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Everything posted by thatlatinspeakingguy

  1. Molly has no card manipulation per se, but can draw a lot of cards, her crew discards them for multiple purposes, plus you can hire a Nurse for even more draw and put Whisper on something for some deck manipulation. Jack Daw's crew has insane discard mechanic, and they can also draw you some cards. A cherry on the top: neither of them is a summoner!
  2. I have never played against Dashel as a Leader, but I have faced Lucius+Dashel and Nellie+Dashel lists, and in both his summoning was fairly efficient: Lucius draws a lot of cards and Nellie simply makes your opponent drop their markers for you. In both scenarios my opponent was able to summon something big on turn one.
  3. Is there the FAQ document for 3rd edition (other than the very general FAQ about 3rd edition)? I couldn't find any, and I would like to know what's official ruling on the interaction between Crooligan's Fading and By Your Side abilities.
  4. that's not how it works. Cassandra takes her action Upstage to USE another model's action, and not only to be able to take it eventually, as her second action. So you take exactly one action to copy and use copied action.
  5. players involved in testing were doing it voluntarily and non profit. no one can blame them for not testing everything properly. it was up to Wyrd to provide us with finished product. if everyone was aware that the DMHs did not receive a proper testing (and I have an impression that this was a common sentiment among testers and Wyrd was certainly aware of that), printing their cards should have been witholded.
  6. this. they should know that the DMHs are not properly tested, unfinished products which prematurely entered the market. would you use a medicine which has a note "not tested - may cause a cancer" on it's wrapping? no. for the same reason you don't allow DMH.
  7. I'm not a fan of 2 masters lists if neither of them is a summoner, but I was fancying about fielding Molly as a second master with Seamus instead of Nurse and Archie, not only because she can cover the role of the Nurse (free focus and card draw), but also because she can actually get some value from Scarlet Temptations.
  8. It's hard to say with small pool of games and keywords played, but honestly I don't feel any improvement in terms of balance. I played Redchapelle most of my games and I haven't lost a single game using that keyword so far, despite being an average player. If my opponent does not bring a summoning master, I feel that I have won already on a stage of crew composition. But this may be because many players in my city still try things out, so they too often bring generic keyword based crews with no OOK/versatile models to cover their weaknesses (like access to free focus, healing, etc.). So time will show and once meta settle down I will propably have to put Seamus on the shelf. But I don't think that competitive meta will become more diverse than it was in 2E. Simply, not every keyword has a lot of free focus, card draw, summoning and AP allocation, and these are features which at this point seem to me to be meta defining (btw. haven't you noticed that Sandeep once again has all of them?)
  9. that's one of the most powerful upgrades in the game undoubtedly, but it only encourages you to do what you're going to do anyway - use mainly focused attacks.
  10. come on, Archie has a tentacle on his arm. A TENTACLE. he's made for being a pirate! p.s. you can convert one of his fists into a hook!
  11. half-human half-giant mussel who summons deckhands and parrots from its shell?
  12. You need to stone for one of the suits, and then flip or cheat the other one.
  13. Being able to give focus to your beaters without spending their own AP seems to be one of the defining elements of the meta in 3rd edition. Even if you don't manage to succeed three times with your tanuki, he is still better than LRM (and one of the best 5ss models in the game imho).
  14. Now, please, make The Drowned an official proxy for Crooligans. By the way, don't you think that this is so cool and unique that this should be our next master and not just a nightmare crew? It's main offensive mechanic could be burying enemies via 50 mm Riptide markers, from which they could eventually emerge damaged and Stunned or Staggered. Keyword's main beater could be a white necrowhale, swallowing it's enemies and thus burying them too...
  15. I had the very same list in mind and hope to give it a try soon! I have also tried an opposite list - Kirai as a leader, Molly as a second master - but the game lasted only two rounds, so I didn't learn much from it.
  16. This, plus they can sink a lot of wounds for they cost, which makes me think that they were designed to walk and engage models that you would eventually like to shoot. None of these purposes is worth fielding a 5 ss model (not to say a 7ss model) with no usefull actions and abilities tbh.
  17. I find Nurse extremely useful in Redchapelle. I would say she's one of the best models in the faction I have tried so far. Free Focus for Seamus, Tools for the Job, her ranged attack and Bedside Manners were worth these 7ss so far.
  18. Ok, nevermind. It has turned out that there is also a general thread about the changes and I have found all information there. Please, admins, delete this thread if that's possible.
  19. Chiaki has a trigger on her Spirit Flute action which says "Choose a model within range. The chosen model may Attach the Reliquary (X) Upgrade, where X is the name of any other model within range."
  20. I saw a thread in the Guild forum about changes between the last iteration of beta models and released models. So here I am to ask anyone who already had (unlike me) seen new models: has anything changed in Redchapelle, Urami and Forgotten keyword? I am asking about these specific keywords because today I'm going to play a game of Redchapelle vs Urami with Molly, and I would feel uncomfortable knowing that some of our cards might be inaccurate. Of course feel free to post about other keywords as well.
  21. Kirai's crew starts to run smoothly once you put Adversary here and there and keep it between turns. Jaakuna's main drawback imo is that she has no way to give that condition out.
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