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Everything posted by Mutter

  1. That's because they work for Jacob Lynch ... :-P Sorry, I'll let myself out.
  2. I guess here it shows that I haven't played with him that often. For me, Oathkeeper is often a 'get out of the jam' card when I got Levi somewhere sticky, and really need to get out. Survivalist ist pretty similar - it negates (some) mistakes. Also, I see it as an extra Channel every turn, and for that, the cost is a steal.
  3. Okay, that throws a spanner in the works, seen as Levi usually does wanna activate first. Guess then I'll go by the traditional route and just take the Hodgepodge ... As to the Tally Sheet: I like it, but I think I prefer Survivalist (and/or Oathkeeper) instead. Haven't played too many games with him yet, though, so might still change my mind.
  4. Yeah, so that's what I thought, Tara isn't so much 'flinging' Killjoy as much as he's flinging himself ...
  5. I'm a little confused. In various battle reports, it always sound like Tara can fling somebody like Killjoy into the opponent from afar, but by looking at her cards, I can't figure it out. The way it seems to work is Tara runs ahead, unburies somebody in base contact and that beasty then gets to charge with reactivate (and possibly fast) right away. So Killjoy has an effective range of just under 10" from Tara, correct? 2" base, 6" charge and 2" reach? Is this 'flinging the beasty' (God, that sounds ... wrong) just some figure of speech, or am I missing something obvious? Thanks in advance ...
  6. Don't all the effigies have the ability to chain-activate? I think the problem is more to stay in a 8" reach with all of them ...
  7. I searched for this, but couldn't find anything on it, but how about Leveticus using some/a lot/all of the effigies? So far, I like the Brutal, Shadow, Mysterious and Hodgepodge Effigy, but I'm not sure how sensible it is, to get all of them in the same list for Levi. Usually, they are considered good buys for the cost of 4, no? Does that still apply when you get more than one? Anybody have any experience with this?
  8. Didn't know that, will give it a try. I used styrofoam (the one with bubbles) to a similar effect, but wood glue probably sets faster because of the moisture.
  9. I know, fat chance, seen as this is over half a year old, but if by some chance still available, I'd take the lot.
  10. Nice report and some tough luck. Good looking table, too.
  11. Thanks for the explanation, the whole thread encouraged me to explore a Lilith growth list myself (haven't really tried that). If you have any more reports, would love to read them!
  12. Another cool reports, thanks, especially as Lynch & Leveticus are my main two masters.
  13. Thanks for the report, sounds like a cool event. Did you pick your masters from all Neverborn masters, or were there some that you didn't bring/have?
  14. Just wanted to thank you for this thread, just read through it all, and the format, although brief, gives a very good overview of what happened, what everybody did and I especially love your 'learnings' at the end. Hope you can keep this up, even though comments are usually sparse in BR (which is a shame). Cheers ...
  15. How many tots, young and mature would one need to bring when playing a 'grow' list? How many of those are usually grown in a game? Seems like a lot of models that might be needed?
  16. Thanks for the reports, sounds like a cool list. Could you elaborate maybe a little more on how you play that? And how many tots do you need to bring to the game? O.o
  17. One reason I've heard numerous times when the decline of forums overall (not just here) is discussed, and which to me at least makes sense, is that more and more people browse forums on their smartphones, and it's much more effort to post something (especially long, thought-out replies) on a phone than it is on a keyboard. If this is true, though, it probably means the death of most gaming forums eventually, because less and less people read on monitors, I suppose ...
  18. Any chance of posting this to Germany, and how much extra would it be? Best regards, Moritz
  19. Can you push to the other side, too? Like, through the model you're pushing towards? Seems illogical, but I seem to remember reading this more than once.
  20. Loved the report and hate that you have me looking into the Tara crew set ... :-/ She does seem like a joy to play, though, so I don't think I'll resist for long.
  21. If it's a campaign like Shifting Loyalties, the problem might be that Huggy can go down hard and fast against certain crews (Sonnias troupe killed him easily in my last game with all their Incorporeal-ignoring weapons) and has few defenses apart from Incorporeal. And if you then have to flip for lasting damages, that could get annoying ...
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