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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. Strum+Laza seems brutal... 5 AP from any master is just filth. Great to hear some good feedback on the Bag, since most players seem to settle for Fated.
  2. How come? I thought that the only restriction of multiple Effigy (0) buffs was with the Fated upgrade. Collodi can should be able to gain more than one. Just like Leveticus whom can take several Effigies.
  3. With Decaying Aura, the SS-users aren't really a problem either
  4. Not to derail the topic, but for arguments sake, Lilith is a better waif hunter! They cannot hide from her (at all) and with a lowly WP of 5, they are easy targets for Tangle shadows. Seamus is outstanding. To me he is one of the best, of not the best, Resser master. He can do it all with the right set up, and is incredibly hard to take down. So I have a hard time to see why he should be discredited or be considered to be weaker than the other Ressers.
  5. One of Leveticus' best triggers need tomes, so there are some battle for that suit with him too. I get what you are saying, but I am not certain that is applying to Leve. Mech Rider is very sufficient of getting those tomes by itself, Howard competes with Leve on high Rams, SS-Miner doesn't really need suits for what it does for Leve. I couldn't come up with a specific model that really becomes better with Leve than in Arcanist. Any specific model you were thinking of?
  6. This BB Shaman, Lawyer, Illuminatedx2 combo is pretty good. Simply needs to watch those Illuminateds' wounds with care, other than they should grind through most things. A small, small, set back is that the Blackblood the Illuminated taps out is a condition and not an ability, thus they won't count for killing models. Most of the times, that is fine.
  7. I will get the Cryx Necrosurgeon for a Vasilisa proxy. Will alter it some, but I think it will do the trick.
  8. I was summoned! In my limited experience, I really don't think that scrapyard Leveticus is worth it. Its resource intensive to the point that you will get diminish returns. Best way of doing it is to hire a Desolation Engine, have it smash face until it dies. When it dies you have hopefully summoned two additional Aboms between the DE/Rusty/Leveticus killing enemy models that are fairly close by. Rusty is the better summoner of the two in my experience. Leveticus activation is better spent simply killing things.
  9. That is true, but if I recall the turn of events correctly Lynch wasn't played as heavily when he got erratad. Also, even if Lynch could potentially have a ridiculous damage track which could potentially be casted 3 times; I never thought that the Final Debt was OP since those situations never occurred. Anyway, what is done is done and I can understand why they did it. While if something is going to be erratad, after half a year of tournament season and non-play testing, I think there are bigger problems around than Leveticus hiring pool.
  10. The fact that Leve can hire either all non-gremlin undead or constructs sure makes him powerful. However, I am not convinced that having more models is actually going to make a master more powerful. Flexibility is always a nice thing to have, but in it self it won't win any games. In order for the ability to be overpowered it needs to make the models hired into Leveticus crew (cross factions) to be better in Leveticus crew. I don't think that is the case, rather the opposite, thanks to some good design decisions. For instance, Coryphees cannot Dance Together unless they are used in an Arcanist crew. I think that most Ressers Levetiucs can hire is sometimes a bit lacking since they get their edge from different upgrades Leve cannot take. The way I look at Leveticus crew is that it needs to have models that function on their own, without much support, and can excel in that role. Much like Levetiucs is great at killing, he needs a Necropunk who is great to run for objectives. My point is, Levetiucs himself isn't really versatile at all so his crew needs to make up for that. I.e a restriction. I can certainly agree with you that Leveticus might should have had a restriction to the amount he could hire (like infiltration 4) or pay the merc tax. That would tone him down some. At the same time I don't think their is a pressing need for it. Leveticus is really strong, but he isn't unbeatable or so far above the curve. For instance, I think that more players would like to see the Mech Rider (which is really the thing we are talking about he I presume^^), Corn Husks, or Trappers being cuddled Another thing, Leveticus hasn't been out of the gates for a long time, just about half a year. Lynch (without bonkers Nexus) was at the peak of his powers at this point last year, now I don't hear that much about him any more or that he is utter filth.
  11. Besides performers, I don't really know any combos to get Neverborn really use Poison. Even with Wicked Dolls its fairly hard to get it out at a steady rate. However, if you really want to use Poison; McMourning is your guy! For other neat Collodi-tricks there is a pinned thread on him.
  12. I am also certain this was never intended. Especially since nearly all other marker placer have a clause which hinders them to put another marker over them. For example the Waldegeist (not over others markers), Raspy and Sonnia (not within 1" of any model or marker). There are certainly room to interpret it as that the marker will be place into the dense terrain, which we all would agree on to be the reasonable interpretation. However this table's horizontal surface (the marker simply moves up) makes the rule a bit wonky.
  13. Would you say one or both markers though?
  14. If terrain would be created or moved on top of a marker, the marker is placed on top of the terrain without changing the markers position on the table's horizontal surface (the marker simply moves up) (Big rulebook, p.48). Lilith's Illusionary Forest says: "Place two 50mm Illusionary Forest Markers within range and touching each other. These Markers are treated as Ht 4, Terrain with the Dense, severe & soft cover traits. Remove these Markers the next time this Crew takes this action." In Squatter's Rights, would Lilith be able to place 1 or even 2 (of the out-most markers) on top of her Illusionary Forest markers?
  15. Why don't you tell him about the time a Marcus-player ate your Nicodem, Zfiend?
  16. What models are those Gupp proxies? The look great!
  17. Nurses attacks WP and can paralyse. So Lilith needs to be cautious when going after them. With that said, as long as you got the cards in hand, two swings after Tangle Shadowed one in should be more than enough to take it down.
  18. How did the first round go, and what is everyone playing?
  19. Going off topic to start, but I will go back on point. I find that the Grow list is a very fluffy way of playing Lilith, but it can be hard to balance it out with the actually playing the game. Since if a player becomes obsessed with that things should grow, it can become an additional scheme for your crew. I think that is fine and a good way to balance things out, since it shouldn't be easy to turn 4ss into 11ss. However, I think that if a player can either implement the Grow mechanic into a passive bonus, which one doesn't let in the way of actually going for VPs, it can certainly be viable. With that said, it is not for everyone (me included), but it is certainly a viable playstyle that doesn't need to include Nekima. On topic! Lilith can work with more or less anything. She is very adaptable and can certainly find a use for most models in Neverborn. With that said, she certainly have some favourites... Waldegeist are probably Lilith's staple minion. They are resilient, the can create terrain, can cover a lot of terrain with a possible 4" ml range, hits fairly ok and got two outstanding triggers. One gives out slow, and the other the Rooted condition which synergies very well with all Push effects in Lilith's crew. The rest of the swampfiend, with the merc Mctavish included, are all a great way of building on what the Waldegeist brings. McTavish is very versatile and brings a trusty rifle to Neverborn, give him a look! When he simply ticks, it can feel like he is the master of any crew. As Asrian already stated, Primordial Magic is great. The stacking Rush of Magic makes it worth taking alone. Yet that its a moving scheme marker! Mr Tannen provides some interesting tricks to Lilith. I am toying with the thought of having him close by Lilith, who then sucks enemies close to her with either Transfixing Gaze or Tangle Shadows. Tannen's Cooler aura, and trigger to Block the usage of Soulstones, should bring most models to their doom. Tannen also got Leave it to Luck action, which turn +2 of value when cheated in, while suffer -2. Its a bit of a risk, but if you have on hand in order to cast Tangle or Gaze, it can really be worth it! Onto the master herself. She is a fragile melee hitter. Lilith doesn't like to be in the thick of it, rather she likes to pick out an opponent and going after that model secluded. That is, she likes to ambush opponents of guard, while keeping herself out of retaliations way. Rathnard described her as a Guerilla fighter in one of his blog posts, and the description is spot on! Lilith combines a ton of board control, great defences against non Willpower attacks, great card drawing mechanics, and some striking hitting power. She certainly got weaknesses, but all of her strengths can still shift the game into her favour. For example Lilith doesn't have a lot of straight up defences against shooting, but she can create terrain to either block herself of or in front of the shooters in order to nullify them. If a nasty WP attacker is sneaking up on her, she can cast Wicked Vines on it to immobilize it for a turn. Enough time to reposition or having a friend tie it up. The different ways of using the tricks are seemingly innumerable, which makes Lilith a real tool-box master. While in order to use all of her actions and abilities at their fullest potential, you will need to read each situation correctly and plan accordingly, and that certainly takes some practices to get the nuances of. She is heaps of fun and really starting to become my favourite master. Give her a go!
  20. Anyone up for a game, starting in about half an hour?
  21. I wound like to see the silurid evolution go a step further. Since 3 Gupps turn into one Silurid, maybe two silurids can dance together into something big, nasty, and rare 1. I am thinking the bastard child of the Coryphee Duet and Sabertooth Cerberus, rule-wise, so to say.
  22. Tuco can be great for simply Protecting one marker while staying semi-hidden during the most parts of the game. Then the Prim Magic can just float to him for additional easy points. I agree with you on that Tuco preferably wants to Deploy last. However I have had him placed first on preferable FtS spots and then defended them very well. However, your point is very valid.
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