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Everything posted by lusciousmccabe

  1. It's irrelevant because you have no way of knowing from a person's post how good they are at working with plastic over metal (or vice versa). You have to assume that they're trying to treat their models just as well and feel that one material is easier to work with than the other. Yes, these things do vary from person to person but if you dismiss every experience as being purely down to the poster's habits there's not really any point reading them.
  2. There's been a lot of this sentiment in this thread and it's really irrelevant. Presumably everyone is taking the same level of care with their metals and plastics, so if they find one of them more durable than the other it's a valid comparison. If you reckon people should be more careful with one material over that's a fair point, but otherwise it makes no difference whether you treat you models like sacred relics or let your kids play with them. I didn't mention it earlier but a couple of recent threads have reminded me how much the vector sculpting contributes to my dislike of the new plastics. The quality of sculpts in the old range was pretty variable and probably depended a lot on the artists involved and scheduling. The new plastics have a much more consistent art style and high level of detail but sometimes feature these bizarre errors you would expected to be weeded out in quality control. If you look at Mr. Graves' left hand hand, there's an empty option that has perfectly square edges along the inside, or one holding a square-edged bat that only has texture on 2 of the sides. Guild riflemen gear with flat sides that should obviously be rounded. Then there's the now familiar scaling issues. These all seem like the kind of oversights you wouldn't get if someone were to actually hold the model in their hands and carefully examine it before going to production, and the fact that the model might be otherwise flawless makes them even harder to accept for me.
  3. That didn't stop Lazarus looking like an ill-conceived Mattel reject. The Hunter's look changed quite a lot. It's too sci-fi for me but I know a lot of people love it and it's certainly a nice model in the abstract. Guardian and Watcher will probably be nicer to work with in plastic and look pretty much the same. I do have a soft spot for the old clunky looking peacekeeper but if the new sculpt does the artwork justice he's going to be pretty awesome with that big iron giant grin on him. I still would have ordered an old one half price though if the shipping wasn't horrendous.
  4. Hah, it's funny you mention that. When I started out playing Infinity I was so frustrated with the metal models I started pining for plastic Tyranids I could glue together whatever way and cut up to repose no bother. Then I got so used to working with metal that when I picked up some plastic Malifaux I was like "What is this, why is it so light?".
  5. Definitely an improvement on the original. Such a cool crazy-biker look to him.
  6. Hey Ikvar, I was just wondering why the pin-stripes on Graves' waistcoat bend out to the left and right. I assume it's to simulate his fat belly, but shouldn't they be pushed forward and remain linear from a head-on perspective? It also seems weird how distorted they are compared to the line of buttons which is perfectly straight like it's fitted. Also, I really like your base but I probably would have varied the colour of the cobblestones a bit less so they look uniform apart from repairs, rather than being from a mismatched bag.
  7. My goal with Killjoy is to charge into and engage the biggest cluster of weaker models on the board and hold them up/kill them. Black blood, Terrifying and his healing ability all make him much more effective against groups of weak models than one strong one, and if something powerful tries to neutralise him having a bunch of minions to munch on will make that much harder for them.
  8. To be fair, the game has so much complicated interacting pieces that it would become unplayable if you had to make sure your opponent understands every single thing your crew can do before starting. Sometimes you can completely blow someone away with a combo and it feels really unsportsmanly, but it's hard to predict when that'll happen and it's equally poor sport to pull your punches because you're afraid of surprising your opponent. I'm glad I chose not to read that article, it seemed like it was delving into an area where generalisations are completely pointless.
  9. I think he's in a nice spot where he will melt some of your stuff into slag and disappear but doesn't really stop you from doing stuff otherwise. It's quite nasty but quicker and less frustrating than something that kills 1-2 of your guys and engages or debuffs a bunch of others so you feel like you can't do anything until it's dead.
  10. I think it depends more on the sculpt than anything else. Tiny thin fiddly-bits on a plastic models have a risk of breaking, but they'll always bend on a metal model. A lot of the old one or two piece metal models are pretty sturdy, but it's not like the current Witchling Stalkers are going to break either.
  11. I named my Guild Guards Benson and Stabler and my Lawyer Novac. I was doing a red-white-blue scheme on them and it seemed to easy.
  12. Don't forget about the Rat King's gnaw ability. Your opponent breaks away from your mass of stuff to drop some scheme marker and swing the game? Oh, they're just gone now, with Infectious melodies you can gobble them up from 20" away even. Moving the goalposts indeed.
  13. They should really release an alternate Doppelganger for Guild that looks like the woman from Terminator 3.
  14. It's a pretty damn good way of scoring Frame for Murder Then again you can do something similar with the Primordial Magic for Plant Explosives, so it doesn't really put it ahead of the competition. I like that the Poltergeist isn't just a floating Distract vector this edition but the problem is that the other stuff it can do makes it expensive and usually gets overshadowed by Distract anyway, which is why people go for the cheaper and simpler Primordial magic. It might be nice if it were a Rare 1 minion like the Obedient wretch so you could take both of them, but having negative wp available to every Neverborn crew might be problematic and they probably still wanted it tied to the Pandora crew thematically. EDIT - Fetid Strumpet also totally has it right about the geist's melee attack. Loads of people completely miss that your opponent is automatically on a negative twist to defend so you can really easily hit with Ml 4
  15. I'd imagine knid is referring to the statement about proxies not being allowed because they make it harder to read the battlefield at a glance. A whole crew of puppets could be very confusing visually, but that's more acceptable than one obvious proxy from another manufacturer.
  16. It looks to me that the severe terrain rules are specifically written to avoid this. It says to count the distance moved as double, not to half your move stat.
  17. If an inch moved costs 2" movement then half an inch costs 1" I would assume. When you're halving stats and damage you round it because they only make sense as whole numbers, but there's nothing in the rules to say you can't move in increments of less than an inch.
  18. I actually find Killjoy works great with Hamelin because of Infectious Melodies and the rest of the crew needing something to keep you busy while they blight you. Wouldn't really recommend Hamelin as a starting master though due to model availability and fun-ness considerations.
  19. Very cool. Where did you get all the random gears and stuff?
  20. Her face looks kind of odd, but I've never really liked the face on that sculpt to be honest with you. The rest of the model and the base look really good. I like how the red ties together her clothes and weapon in with the flowers and the shading on the cloth and stone is very nicely done.
  21. Aura Ancestral is the upgrade, the ability I have a problem with is See the Unseen. Basically my question is whether ignoring a duel is the same as being immune to it for the purpose of stuff that removes immunities like the Hanged or Pandora. I've seen it come up a few times in games and opinions vary.
  22. Yeah, I just thought from reading the thread that it's quite hard to make a distinction between the two damage flips without also doing so for the actual damage. I think that's a pretty good one for the FAQ since the rules are ambiguous and it's extremely relevant to anyone playing Hamelin. I wouldn't mind seeing Perdita's Aura Ancestral upgrade FAQ'd as well. Does it make her immune to Terrifying, or super-special-mega immune since it uses a different word that isn't defined anywhere. Also I don't know why it mentions LoS and a , but that's not particularly important.
  23. I particularly like it on Graves since his height help drawing line of sight and he's kind of a bodyguard anyway. It does make him an even higher priority target though, which can be an issue. I think the upgrade is a bit redundant if your only mimics are Lucius and Lawyers but for all the others the defensive bump is pretty much always going to be worth the cost.
  24. I would add to that - Is damage from triggers on Sh and Ml actions reduced by incorporeal? Since the debate in that thread was mostly about whether trigger damage is part of the action damage or separate and incorporeal says to half damage from the action.
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