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Hobby Wyrd

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Posts posted by Hobby Wyrd

  1. Quote
    On 2/19/2022 at 2:10 PM, TimH said:

    Hey, there. Looking for a clarifaction on all the advice given here in the initial post.

    Is this advice still applicable to the contents of the other side starter set? The starter set plastic is clearly not the same sort of stuff used by wyrd in the malifaux range but at the same time it feels a fair bit harder than all of the original other side models (i'd happily bend a limb on one of the spindly limbs on a Karkinoi while painting and it would just spring back into position, I wouldn't want to be that forceful with say the claws on Ikiryo as i'd worry they might snap).

    Is all of the advice given by Kyle the same or anything new we should know, thanks in advance!

    Heya! So from my personal experience with the models here in house, the advice is still the same. In fact, I found it easier to readjust and have it stay with this newer plastic. An example for me is the Gatling Gunners. I dropped it into some hot (but not boiling) water and it adjusted back to where it was all on its own. 


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    Hey Wyrdos,

    This week, Waldo completely forgot it was Wednesday. We found him putting on his favorite jorts in preparation for casual Friday (normally he’s pantless and we don’t even work on Fridays – yes, we’ve tried to explain this). Needless to say, he came woefully unprepared to work today. 

    So, this Waldo’s Weekly is a callback to our Wednesday updates back in the day: Wallpaper Wednesday! 

    Rather than just add one like in the days of old, here are a ton of wallpapers that include the title versions of Masters across all the Factions, as well as the Burning Man glowing brightly above Malifaux City! You can find these wallpapers in the gallery here!

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  3. Heya Wyrdos!

    This week, Waldo spent some time looking at the gallery of our Rotten Harvest entries and apparently all the amazing entries have inspired him to try his claw at miniature painting. He's also developed a thirst for paint water. I'm sure that's fine. So while we hide all of our painting supplies, let's take a look at the winners from the 2021 Rotten Harvest Competition!


    We hear all the time about how great the Wyrd community is and we couldn't agree more! Rotten Harvest just wrapped up and what a showing, not only in talent but also in support. Community members from all over the world took the time to show their support with submissions and comments. We are already looking forward to our next painting contest, Winter Wonderland, which will be starting up in December. Now on to the winners!


    1st - @Doc Lead
    2nd - @Brushwarrior
    3rd -  @helldrad


    1st -  @Silver_lining_minipainting
    2nd -  @Glash
    3rd -  @Skrytnik


    1st - @Skrytnik
    2nd -  @Nudelpullover
    3rd -  @MichKonwMinis


    1st -  @Silver_lining_minipainting
    2nd -  @elder
    3rd - @Brushwarrior



    For our Staff Vote categories, it was a hard decision. The wails and lamentations of "How do I choose?!?" could be heard all over. So let's take a look at a few of the Staff favorites!


    Special shout out to @Snorty Saiga for this Killjoy which made me yelp in my office when I first saw it. 


    Additionally, our top Gallery commenters will be receiving gift codes, but the winner of the $50 code goes to @tricksey. Thanks so much to our commenters for their feedback and support of our contestants!

    From all of us here at Wyrd, Thank You. Thank you for making our community a welcoming place and for sharing your passion and hobby.

    Vagrantsong Coloring Giveaway Winner!

    Our Vagrantsong coloring page giveaway's winner has been chosen, and it's @AJimOrtiz from Twitter! Take a look at his take on our spooky coloring page below!


    We will be reaching out to winners about their prizes within the week. As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to email hobby.assistant@wyrd-games.net or Forum PM  @Hobby Wyrd.

    Thanks to all our participants, and keep an eye out for our Winter Competition coming up soon! Keep painting and playing, Wyrd or otherwise!

    • Like 5
  4. As our online presence continues to grow, we are looking for those interested in moderation of the Play Wyrd Discord server!


    Who: Established members of the Wyrd community who have a positive and respectful voice throughout their communications with community members and Wyrd Staff.

    What: A small team of volunteers who are familiar with the ins and outs of Discord and are willing to ensure that the Discord channel follows our Community Code of Conduct.

    When: As Wyrd Staff cannot be available at all times, we need individuals who are able and willing to be online to monitor the Play Wyrd server during the day, especially between the hours of 2300-1100 (11 pm - 11 am) UTC.

    Where: The Official Play Wyrd Discord Channel! The invite can be found here.

    How: If you are interested, please fill out the application form here!

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  5. Howdy Wyrdos!

    We all have some variation of the dreadful shelf. A box, a bin, several drawers that still seem to small somehow... 

    @Caedrus has the Monthly Painting Challenge to try and give us hope that there's an end in sight. But some models sit on the Shelf of Shame because we just don't know what to do with them.

    Thus the Shelf of Shame Support thread! Show us the models you're struggling with, brainstorm with others on techniques and color choices, or even just vent about how everytime you see Studio AG's work you just want to burn your brushes and sob... Sorry, that got away from me for a bit.

    Anywhosies, I look forward to seeing all the models and discussions to come!  

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  6. 56 minutes ago, Higgybeans said:

    So I have had the book a while, and just played my first game with ES.

    Played Tannenbaum, and somehow missed that his book entry is wrong for the entire game.... Am I just unlucky I got a misprinted book?

    Am I just real late to this party?


    151110924_429296221685376_1086993819041445961_n (1).jpg

    Hey there! We are aware of the issue, and I'm happy to report that both the Tannenbaum and Tidecaller cards are correct in the box and on the M3E Crew Builder app. They're also available on Dropbox, along with all of our other released cards and the core rulebook, and the PDF version of the Explorer's Society Faction Book has been updated with the correction. 

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  7. 9 hours ago, Khormy said:

    @Nathan Caroland: Just to clarify, do you mean we can use online order receipes for the promo this time due to coronavirus? Do they need to be from the same country? I live in Denmark and there are no retailers who have any kind of decent malifaux stock and even if they would they do not sell it online. So my only option is wayland at this point.

    Webstores are accepted as long as they are connected to a retailer with a storefront somewhere, even if it's not in your home country. 

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