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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. Its ok! Teddy is the only model that feels a bit jammed in of the lot, but it can certainly work in some scenarios.
  2. I don't rate it. Really think it should be Walk 7-8 or have Swift.
  3. Heaps of good tips, here is another. Just hurt Leveticus, that will slow him down immensely since he uses his own wounds as a resource. Attacking his DF is the best option. Remember that a lot of Leve players want to attack early just for this cause, so don't sleep in with the attack. As others have already pointed out, go after the Waifs. I think it is the best way to make Leveticus react. Even if you don't manage to kill them, it makes the Leve player vary of his Waif and will have to resort to be more cagey with their placement. A really good tactic to get the Leve player to get on the backfoot. Also, keep the pressure up! If you let Leve back in the game, he will come like a tidal wave. If you have Push/lure/placement effects try to get the "anchors" out of position after they have activated. Then you can separate them from the Waifs, which might result in that Leve cannot spawn from them. Feed Leveticus models. Some said before that you simply need to accept that models are going to die, which is very sound advice. Thus it can be good to plan what models you are going to send to slaughter (this is even better when Frame For Murder is around--bane of Leve). Leve-players have a tendency to not being able to let go of a juicy target. Focus on strategies and schemes. Since Leveticus crew is restricted in some sense, that is, have enough anchors and that these are in place, which makes it sometimes hard for Leveticus to go for maximum points. Pick schemes which you can lock down early, and make it a race to 10 VPs. At last, never give up! Even if Leveticus kills one of you best models turn 1, you can still win. There is plenty of time.
  4. I usually bring a mixed crew with her, thus rarely keeping to theme. Illuminated, Tots, Stitched, Puke Snake, Waldegeists, Silurids, Blackblood Shaman, Bad Juju, Tuco, McTavish, Spawn Mother, Kade and Teddy are what I usually bring with her. On the Waldegeists, they are outstanding. They bring some resilience to the crew, can work as summoning points for Bad Juju, is sneaky with their 2"-4" melee range, and they can create more terrain/cover for the crew. Not to mention that they can give out Rooted condition, which the pushy Nephilim/Kade+Teddy likes a lot. There is less than a handful of games where I didn't at least bring 1 of them.
  5. Taelor is a good pick, regardless of what else you bring. However, the correct answer is Leveticus. He is probably one of the best anti-resser masters. With Channel and Face of Death trigger he gets by Hard to Wound with ease, he has a great CA attack to handle incorporeal stuff, and with the Unnatural Wasting trigger he can get through all those wounds fairly easy. In addition, Leve likes to bring constructs, so he can limit the amount of corpse markers too.
  6. I agree with several things on the list might need a cuddle down the line, simply because doesn't seem to be intended. Colette's Prompt shenanigans, McCabe's super dogs, Collodi's extra AP, Dreamer's Stitched onslaught, Leveticus... something... maybe Merc Tax for hires...etc. At the same time, unless they doesn't streamline the game, in the sense that only a handful of master will ever show up at a tournament, (which in general I don't think they do) then I am fine with the way things are. Sure, I am annoyed with things like all the CA 8s on 4-5 minions, and Resser filth in general, but it isn't game breaking to me. Icemyn said that a number of people played Leve at Adepticon, which is kind of boring since it is more fun to play against a verity of masters. The question is though, why did all those people bring Leveticus? I think it is because: he is a popular master, his crew just came out in plastic, he is a strong master, and he is perceived to be even stronger or even near broken. Nevertheless is it boring that any master is dominant at an event, without taking their power level into account, no matter why people brought the master in the first place. The Devs have said it before, unless Leveticus shows up at the top of most tournaments over a stretch of time; he will not be touched, but they are watching the old git closely. Also, I have a sense is that "master-branded players" might need to mix things up a bit since players will be better at facing the Colettes, Leveticus, etc, of the world. If those masters is still standing after people have grown accustomed to play them, then there might be time for a change.
  7. What do you think is Leveticus biggest weakness? It is something I have been pondering for a while, and would love to hear some thoughts on.
  8. 4" push per upgrade attached to the target of Take This. So, you are correct Sir!
  9. I got both Plant Explosives and Deliver a Message handed to me on turn one. A humble Guild Hound is nearly as good for the job too, while being a far lesser trade off than Luna. Its very hard to defend against it. Most of the times the best thing that comes out of it is that McCabe will have to sacrifice a valuable upgrade and a dog for it, something that can come in handy down the line. Besides that, I cannot really come up with any good defences against the tactic.
  10. The list's biggest strength is activation control...
  11. Outcasts Crew - 50 - Scrap Hamelin -- 1 Pool The Stolen [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2] Malifaux Rat [2]
  12. Come on now, Ressers are the filth of M2E.
  13. Komainu could be brutal with Brewie. Especially if they are accompanied by Toshiro with Command the Graves...
  14. By late May everyone can get a hold of Ryle and a Mechanical Rider. Go on and buy a blister of Metal Gamins and get them ready before then. #filthiscoming
  15. I have used Phillip twice, both times with Molly. In the first game they didn't do too much because of terrain; got to draw some cards and I used chatty once which prevent a very important interaction for my opponent. Second game I used the card drawing mechanics, they synergized very well with Sybelle and Rotten Belles for some additional movement. They didn't get any attention during most of the game, which resulted in that I could remove two scheme markers for Plant Evidence in a single turn. All and all, PaN in my games haven't done a lot during the first couple of turns (sneaking around the flanks), and then removed or denied VP late game. The thing is that I never game planed for them to fill a specific role; they just happened to do pretty well in the end after being able to stay alive. I think savvy opponents will try and get them early in order to minimize the effectiveness.
  16. A couple of Waldegeist wouldn't be a bad idea. They can tie up markers with their terrain and ml range of 4", and they are pretty good at Deliver a Message*. With Lilitu you can tie up a lot of area with them. Then just summon heaps of Stitched. *They are generally good at Deliver a Message; Dreamer takes them up a notch. He can push them 6" and give them Fast, as well as accomplice to them with the right upgrade. With that set up you can push the Waldegeist 6", walk once with them (10"), set up some trees, and they can Deliver the Message 14" away from the enemy master.
  17. Bishop and Widow Weaver is just as nasty as Kade and Teddy. The former can also benefit from having a Insidious Madness around.
  18. Like with a lot of the Neverborn masters, there aren't any great comparisons to them. I agree with MD that Misaki is a better comparison than Lady J, but not ideal.
  19. Yin can be a handful. A very weird model which either dies in no time, or can stay on the board forever while tying up what seems like every enemy model. As others have said, Focus or other ways to get to are the way to go.
  20. Haha, that is fantastic! The more I play Lilith, I am getting more convinced that Wicked Vines are one of the best ways of spending her AP.
  21. My biggest tip; don't forget to use Wicked Vines. It can be as good as a paralyse. The fact that you don't LoS to cast it is even better. The 16" range on Illusionary Forest is pretty darn good too. Especially in order to keep Lilith safe from enemy charges and shooting, but it can also disrupt enemies' LoS.
  22. http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/102022-tangle-of-shadows-clarification/?hl=%2Btangle+%2Bshadows
  23. How did the game go? Ill throw in some comments just because. Pandora can be nasty to face. She really shines in killy and interact heavy strategies and schemes, as well as if models are going to group up (Extraction, Turf War). The best way to go against her is having models who ignore WP-duels, and sevens in offence or defence. As she can easily push out of melee, shooting is probably a better option rely on. Another weakness is her wound count and Neverborns' lack of healing. Once she starts to loose wounds (or SS in order to prevent) she will have to run away and hide. Another thing that is worth to remember is that Fading Memory is a push. So she can be "boxed in", thus unable to runaway. However, sometimes that will result in you having multiple models near Pandora, which can be a bad thing.
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