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Everything posted by Hawkoon

  1. Last outcasts list I played was Viks vs Ironsides. Not sure I recall correctly but I think the lists were something like this 2x Viktoria w/soldier for hire Taelor Vanessa Bishop 2x Ronin Ironsides Mouse Amina Fitzsimmons Gunsmith 2x miners 2x steamfitters Long story short, the viks (with a little help from Vanessa) kept most of the opponents crew busy with attacks, clever placements and pushes, avoiding engagement ranges, stoning damage and healing when possible. They're excellent at dancing around Ironsides just out of reach, while killing her crew around her. By the time my opponent realized he had been using 75% of his crew dealing with just the Viks for a couple of turns I had the rest of my crew set up easily removing the remaining 25% and scoring VPs. I think using the Viks as a diversion like this, can be very effective, but you do require a big ss cache (I had 8), some easy targets for heals and a bit of luck. Very few people dare leave the Viks alone (and with good reason at that), so you're almost guaranteed the opponent will go after them. The mobility of the mercenary crew is just great, and makes them hard to pin down unless you can jam them between terrain and/or bodies. (Bishop never actually got to throw a single punch, but he was chain-ganging Taelor and the Ronin and scheming like a boss.)
  2. Already got 2 of those, but sadly they're on 40mm bases, and I don't want to rebase them (cool models though, proxied one for Nekimas totem earlier)
  3. If Kyle didn't want it public, he probably shouldn't have posted it on twitter... I'm 99% sure you're safe from visitors at night because of this😉
  4. Here's to hoping Wyrd makes new sculpts of the pair. I don't really like having duplicate sculpts and I really dislike the old metal ones, but it does seem they might work best as a foursome.
  5. Looks like I'll be needing another pair of Lelu and Lilitu... 😈
  6. Lelu's link with Hayreddins tot summoning is interesting, seeing as he can be affected by it himself. So on his own he can actually hurt himself twice for 2 points of damage from black blood. Might be worth a try atleast.
  7. I usually run with something similar, though I like to put IR on a mature instead of Hayreddin, as diving charge is just awesome to get him where your opponent doesn't want him, also makes him impossible to pin down. I have tried Lilitu instead of a young, but her low df and mv can be troublesome. I guess it depends on what my opponent brings if I really need that lure. Nephilim have little issues getting around the board so I guess lure is best used when you have bubbles you need to disrupt. I struggle finding a place for Lelu though... He does have a thing going with card draw, black blood through selfharm and healing with Lilitu, but I just feel I get more work done taking a young instead.
  8. The Sabretooth Cerberus with the feathered wings mutation are really really good. I've only tried him once with 2 of those and they were ace. Flight, leap and butterfly jump makes them extremely mobile, not to mention that you can have Myranda or Marcus move them as well.
  9. Adding in black blood from the damage he takes on the trigger, yes that's roughly the same as min. 5. Just remember that RI is only on enemy attacks, not when you cut yourself on purpose. I'd be a bit careful using that trigger too much or he'll quickly find himself dead, but taking 1 damage for a potential "death by black blood" could well be worth it.
  10. Titania was widely played in both closed and open beta (I had a few games with her myself), and as far as I remember none of the testers found her broken in her current state. Keep in mind that a single unprepared game isn't a very reliable way to judge performance(that's why the game has been through so many months of betatesting with a big playerbase). So now that you know what she can do, I suggest you try playing against her again, or even better, try playing her yourself. PS: injured can be lowered by 1/2/3 by having another friendly model within 2" do an assist action.
  11. Maybe you should have the shaman attack something else? I usually have him stabbing Nekima or Mature since they will survive the hit, then heal 1 from the trigger, 1 from blot clot and regen 2 when they activate. Even if you do get a severe on the double negative, they will be healed full when they activate. Have you tried Hayreddin yet? He might not look it, but he's actually quite sturdy when he's tag-teaming Nekima or a mature because of revitalizing icour.
  12. I'm just sad i bought the alt. Graves and Tannen that I thought would fit better with my neverborn 😥
  13. I might have misunderstood, but I'm not sure you're playing grim feast right. Looks like you are grabbing 2 corpses with one action, or using a action twice. As far as I know the only ways to grow in one turn is by eating a corpse then killing a model, kill 2 models or have Nekima hurl a corpse and then either kill a model or eat a corpse.
  14. For Lucius you should really get the other mimics and elites. Until Agent 46 and Alan Reid comes out you should get Changelings, Doppelganger and Investigators. (I am assuming you got Lucius' totem?) Lucius is also somewhat lacking in the "beater-department" within keyword (except Agent 46, he's mean...), so you'll want to hire one or two minions out of keyword with him. (Mature/young nephilim are very viable, and you'll probably get them for Nekima anyway). Nekima is a bit more tricky as we have no idea what will be included in the crew box, but I guess you'll be safe if you get the 2e Nephilim box (2x young nephilim and 1x mature) as you can basicly include 2 of these boxes in 1 crew. Hayreddin is also a decent henchman (ressurectionsist in 2e, but neverborn in 3e), but you will need to get some terror tots as well since he can summon them. I also highly reccomend getting Lilitu as her lure is really really good. She does however come in a box with Lelu, but since you can have 2 of each it doesn't really matter if you already have 1 Lelu (though I doubt you'll ever need 2 Lelu models to play). Until Nekima gets a release you'll have to proxy her totem though, and I don't see any reason to not bring it as it's now free when hiring.
  15. @Caedrus: It's been a busy month with real life stuff, so I didn't manage to finish any projects😥
  16. I've been slacking too much lately, so sounds like a good push to get some work done. Sign me up for henchman!
  17. Some kind of Zorro-ish scarification autograph is plausible...
  18. This is clearly my favorite entry in the competition so far. Awesome work🤯
  19. This one certainly exceedes your round 1 entry! If I lose to this duel I most certainly won't be upset. May the best wyrdo win
  20. I've been waiting for The Queens Return since october 2017, close to a full year now. Titania was supposed to be my first neverborn master, but in the meantime I've gotten Lilith, Pandora, Dreamer and Lucius as well as the Viks for my Outcasts, as well as a LOT of non-master boxes... It's beyond ridiculus, and would most likely have driven me from the game if I didn't love it as much as I do. Some kind of official response from Wyrd would be appropriate, but I only get sour second hand "answers" from the shop where I ordered it.
  21. Hawkoon

    Mr. Tannen

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