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Everything posted by Treehouse

  1. Well thought, I do, in fact, own a number of Neverborn models, including the Stiched and Doppelgänger, but wanted to hear spontaneous thoughts without reading through a list of models already present (thats faster, too)
  2. I'm thinking about starting Collodi. I'd like to ask for your suggestions: What would be your 5-6 buys for Collodi, from the top of your head?
  3. Never played her, but for what I've read, people tend to use the following: - Nurse - Juju (with Upgrade) - Waldgeists - Wisps (- Widow Weaver) - McTavish - some kind of beater - Doppelgänger (well, he/she/it can be used in any crew...)
  4. Yep, it'll have to do with overall faction rules design. By the way, I like Beckoners for their 4", too. But in general, I only use their ranged attack occasionly and think it is generally not the best idea to make brilliance part of your game plan. At least that's not something I'd take a Beckoner over Lilitu. I like the movement/lure/push combos with a Doppelgaenger and Graves and that a Beckoner can hide behind a wall, move + lure and use the 4" to get back outside LoS, for example. In general, I still consider Lilitu better for what she does.
  5. @KrazyIvan: That's why I chose not to take part in the first place, even though I like painting-challenges like this. One reason is that I'm easily distracted :P. I might start a model only to pick up another one later or start building terrain. Or do something completely unrelated to the hobby in my free time. Also, while I like to get my monthly paint jobs in, I have so many 'to do-lists' on my desk or in my head, another one - even if fun and hobby related - is actually more stress than recreation for me.
  6. So, finally some progress. I've been painting different models here and there, not finishing either - due to lack of modtivation and/or time. Well. Finally finished my core Ironsides crew, though I rushed a couple of those models and I'm not really too satisfied with them. Some need matte varnished. Would have liked them in NMM, but metal colours were so much quicker. The bases do help to improve the overall look. But I guess I'll never paint Mouse. Don't know, maybe I'll do a mini-diorama some time....but I want to paint those Malifaux models I'm going to play first. First, a better photo of Ironsides herself. And the crew:
  7. Thanks @ringsnake. So a Western akward basement otaku :P.
  8. Still not convinced, but try it out.
  9. I had the same problems: 1. Create a gallery on this website --> go to your profile for that. 2. Upload photos to your gallery,. For this, simply open your gallery and choose 'upload files' 3. You can then enter info, I always skip that part. 4. Open both this thread and in a second tab your gallery. Click on the image you want to upload. It will open in a slide. From there, you can simply drag and drop it into this thread. You can change the size of the images in your posts here. If you want to add pictures, return to your slide, click left or right in the overview below the image shown, and then drag&drop and repeat as wanted.
  10. So very much worth the work - I admire the amount of thought and work that has gone into this. Excellent piece of work. I'd love to see that Peacekeeper.
  11. I liked the read. Though I don't agree with everything, the Samurai thing for example was new and the article was entertaining to read. (I din'T get what a wheebo (?) is and just overread it....yeah...I guess it doesn't really fit in there). I thought the article was well structured actually. And concerning the body of literature, having more on the same topic helps to filter information and I like to read different takes on a topic - in content, style and structure. So, while @iamfanboys critique is fair and offers good advice, I think it judges the article on an academic scale which per se is a solid orientation but not always something to work after.
  12. Can backfire, as it can just move/be pushed closer to Pandora who then can't abuse her high WP. Also, to just take a Shaman for that is probably not worth it, as it's still a condition, which can be removed. As you might also like Sorrows/Iggy in a Misery list who tend to be close to Pandora and have low wounds, that can cost you. And it's just 1".....I don't think it will come up often or ever. Maybe if you Lure models in (which could be done and is nice for a Misery list anyway)...but then again, you have invested alot of points for just that one trick than might not even work.
  13. Just to be precise on how the terror-trick works, in case it's not clear yet: 1. You hide in a friendly, terror-causing model (mind the difference between terror living and terror all) 2. You attack a target and get the trigger to control that target to take an attack action against the model you are hiding in. 3. Your target has to take a terror check to perform said attack. As you are the target's controler for the whole action, you flip for the terror check and can fail on purpose by cheating low enough or just flipping well (well...badly in this case, actually). 4. The target is paralyzed. Bonus: If it's Teddy whose shadow you're in, he can attack the target because it has then failed a WP check. But only once, as Smell Fear only works once per turn. Bonus: If you play Lynch and have a terrifying model (can be an Illuminated if you don't want to invest in Teddy) you can do multiple paralyze 'obeys' by using the Bandersnatch and Huggy. Put the Snatch into the Illuminated, trigger for paralyzing attack (see above) and later, use Huggys Heed My Voice to force another model to attack that Illuminated and purposely fail the terror check. It might not come up often, as there are many 'ifs' in that calculation, but it's a nice threat-multiplier As mentioned in another thread, while the paralyze trick is powerful, abusing pounce can be, too. I want to try using a Bandersnatch with a Rougarou.
  14. @E.cat Miss Terious is a gorgeous model, no question. Too bad that special offers and promotions are hard to come by here. Make sme a sad panda. Yeah - it's hard to decide which way to go...I guess you can end up with bad bargains any way you do it. That's why I've rarly bothered to sell anything. If I paind like 400€ for a Warmachine army and even painted all of them (oh hours where art thou?) and I could only sell them for, say 100, or even 150€, I'd rather have them sitting in my cabinet looking nice. Though, if anybody wants some Spacemarines, Imperial Guard or Eldar for cheap, I'd love to get those out of my hand @OP: I agree with e.cat, that's probably the better way to go.
  15. @ergonomic cat: If you are hinting at a certain missus, so would I ;). Too bad I'm to far away for shippment etc. anyway. :/ So, Miss Terious should fetch a good price.
  16. As metaphoricdragon said + the Gremlin alternative Hog Whisperer that Adran mentioned, those are the hard to optain to rare models. Granted, I found Misaki for 9€ at a hobby store last year, new and OVP. The Avatar models - is you can optain them - go for roughly 30€ new in Germany. Though all thouse you've got are sold out, so they might fetch more. On the other hand, they are painted, that will make them harder to sell for good $$$. (If you consider selling them single, you might want to dump them in Sterilium or the like to strip the paint before that). Then again, if you want to sell them, I'd probably not sell them bit by bit - people will buy the juicy models for cheap and you will be left with a pile of models nobody wants. I'd make bundles + extra goody like trixter suggestet. Example: The metal watcher - 5th/6th picture on the right, next to the old lady with a shotgun - people like to play two of them but the new plastic ones only come in a crew box. So I could see that people would like to get a single watcher for cheap, but they wouldn't buy Hoffman (last picture on the right) as he's already in the crew box and you can only play one master.
  17. Several Malifaux models on the workbench but not much time...so in the meanwhile, some other toys. I bought the lot when I was visiting Berlin last year. I had found a store (Battlefield Berlin) which looked awesome judging by the photographs and I wanted to check it out. I love visiting hobby stores, I always feel many years younger - wandering around and looking at the vast amount of products, discover new cool stuff. This store had boxes with discounted and out of production stuff, and that's where I found my Bakunin force for a bargain. Unpainted, even. Yay. With all that shiny metal, I decided to join the monthly painting challenge at the Infinity forums (similar as we got here) to see how far I could get in a month. It worked out, though painitng assembly line just isn't for me. I remembered the frustration of painting the 60th Skink warrior or the 82nd Guardsman. *Brrrrr* The test-mini: The rest: The whole lot: Joining the cabinet:
  18. I dunno, if you take the Wisps and the Snatch aaaand want to go heavy on Pandora's WIP damage (aka taking Sorrows and most likly Iggy), you will end up sinking alot of points into models that can die easily. I guess it depends on what the shemes are (as always). Positioning the Wisps in synergy with Pandora in a way that you can drop the markers where they are supposed to go might be more of a pain than just taking a Madness. Though the Snatch crawling into Pandy's shadow is nice if you have if you are playing Box-Pandora.
  19. I haven't played with Wisps yet, but I gather that they are quite different to the Bandersnatch. The 'Snatch isn't actually so much about attacking - though its damage is solid for a 5 point minion IMO. It is more there to mess with your opponents crew or allow for mean WIP / terrifying / pounce synergies. It can also fill the role as a sheme-runner. Though it can't get away from an enemy model without a def-duel when crawling out of its shadow, you could crawl into a friendly model -and with its Mov 5 incorp. its not the fastest we got but solid and can adapt to different circumstances. It can go down fast and the timing of shadow crawl can be a pain, but I like Ol'Snatch for the shennanigans he allows for.
  20. This is incredible. The bases are little dioramas each, I love it!
  21. Minor update: Mei's crew so far - forgot the Arachnid next planned additions: 2 Soulstone Miners, another Large Arachnid, a Gunsmith, Lazarus
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