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What do you want to see in wave 3?

The Zinc Lich

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Alright, the Avatar playtest is going on hiatus while they work on printing the wave 2 book. We've seen every model we are likely to see in 2014, but that doesn't mean we can't wildly speculate! What is it that you all feel this game still needs?


I'd personally like to see:


A Mercenary with Chatty- Chatty is an enormously powerful ability, both for denying schemes (trying to stop a Silurid from finishing Deliver Message or Plant Explosives is enormously difficult without it), and for forcing your schemes through (removing the opponent's ability to remove Distract from their models, for instance). I'd like to see a moderately priced, fairly survivable Mercenary to give every faction access to Chatty in some form or another. Surely there must be con-men in Malifaux willing to shyster people for a bag of Soulstones.


More Last Blossoms- either a Last Blossom that is actually dual faction, or even an Outcast with the Last Blossom characteristic. It'd be nice to give Ten Thunders Misaki's Infiltration ability a bit more of a work out.


More Outcast Constructs- I'll admit it. I have a bit of a thing for Vanessa. I was sad to see her Arcanist Ties get the axe (maybe it could be brought back as an upgrade? She is an Enforcer, after all). Right now, her choices for in-faction constructs to use her Command Construct ability on are either 4 stones (Abominations, Hodgepodge Effigy) or 10+ (Lazarus, Desolation Engine, Ashes and Dust). They're all good picks, but I'd personally like something in between for more options.


A gun with a Blight trigger- or some other way of projecting blight further than 5 inches from a model without Hamelin's pipes. Not that the pipes aren't cool or anything, but I'd like to see Nix get a shot in the arm for small points games. A minion with blight triggers and Leap would work just as well.

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I don't think well see anything "new" for a while (at least a year or so). Malifaux needs to settle on in with all of it's current models, before we start adding more peices to the puzzle. Master wise, we already have a lot of choices with many different themes that make them individual. Adding in new masters with the already 7 available options (and I feel it's too many as is) could really dilute the game. I'd like to see more upgrades, strats/schemes, and campaign uptions before we see new masters. Adding in new minion/henchman models however, is always something I'd like to see. Some masters could really benefit from more minion/henchmen to flesh out their themes!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with the general sentiment that there's nothing left to do but, first and foremost, "tying up loose ends": I don't want another 30 models, among them 7 new masters with no art, not to even mention the corresponding minis. I just want to get my hands on the stuff we "have", and that is, to be honest, not *that* much. I'd love for the plastics release to pick up the pace. So... make Wave 3 the Release wave, if you so will.

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I'd like some functional avatars out of it. There seems to be a lot still to do to get some of them to work. Personally I think the design constraints is a big problem and that the result will be much like it was in 1.5, but that's what we got to work with.


As for other things I'd like to see eventually. I'd really like a showgirl with a gun, I've seen some cool miniatures for that kind of model, I think wyrd could do a good job with it and it would be nice to have.


But I don't think we 'need' anything any time soon and from Wyrd's perspective I'd rather focus on getting the plastics out as soon as possible. That's what's stopping me getting new crews, I want to wait for the plastics, new rules isn't going to help with that.

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I would love to see some more scenarios, a la Iron Zombies.




After wave 1 plastics are all released, and wave 2 plastics are about halfway done, I think scenarios would be cool. I loved the Idea of university of Trans, and I think it's a very clever way to release new models in between waves/expansions. also, themed scenarios including alt sculpts of fan favorite models would sell like hot cakes 

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At the moment all we need is to get first two waves complete. After that i'm open for anything, but expanding new masters of second edition would be quite nice, cause some of them do not have options for every situation. Also to be quite frank some novels would be also fun.
But it is important to let new models and rules to set in. For example GW keeps releasing new rules and models with such pace that basic gamer has no money/time to keep up with it and this takes its toll on people. This coming from someone who has gone through that process.

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I think I would be happy with just more story encounters/campaigns and fluff. Some upgrades to balance out some models (I don't know if the Generic Faction upgrades are needed - I felt that they where in there because they had to be in). But upgrades to say make the Samurai see more time on the table are great.

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