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Everything posted by Maniacal_cackle

  1. I didn't play 2E, but I imagine Parker and Von Schill were still shoot-y crews. Might be worth looking at Lord Cooper for how shoot-y he is?
  2. In general, I find pulsing out a bunch of focus slows me down too much. I like to play quite aggressively, so most of my crews only focus the important models. Molly you've got two engines going that you have to manage. Activation control engine: You activate crooligan(s), focus and drop a scheme marker, and then pass to your opponent. At some point Molly activates and reactivates the Crooligan(s) to gain activation control. Then with last activation(s), you send a beater in to do something important when your opponent can't respond to it - ideally go attack something in the enemy crew, but sometimes just something like claiming a strategy marker. Draw control Engine: When Molly activates, she draws cards, so you want to time her to draw as many cards as possible turn 1. She can also lost knowledge. A savvy opponent will drain their hand, so you may not be able to abuse this. In some matchups (where you want more cards), you use the necrotic machine to strange behaviour cards into the opponents hand, then you accomplice into Molly for her to draw cards. This costs activation control, though, so the two engines are always at odds with each other. Reva I want to abuse the shieldbearers. So I tend to activate the corpse candles that I plan on killing (to avoid losing activation control), then shieldbearer(s) to pulse focus and bash stuff up the field. Then I walk a remaining corpse candle near where grave golem will be. Then grave golem activates and throws the corpse candle somewhere useful. Then at some point in the turn, Reva charges and attacks through the corpse candle. Seamus I want to setup a kill or disruption with Seamus, so I look for a window for that. Initially I charge him up with focus via the nurse or whatever, and then I send him in when I think the opponent can't retaliate. You want to do it as early in the turn as you can do safely, but in practice this tends to be end of the turn. McMourning I'm not sure what the right balance is, but you want to get all your poison stacking done quick so your crew can spread out. It might be the right call in some instances to have more than one poison stacking group so you don't have to bunch up your whole crew. Getting the nurses activating at the best Tools for The Job time is useful, but you also want them to hand out focus if possible.
  3. You can play double rush with one player controlling two crews, that might work well? Double rush is in some of the GGs, it is two crews of one master + 10 stones each.
  4. I just tried Seamus with Molly as a second master, and it felt pretty glorious. Round 1. Here's the list I took: Seamus & Copycat Whisper upgrade Molly & Crooligan 2 doxies 2 belles I don't think it is the final version of the list, but this felt pretty potent. Molly did her usual thing of supercharging the crew, so there were a lot of repositioning shenanigans to be had. That centre platform means pushes mean a LOT. You can throw people off the building into hazardous fire, effectively doing 4 extra damage... It's BRUTAL. So Redchapel definitely feels pretty nuts here. Not to mention the entire centre platform is blocking, so you can secret passage however you want...
  5. That'd be really cool if Daw was a support master! I love support masters and love his keyword, so that'd be an auto-buy for me. I think it'd want to be something mobility based, right? And also if he doesn't have to eat cards with discard, his crew will have a lot more cards to work with?
  6. There's frequently people looking for games in the discord group, recommend that! https://discord.gg/UTfVzUTg
  7. Bete's bonus action to unbury and charge... Technically she can use it when not buried, so she can just get a free charge by consuming a corpse anywhere on the field.
  8. I think part of it is you can play some masters quite well with 2 (like Molly), or even just 1 box + versatiles.
  9. 5-5 tie. He did not expect me to suddenly leap forward with an extra point on Bait And Switch for the free point at the end of the game with no effort xD I tried to deny his Claim Jump, but just hadn't managed my hand properly to force it through. I also always think that hidden martyrs is 'end the game on their table half unengaged' and not 'end the game engaged', so I jumped through a bunch of hoops that turned out to be useless xD I did score it at the last moment, though. Molly is fantastic at denying the strategy, but it is another one of those cases where you don't really have enough gas to both score and deny it, particularly on standard deployment. I ended up taking Manos, Vincent, Philip, Archie, 2 crooligans. Philip kept removing things which was pretty useful, but I'm not sure it was more useful than just hiring a better model in the first place (like Dead Rider). Eventually he realised he could just summon a drowned to stun Vincent, and then Vincent was rendered obsolete xD
  10. I think the thing with all those other funky formats is that they're pretty unusual, but yeah, it's true you can treat the GG as something separate from the core rules and then it all sort of balances out. It helps to see it as special tournament modifications. And after playing Break The Line against Kirai, it definitely is good that you can't use summons for that strategy xD She'd have cleaned up otherwise.
  11. That's a fair point, you can always put it up further on the learning curve. But it is a bit awkward to teach someone how to play and then be like "oh, but this isn't how it is actually played in the tournament next month." EDIT: Fair point about complexity, it may not be a great solution either!
  12. Well, experiencing both issues is certainly the most punishing option 😜 Summons were already a dice-y idea, but if people were into it I would just tell them about the purchasing obstacles. Now it'll be something I recommend more strongly to avoid. Also some casual players LOVE big crews. Like a lot of new players are drawn to Dreamer's gorgeous keyword and don't mind painting up the whole thing (and I think you only need 3 big boxes + Teddy to basically have the keyword).
  13. Yeah, I think that there a lot of players that start that I'd now just say "look, playing a summoner as your first master isn't a good idea" at this point. As you say, it was always a bit of a stretch, but now it is even moreso. Seems really punishing for the casual community. Yeah, this is a bit of a different topic, but with Dreamer for instance I've always found the "summon 2 models, run in with the cricket bat" is a good way to handle turn 3. After that, you really don't need your summons anymore, as it just isn't as efficient to summon a model for 1-2 turns vs. 4-5.
  14. This is a bit of a separate issue, in that I think they should just update the strategies. There's no reason to have 2-3 versions of the same strategy. Yeah, but that just makes it even more awkward to prepare "here's several different ways of playing the rules. Good luck figuring out which one you're playing when you visit the neighbouring city!" Overall, I've also just heard the opinion that summons are now more trouble than they're worth (although I think summons were fine in GG0). There's just a lot of layers of complexity getting added.
  15. Most people I've talked to with concerns about the new rules focus on how clunky they are. I worry about this resulting in 'rules bloat' over time, with more and more complexities are added in to try to balance it. What perfectly encapsulated it all was when I was talking to my friend and we raised the issue of what we are going to do with new players trying to learn the summoning rules. They are SO clunky, I can't imagine trying to teach them to a new player on top of everything else in Faux, already one of the most complex games I play. For example, think of a situation where... Guard Patrol 1 (which was hired), can do everything normally. Guard Patrol 2 (which was summoned this turn) can't do anything for friendly schemes and strats, and can't interact, but the opponent can score off of them. Guard Patrol 3 (which was summoned last turn) can't do symbols or break the line, but can do half of turf war and anything on corrupted leylines. I was going to list out a whole bunch of other complexities, like going through interactions with the schemes, but I realised this probably already makes the point. There's the additional complexity, where if someone asks "can my summon do leylines", they now need to go read multiple parts of the rules (the main rules and the GG2 section on summons). In my view, what they should have done was just do each strategy and scheme on a case-by-case basis for summons. If Break The Line said that summons can't interact, that would then make it really clear. If someone asks "can my summon do leylines" the answer should ideally be as close to "read the strategy" as possible. Anyone else worried about the rules bloat issue (nothing to do with balance, just how clunky it is to learn and track all this)? P.S. Overall great job, Wyrd. Really looking forward to the season
  16. I think Reva will be support and/or summoner of her children. Seamus - hot take - HE STILL WON'T HAVE A damaging ATTACK AGAINST WILLPOWER 😡
  17. I think every summoner is going to have this issue, so I imagine it is going to be one of the biggest points of contention for the crew. One possibly solution as people say is buffs. Like if you have a marcus-style Ulix maybe it works if he also has a decent bow. But I think Marcus shows that you need to have a pretty good baseline for a model to be worth buffing (especially if it takes master AP).
  18. In the movement section of the rulebook, it mentions that movement is never 'off the table.' So if you leave the table by dying, you can't say "no, Laugh Off prevents that" xD Same goes for Burying
  19. I think you can still tech, just different tech. Flight and other places is the way to go.
  20. I think they work fine as non-destructible because they're not impassable (same as Titania's Underbrush). And while these ones can affect incorporeal models, the only way to get them on the table is with Sonnia or for your opponent to do it for you, right?
  21. Since focus caps at +2, I'm guessing this involves the red joker... xD
  22. I was under the impression that arriving to the table was movement as well. Do you know where in the rules it clarifies that? I know in the initial part that they say models can never move off a table.
  23. Also heal prevention and/or shutting down soulstone use will destroy the crew pretty quickly as well. I get the feeling Daw is one of those crews with some really bad matchups and some really good one, so can be rough as your main master.
  24. From memory, ignoring terrain means you are unaffected by the negative effects (see terrain sidebars in the rulebook). So I think it actually works against incorporeal!
  25. Jack Saw - some sort of 12 health interpretation of the card xD Hamelin - blight tokens now spread at the start of each turn. Any model within 3 of a model with blight gains another ?
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