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Everything posted by 4thstringer

  1. I wonder if he isnt better in gg. If he can go late in the turn, he will be pretty good for leave your mark. Hes a cheap model that can score hunting party and show of force(though hes not great at either, hed be easy to overlook) He is still one of guilds better options for detonate and set up, especially now that our masters who used to be able to do it in 1 action like MCM and dougie no longer can.
  2. Are you sure on that? Since you are testing using his ml it should be a ml attack.
  3. I actually forgot he ignores htw. The Htk was dealt with with infect poison at the start of their activation with catalyst.
  4. Do you have trouble keeping the nurse up with the rest of the crew? I've found that even with walking her once after poisoning Dougie, she is usually farther behind than I want her to be for the second turn (scheme/strat opponent reliant of course).
  5. I just tried a themey medical crew of the starter set, mcm, sebastian and a nurse. Due to some lucky flips and high masks in hand nurse heartsbane tanked mei fang and miss step for 3 turns. Mcm with an assist from sebastain wiped the rest of the crew from a crowded middle using poison and his make everyone undead aura, along with the occasional slung scalpel. Granted my cards were amazing and my opponents were miserable, and the models in the middle relied on armor and htk to save them (effigy, metal gaiman, willy, kang, rail worker). It was brutal. But generally I would agree with admiral v that poison is mostly for pushes in guild. The poison comes from a nurse first turn.
  6. I've been thinking a lot about how to fix lucius and the main thing I came up with is to scrub his limitations. Get rid of the once per model limit on his issue command. Same with the one per turn on Lackeys. Even let him do his thing with austringers. I still don't think he would be tier one but he wouldn't be bottom if the pile anymore.
  7. Has anyone ever had success with remote mines?
  8. Yup my handler has already come off her base. I'm going to have to pin her I'm afraid.
  9. Did anyone ever get the emissary Hoffman hans combo going? I seem to remember that one had people all freaking out.
  10. Man, that discussion of the tiers of masters really left me feeling adrift with guild. Sure some people put McCabe up near the top, but I got the feeling most people are referring more to him with tt than with guild. Once and a while we saw love for Dita or Sonnia, but other than that we often were heavily populating the bottom of the lists (especially poor lucius, who got the harshest hit from the GG of just about anyone, Levi included). So are you guys finding yourselves losing a lot with guild? More than usual? Maybe it is just my love of our Secretary, but man is this a dire looking situation.
  11. I just finished a stretch of perdita games, and I enjoyed obey perdita too. Its not needed in all games, but that it is there really created a second set of problems that my opponents weren't even expecting. That being said, there were definitely games where i didn't use that part once. Luckily the emissary is still a pretty legit model even without it.
  12. I've put three on the table twice and never regretted it. Even if my opponent has started packing joss in response.
  13. So I have 2 questions, abd they may be stupid. 1. Why didn't we see this more last year? Is it the new gg or just a new discovery? 2. What was your brothers plan for dealing with it?
  14. I'm playing him on Vassal mainly when I face Marcus. Otherwise I have a pretty good selection of guild models. I have the Master Boxes for hoff, sonnia, metal lucius, perdita, lady j (-1 DM), and McM. I have 3 wardens, a peacekeeper, an executioner, an extra lawyer, daschel, 2 extra guild guard, abuela, 3 pistoleros, 3 riflemen, 2 austringers, an emissary, the effigy, and a handler. A performer is my only merc.
  15. The first time was a small 30 point game, and I ran sebastian, the zombie chi, the exorcist, and 2 nurses. The second I ran sebastian, 2 lawyers, 2 nurse, 1 performers, emissary, EDIT: I honestly am kind of flailing when it comes to building to schemes with him. I just finished a 20 game stretch of Dita playing, and I think I am trying to play him too much like I played perdita, where she solved so many problems for me.
  16. So I have recently played 2 games of Malifaux against a brand new player on Vassal. That player is using Marcus with a typical beast crew (Sabertooth, Myranda, etc). So far I have gotten massacred each time, and am not sure how to handle him. The first he ran around me, used a raptor to ensure that I could not get interference points without having a two point advantage, and took advantage of my inability to cover the whole table to crush me. The second was squatters rights and corner, and he used leap to put a Blessed and sabertooth on the outside, grab those two, then just pincered my inner models. I'm just starting with doug, but getting killed against a beginner when I generally win more than I lost against the people I play has left me not trusting him.
  17. Never thought of pairing him with the handler. Ill have to try that. (Again think emissary might be better for that though)
  18. She is capable in melee, but not master level. As it says, she specializes in casting. Particularly her blasts and flame walls. The counter thing is her trigger, which I recommend never depending on. The anti arcanist part is fluff that just didnt end up working out because arcanists became the premier armor faction.
  19. Ive been out of the lucius game for a little while but I liked him with lucius because they dont need each other. Ryle has plus flips on his gun so doesnt need cards. Lucius is card hungry. lucius liked midrange cards, and besides tomes, ryle doesnt need those. Ryle operates well without support, leaving lucius to focus on his minions. The only thing I would have them do together was first turn. I sometimes would use lucius to walk twice (commanding presence on 2 guardsmen) and then thats what lackeys are for ryle into the middle of the board. All the sudden your opponent has to deal with an immediate problem, and if ryle is in danger he can shoot twice then use his zero to push back. If you want, you can also push him forwards, likely giving him a turn 1 charge on someone.
  20. Another thought that came from reading the lucius thread. Has anyone used daschel with wardens to help with their sh 5? Focus would help get the damage up too which would help against the soulstone prevent of paralyze.Still probably not worth the points, but a non-rifleman daschel build would sure be refreshing.
  21. Lucius solves some of the issues with spamming as if he goes last they all have good opportunity to get that extra ram. The crunch they create for (low) tomes means they dont like being with ryle or guild pathfinders tho.
  22. I almost always forget the power loop plus flip. Gotta work on that.
  23. Imo the most important part of the SS are the control collar and the soulstone charge. Everything else is just gravy. Being able to get him up board and shooting first turn into your opponent (especially with a def 7 from frank) can really make your opponent miserable. I can usually get 5 or six shots off with him on the first turn. Or ill have him running schemes immediately so they have to try to deal with him.
  24. For me it was the emissary not the heavies that fired ryle. Better gun. More survivable due to higher def, and a nice long walk, and the utility the box brought out the best in hoffman for me.
  25. I like them a lot for the new version of outflank and other schemes where they need to be somewhere and take up space. Their ability to just sit and heal can be very frustrating. But for Marker dropping I'd rather have the others.
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