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Everything posted by Fireuser

  1. What suggestion would you make for summoning?
  2. Guild/Arcanist... Perhaps we could have a robot master, as both factions are into that. Hmm, come to think of it... Why isn't Hoffman dual faction, his fluff even points in that direction.
  3. I disagree. I find it is possible to have greater success using him as a buffer/debuffer/healer at the beginning, and then summoning to replenish losses if your models die, or to use the corpses of your enemies. Plus you don't end up with a large portion of your crew only being used to make bodies. The Corpse Engine mindset can be a trap.
  4. I think that the Emissary and Forgotten Marshal help with this a bit. It is possible to do "Friendly" burying and then getting fast from the Emissary when it unburies. This could let Tara use her AP to Slow the opposing crew, moreso than use fast on them. This Tara rather likes to keep her hand. Carrion Emissary (Conflux of Nothingness) Forgotten Marshal Karina (Faces of Oblivion) Tara (Obliteration Symbiote) Bete could be tossed in since there will not be Void models about. For unbury and to hold the 10 if desired. Scion of the Void Then toss in scheme runners, etc. Guild Autopsies and Flesh Constructs can be given Fast and will heal the damage. Sloth can be used for his heal as Tara can trivially remove the Slow, and he can help her slow the enemy crew. It is possible that she is about Fast only her models and slowing the opponent in Rezzers. Not sure that Outcasts have that kind of Slow spam support available.
  5. Start with him on the board, then run him straight down the opponent's throat. They use attacks to get rid of him, thus soaking AP that would have otherwise been used on the rest of your crew. Then when he dies he buries and if they kill something else he is back to full life. If they do not kill him, then he can deal damage himself. Either way you win.
  6. My box was great. The cards are odd sizes, but I asked myself.... is this a big deal? And the answer was "no".
  7. Keeping the enemy models engaged can make it difficult to get to Molly. Some models are very good at keeping other models engaged. Punk Zombies for instance, have to their attack flips, and this counts when used as a disengaging strike. They are also Hard to Kill and can take two or more AP to remove. Molly is really all about AP efficiency in my experience. Force the enemy to waste AP getting out of engagements, or taking out the models they are stuck with (and getting damaged for their trouble). Even her damaging attack is very efficient for its AP. And she can hand out more Ap exactly where you need it.
  8. Nicodem could also take his upgrade that makes everyone heal from poison, could help a little bit.
  9. Dear Everyone at Wyrd, Thank you for taking an active interest in your player base. This company is the only one that has given me the opportunity to play an active role in the develpment of its products (via playtest), and I just wanted to say thanks.
  10. Been following this thread a bit, and I am not sure what people expect from him. His strength is being able to have the appropriate tool for the given situation. Sometimes that will be giving out Armor, sometime it will be giving additional ap to other spirits. Sometimes lightning dance will be more game impacting than any amount of damage (take prisoner, turf war, recon, anything with a scheme marker...). Really don't just lock yourself into a mindset of "this is what he is supposed to do", instead I like to think "this is what he is supposed to do right now". My only wish is that he had more things to do with chi.
  11. Sadness.... I want them yesterday, but have to wait.
  12. Two models are engaged if either of them are in the others close combat range. It doesn't matter if one of them is out of range of the other. So Pandora cannot make gun attacks if within 3" of an enemy, because of her melee range she would be engaged.
  13. Wow, nice!! Would be awesome to play on.
  14. I have had a pair of Guild Guard tie up Izamu for the majority of the game. They really need to be run in pairs, and if one dies they become less good.
  15. Fireuser

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