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I really like M2e

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It just kinda hit me. I remember the flame wars and doom and gloom with the edition change but those things really didn't come to pass. M2e isn't dumbed down IMO. AP efficiency leading to the dominance of swarm lists didn't happen. And so on and so forth.

It turned out really great! :)

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It just kinda hit me. I remember the flame wars and doom and gloom with the edition change but those things really didn't come to pass. M2e isn't dumbed down IMO. AP efficiency leading to the dominance of swarm lists didn't happen. And so on and so forth.

It turned out really great! :)

I was one of those doom and gloomers..........I'll happily eat that crow!!  I WAS WRONG!!!!! M2E is fantastic.

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I believe I still owe Dgraz a beer over a misunderstanding. 


 And yeah, I am happy with how it turned out. I still don't understand how to explain to people that swarm lists do not dominate, I just know they don't. I just tell them to try them (yeah, people still ask me this).

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I believe I still owe Dgraz a beer over a misunderstanding. 


Pssh.....I think if I sat down and had a drink with everyone I thought I owed one, I'd be an alcoholic.


I'm just glad I got past it. And glad for the new Forum restrictions......no more fighting. No stress.......the forums are like 'happy-land' in comparison to before........I still happily sport my 'Usual Suspect' title, but even I haven't been nearly as snarky as I used to be.........on second thought, I may need to see a doctor.

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As somebody who got into Malifaux with M2E is must admit that it looks much easier for new players. The old fold out stat cards were nice, but they required an academic degree to understand them. Rules are cleaner and seem more intiutive.


I also feel proud at M2E, for having player input shaping the final product, which is great. 

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I've gotta agree that M2E is really something, I have limited experience with 1st ed Malifaux but it kept all of the unique qualities that got me into the game and improved on them a fair bit. Coming from a WHFB back ground it's refreshing to play a game so vastly different and unique. It's not perfect (to be fair nothing is truly perfect) and there are a few niggles here and there in regard to balance but overall it's a damn sight better than many other systems out there. The fact that Wyrd allowed open beta on the rules and models was an incredibly refreshing touch and it really helped me and I'm sure a lot of the community feel involved and really get on board as our suggestions and feedback were taken into account. There are a few things that I'd change given the opportunity such as the unusual LoS and Ht rules, but perhaps I feel that way because of the WHFB background that I had been immersed in for nearly 15 years prior to jumping on the Malifaux train. Overall it's a fantastic rule set and I'd happily rate it 9.5/10 every time! Top marks Wyrd! You've got yourself another Plastic Crack addict on your hands  :D

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I still remember how heated the arguments got initially. I really like M2E. My friend from Illinois came down to visit and help my wife and I move and a Molly Vs. Raspy game was one of the better ones I've played, with a Victory for Molly by 1 point with Killjoy and the Mechanical Rider destroying each other turn 1. Glad I got the chance to help with the creation of the new system that plays much more smoothly, and is much more in balance than the first system was.


As others have said, there are some kinks, and a few models I think slipped through, but on the whole the system plays much better, and leads to closer more enjoyable games I feel.

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I played during M1e, and while I loved it, the games was easily broken by a few crews.  It was a turn off for a lot of people (including me).


I am glad the game has turned around.  I have been playing almost exclusively for the last four or five months (I still sneak a game or three of WHFB every once in a while).


The game is much smoother than before, and I am having a blast, as are my opponents...which is more important.


Thank Wyrd, and all you playtesters!  I thank you from the bottom of my black little heart!

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I remember looking at this game several years ago and not being overly impressed by the miniatures. Some were nice, but not enough of them for me to investigate further. When looking again earlier this year I saw a lot that I liked so thumbs up to M2E. 

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