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Everything posted by CapnBloodbeard

  1. Listening to Red Jokers podcast, they were talking about giving the Purifying Flame eternal burning (or whatever it's called), running it through walls to reach a model you want to target, Get it into melee and shoot at it with Sonnia, even if you hit it that'll put a blast trigger (or don't worry about melee and just shoot it) on whatever is near it, then it has flaming so it and Samael are free to kill it (same thing as the OP). Could be interesting, probably depends on the terrain and crew you face if that's likely to be used or not. I suspect there may be games where it's not really relevant, so maybe that's not enough of a reason to choose it. Malifaux Child....being able to attack with Sonnia's attack is nice, but unless those flame walls are really important to you, wouldn't the 5SS be better spent on another Witchling Stalker? The SS blocking of PF seems good.....how useful are people finding it? I feel like the situations where that's effective are unlikely to be the sort of attacks you get into
  2. Who would you say are numbers 1 and 2 then? Also, it just occurred to me that Riposte with Frank's defensive buffing becomes quite a scary prospect....
  3. sniper nests are not fun in Malifaux. See the current discussion of it in the rules section of the forum. I've done it a few times but most of the time there is some version of lure on the table. Which thread? Can't see it...
  4. Cool, winner responses. Thanks a lot for all this. I was probably underestimating the potency of some of the triggers too. Alright, I'm convinced!
  5. So, people often talk about LJ being a beatstick. She looks at something, then it dies. But....I'm having a hard time seeing it from her stats (I have her crew box, haven't used her yet). The damage output from the greatsword isn't massive for a master...3/4/6 (4/5/7 with crit strike, built-in ram). The weak damage is good though. Mi7 is nice....but I'm sure there are other masters with similar or higher damage tracks. So what is it about LJ that makesher such a beatstick? Am I underestimating how often Riposte comes up? What am I missing here? Because I'm struggling to see what's so brilliant (actually, I'm struggling a bit to see why people love Judge too)...
  6. I like the idea of a card engine, because I know she can be a bit card hungry. Where do you get 9 cards and 9 healed from though? I can't see more than about 4 cards/healed using 3SS... Going to get my Sonnia soon, really excited!
  7. Not the easiest to play. There's always the risk of overextending them and being killed. I tend to find I fuss a bit with their positioning.....you may want to keep them just in 6" of each other, or just out, or things like that. Aside from that the fear they strike is fun, but that means the enemy will try really hard to shoot them first. Such awesome Sister buffing though!
  8. My only issue with the new forum, aside from the weird Rules forum (though it seems the majority prefer it as it is, so be it!) is that the search function does not work at all. while I haven't tested this hypothesis, I wonder if it just doesn't produce any results from the old forum? Even typing the exact name of some threads I know, even just part of it, yields zero results. Bing > Wyrd Forum Search Tool
  9. Just wondering - what are people's thoughts on Hans? On one hand his LOS isn't affected by effects/markers affecting LOS, can't be charged and has some nice tricks - slow, disarm (model cannot take Ml actions until end of turn), or ignoring armor / incorporeal, and reference the field guide to support it. Smile you son of a.... to shoot off upgrades can be nice, but you have to use an AP to give yourself the chance of doing that, so unless you're putting fast on him you're using an entire turn just for a chance at knocking off an upgrade. But, what I'm thinking about is the card factor - he seems like a very card heavy model. Say I really want to not be beaten up by Misaki, so I want to disarm her. I'd use a card to give myself the ram, then (assuming she hasn't used 2 cards to make the action fail, which is a double edged sword), there's a fair chance I'd have to cheat to win unless I happen to flip a high card and my opponent has a bad hand, then just to declare Disarm I need to discard a card anyway. So it leaves me wondering just how useful his extra abilities are, or if they burn through too many cards to be worthwhile (while I wouldn't reference the field guide every time, there are definitely times I'd want to). That, combined with the fact that he's 8SS makes him an expensive sniper that needs a lot of cards that my other models could use. Especially given that I often run I Pay Better, so my low cards typically go to that (a sniper having a focussed shot and a normal shot in a turn is just great). So I'm left wondering just how useful he is. Cool concept, but a little pricey SS wise and uses a lot of cards, particularly given I don't really have anything that can put cards back into my hand.
  10. He just seems to feel weaker. Maybe it was just because in my game, everybody seemed to have cap guns. You're right though - Nino is Sh 5, 1/2/4, built in ram, with Crit Strike. Headshot is kinda nice, Precision seems like it would only make a potential difference on a small number of cases (eg turn a neg flip to a neutral so you can cheat in, only useful if you have a high card you'll cheat in, but wouldn't you just use that card with Perdita instead anyway? So unless it's a critical duel, I don't see much use there), but then you're still on 1/2/4 not 2/3/5 like you would be with the crit strike. So, double edged sword there. No Melee whatsoever though. Although the Trapper's melee may as well be nonexistent anyway (0)AP condition removal, both have different push-out-of-melee though. Nino has better range, forgot about that. Nino has one more wound but one lower def (I think I'd rather the def), and Trapper has defensive buffs and armor, so overall quite a bit harder to kill, assuming vS is nearby. So at this stage it's a bit of a tossup over who is a better use of SS....Nino 7, Trapper 6 + 1 merc fee. Trapper's reposition after attack is sweet though. (hey, why the heck does the trapper have a charge?) Spotter is an ability that can, in some cases, make a definite difference to the VP - but that makes him a target too, and he'll drop quite easily. Maybe that's where I feel like he's being let down, that he needs Hard to Kill or something, or perhaps it's just that a unique enforcer has roughly the same quality attack (potentially lower) than a nameless, faceless minion. Personally, I still like the influence that snipers have over the enemy's movement. Maybe next game I'm going to see if I can position him in a way that funnels the opposing models (eg down one side, thus forcing them into the middle) into a spot of my choosing. I think the enemy models just end up hiding behind corners and I get drawn out and beaten up.
  11. Yeah...then the counter is, Ortegas are probably happiest when they're NOT within 8" of an enemy. Can't get beaten up then Whenever I take the shot with Nino (first Guild game in a long time last week), I just find myself thinking, why bother? Normally with the trapper I'll focus and shoot every turn, gives me a fairly decent chance of dropping a minion each turn. Nino? Even doing that seems unlikely to drop a minion, or do much more than scratch a master. I feel like, aside from Spotter, he may still have purpose as a fullback: Stop minions from dropping scheme markers around the deployment zone, because he should have enough time to spend taking a few shots at a minion. He's like a sniper that only shoots rubber bullets.
  12. I had 7 SS in my pool, but to be honest I probably should have reduced damage a lot more, I kept forgetting about it. What auto includes do you consider for Perdita (aside from the one that includes Bullet Bending)? Misaki is a tough one to deal with too. Blasts from range and a melee beatstick (that and she just seemed to have constant freaking positive flips and neutral damage flips, somehow.....). Made me realise that Perdita really doesn't want to get into melee. Sure, she gets a ram in melee, but that's not uber-exciting, and it means that her defensive triggers all go out the window, so I think she really wants to hang right back. I still feel like my Guardian has a purpose, maybe he should run up front alone and buff his own defence if I'm going to use him for blocking / tarpit. I think I'm going to have to spend some money on minions though, give my crew a bit more versatility. Running out of cards really killed me, but I'm not too good at figuring out when I should burn a card on attack (whether it's flurry, how important it is to cheat to stop slow, or just to cheat an attack flip), and when I should hold onto it, let the attack fail and just hope for defence.
  13. Good point. Great thread overall and really enjoyed the blog post. Personally I feel like Nino is underpowered. I found myself longing for a Freikorps Trapper! His LOS ability is nice, but a bit situation specific.- and the problem with the Family being such high SS models means you're unlikely to have enough models on the board to really make this a killer. Great for some schemes, but not all 'interact' schemes.
  14. Nino also has his place in Squatter's Rights and against Deliver a Message. I could see it with Deliver a Message for sure. Just keep Perdita in LoS and...nope, no points for that scheme. How about Vendetta, given he can pretty much hit anybody on the board (assuming LOS)
  15. I actually never thought about upgrades vs game size. Thanks for the tip!! that's why I posted
  16. No idea how the black on black happened. Fixed now. It was a 40SS game, the rest was on upgrades. i probably would have been better off sacrificing an upgrade, adding, say, a death marshall and run fewer SS.
  17. In terms of position...I deployed second. From my end, Misaki was in the top left corner, and the rest of the models more or less in the middle, with a Katanaka sniper in a forest sort of on the right. There were forests (severe terrain) on both sides, and almost a rough circle of houses and fences around the middle, and right in the centre there was a large object, Ht 1, blocking, with a Ht2 section. I had Nino in the middle with LOS over most of the markers for Squatters Rights, but then I positioned the rest of my models in the middle anyway. I wonder if I should have Nino down in the back left corner to pick off scheme runners, Dita, Frank and Nephilim on the far, far right and Guardian running up the middle to tie up a few models for a couple of turns. Then at least they would have been in a position to start dropping markers or claiming squatters rights too. Turn 2 onwards, basically they were bunched up on one side of the Ht 1 object and I was on the other. Despite Bullet bending Dita couldn't hit anybody, frank was shooting blanks, and Nino just doesn't have the Sh or Dg to do much damage (I had him picking off the henchman, but he'd just heal back up - maybe he should have been picking off minions)
  18. cover's kind of like a flow chart... -Is any LOS line between the models blocked by terrain? -If yes, is the defending model within 1" of any part of the terrain (not necessarily the spot that's doing the blocking)? If so, there's cover. Height and vantage points get a little harder to demonstrate, but basically, an attacker can see over something shorter than it is, though if the defender is still with 1" he still has cover.
  19. First guild game on a long, long time (since my intro game). Was looking forward to some shooty death goodness. Ran perdita, enslaved nephilim, Frank, nino, and guardian (never used it, wanted to try it out). Against misaki with sidir and a bunch of minions, I ran protect territory and alits, entourage and vendetta and bodyguard were on the table. Somehow I only had perdita (on one wound) and guardian left after turn 2, and they died very quickly into turn 3. Unbelievable. Disappointingly, I didn't kill a single model. I kid you not. Dita couldn't even land a shot until her last activation but couldn't kill misaki. It was one of those games where you think 'how did I do SO badly?' I copped a bit from blasts, and nephilim bled all over dita. I don't think my crew choice was great, but that still doesn't fully explain losing my models so soon, I don't think. My card usage may have let me down, I think I'm prioritizing the wrong things. For instance, I cheated 2 cards early in turn 2 to prevent Frank and Dita getting slow, and dropped my other 2 strong cards in early duels, meaning that for much of Turn 2 I couldn't cheat in defence. I find I often have games where the opponent always seems to flip better and cheat higher than me.... Main reason I took Guardian was to try him out as a tar pit, but he didn't end up getting far enough of my other models to really do that. So, I ended up with Guardian buffing Dita and Frank buffing Nino. ended up with a bunch in the middle. It's possible that I should have pushed the Ortegas out on the flanks and just let Guardian try to waste the enemy's AP in the middle, Ortegas taking shots into the scrum and hopefully staying out of Misaki's Stalking Bisento range. But the flipping...man, my deck was cursed and his was enchanted. I know my scheme choice was poor (didn't have the units to drop that many scheme markers, should have chosen Vendetta given I had Nino), but schemes didn't come into it. I copped a bit from blasts by being bunched up, but still.....
  20. Agree. I'm not going to watch an hour long batrep. Life's too short. About 20min is my max. Maybe half an hour if I'm really getting something out of it. A little bit of strategy discussion - why decisions were made, why models were positioned a certain way, and reflection. And I like to be able to see the entire board so I can see what models are where, even if briefly. Aside from that, for an overlay - a list of models on the table would be nice, maybe coupled with strats/schemes.
  21. If Lady Justice is performing a Melee attack again, say, von Schill, then LJ is performing a Ml duel while vS is performing a Df duel. That's why vS doesn't get +1Df if LJ gets +1 Ml (if he didn't then wouldn't that make all modifiers pointless?)
  22. Incorrect. As said above, it's ANY line. While you can draw a line from a specific part of A to any part of B unobstructed, you can also draw a line from A to B that would be obstructed. The latter point is why B has cover. The relevant rule has already been quoted above.
  23. If B is within 1" of the building he would gain cover from A, as there a LOS lines from A to B that would be blocked.
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