smuggler. Her previous sculpt emphasized the showgirl aspect to the exclusion of all else. No one got a smuggling vibe from the previous kit at all. That left some weird mental dissonance because her reason for coming up into conflict, her reason for being in this game, wasn't clearly communicated by the model. She could have been a hired assassin for all we knew, tearing the spines from her enemies so she could dance on them in twisted shows at the Star.

The new model is an attempt to highlight more of that smuggler aspect of the character while still leaving a bit of the old showgirl sass behind (so not pants). Its possible the entire crew is going in this more subdued direction, its been a while between when we first saw performer art and now.

Still not sure on the goggles though. I'll put them with Seamus' inexplicable knee pads.

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