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Everything posted by Bengt

  1. To add a reference, this is point 2 in the stacking box on page 53 of the rulebook.
  2. In addition to having good healing yourself, a large engagement range (e.g. Izamu) or Chatty (e.g. Mortimer, Philip) on the marker would stop enemy Painkillers (since it's an Interact) from being used.
  3. If you have Viks and Lazarus Vanessa fits real well.
  4. There is already an Enforcer Totem that can summon (Karina) and a Henchman Totem (Hungering Darkness), nothing stops a totem from being powerful. We also don't know what form these abilities will take (and I think it's a good idea to keep it vague until the end), in addition to summoning the wicked doll connection could be Infiltration (Wicked Doll) if the Child end up outside NB or some kind of buff to Wicked Dolls if the Child ends up in NB. That said I hope they wont be totems as some Masters have very integral totems and would thus not be very interested in these guys regardless of what they did. Making them Mercenaries would feel like a massive cop out to me, winning the campaign should mean something. I mean sure all factions will probably get the same amount of models in the next book, so these guys will take "a slot", but the campaign winners will get models with extensive backstories and perhaps some, for their faction, rare abilities.
  5. I don't understand how the trickster marker can in any way be considered a "model" or an "enemy", both of which must be fulfilled for Anna to do her thing.
  6. There is no station requirement to place the possible parent token, so it can be placed on a Peon without giving up 4 VP, that only happen if there is no living model whatsoever. Sure this might be an oversight but that is what the scenario says. And even if so, using one of the non living masters to build a crew with a token minion also seriously skews the scenario. The whole selecting an enemy model only really works in any fun way, IMO, if one assumes all crews have a range of living models so each player can decide if they want an easy target for little gain or a hard target for more gain. So fun idea, poor execution, IMO.
  7. I like to think of it as a not very well thought through scenario. Neverborn and Outcasts can do it as well since they also have some non living Masters (several of which can summon their totems). The Man scenario is likewise very beneficial to Obey, as you can then start the fight and get the 3 VP.
  8. If you play the Child, pick Molly and then a Malifaux Child (I guess he is very precocious) as the only living model. Summon necrotic machine to sacrifice him for 0 VP as he is a peon. Other healers for the Trickster: Librarian (mercenary) Malifaux Child (mercenary)
  9. They seems to glow whatever colour takes the writer's fancy, so go wild.
  10. I built some Mindless Zombies from the TtB kits. Apart from the first dude (who only have some limbs chopped off) I have adjusted arms, legs and heads to make them look a bit shambling.
  11. Colette, you don't get much ranged stuff in her box but she can amplify anyone as one of her main things is handing out AP.
  12. An important reason is that the paralyse trigger (Mental Anguish) is After Succeeding, so you only need to win the duel for it to be eligible, any damage is irrelevant. The different trigger types are on page 32 of the rulebook.
  13. Mei Feng (and all models from her box) is in TT Arsenal 1.
  14. The previous book, Shifting Loyalties, has the culmination of the Governor General's shenanigans. It's an integral part of the overall story that has been running since the second book of 1st edition though (story wise Ripples of Fate is book eight). Very short: Long time ago, powerful sorcerers (or something) called tyrants took over the world of Malifaux, the proto neverborn had a big fight with them and imprisoned them, devastating the world. Much later, in the current time, some are slipping free, Hamelin is one of them and he tried to get more power by messing with "the red cage". Nicodem and Kirai interfered (more of less by accident) and the power from the cage was spread out and latched on to fateful people (i.e. Masters), this was called The Event and gave rise to avatars. The Governor General tried to collect this power for himself, through interference from, among others, Zoraida and Lucius (by design this time) his ritual backfired and the power was redistributed to create the Emissaries. The Governor General seemingly died but it now seems some part of him will be a character/faction in The Other Side game.
  15. How does the Emissary get to Attack? Hoff's Conflux is "other friendly models".
  16. FAQ: 43) When does a model count as having been Activated, at the start of its Activation or at the end of its Activation? For example, if a model is somehow Attacked during its Activation, would it benefit from Manipulative? A model counts as having Activated at the start of its Activation as soon as it is selected to Activate. It would stop benefitting from things like Manipulative at this time.
  17. I think Terracotta warrior is a reference to the Terracotta Army, rather than terracotta in general. I assumed that Cherri Bomb was a reference the song Cherry Bomb by The Runaways. They were a bit more contemporary with the other references in the box, but who knows.
  18. I most definitively meant "parse", do you now object to that it can be "parsed unambiguously"? That seems to have been your argument all along... Or were you just desperate to inject some snark into the discussion?
  19. I'll open by saying that I think it was a really bad idea to give models several station characteristics. While I agree that the "non-Peon" situations can be parsed unambiguously it contains language that will confuse some people. What was wrong with "Peon for encounter purposes" (e.g. Sybelle)? As for Collect the Bounty... I strongly disagree that it can be scored as both under the current wording of Collect the Bounty, the wording clearly assumes that each model only have one station characteristic. There is also no provisions for scoring each model more than once. As for what it should be scored as, both picking the lower or the higher feels completely arbitrary to me (and just wait a few books until a model can have three or more stations... ). The appeal for picking the higher that I can see is that Sun Quiang's talents should benefit him, but it's not always on and there are already situations where it's a bad idea to put up the aura (e.g. if you have picked Exhaust their forces) so I don't think that argument is very strong. In conclusion I think GG16 should get a update posthaste, and until that happens discuss this before picking crews if either player could hire SQ for CtB and add it to any tournament instructions using CtB.
  20. You don't remove the model until "after damaging" triggers have been resolved. Page 32 RB.
  21. The cards for the old Masters doesn't have the new summons from Ripples of Fate either.
  22. Are you saying that you consider use soulstone to be an ability as in the game term "ability"? What do you base that on? Abilities are defined as the stuff listed under "Abilities" on the front of the card (page 21 RB). Use soulstone is just a rule as far as I can tell (with the exception of the Soulstone Miner, which has an actual ability called "Use Soulstone" ).
  23. Some more: The Judge has Final Response like Lady J. Gaki can eat corpse markers to heal, Carrion Effigy can give a similar ability to the leader. Mysterious Emissary's markers are not blocking (only hazardous, severe) but he do a have trigger on his attack to discard the usual markers in 4. Freikorps Specialist (mercenary) remove corpse and scrap without AP. Steam Trunk give a (0) to friendly models to remove corpse and scrap. Mei Feng has a trigger to remove the usual markers. Leveticus, Rusty Alice, Abominations, Desolation Engine, A&D prevents models from dropping corpse markers when they kill them with the Desolate Warping trigger (the Abomination summon). Sue (mercenary) has a trigger to remove corpse and scrap markers.
  24. It's kind of odd that it took so long for the rat engine to be a "big thing" as there is an article in Chronicles 14 (October 2014) singing its praise and encouraging Outcast players to use it with other masters. The article doesn't mention Killjoy but it points out how much for instance the Viks can benefit from activation control.
  25. Some of the passages look a bit tight. Can 50 mm models pass through them?
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