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Everything posted by Omenbringer

  1. I have thought of running something similar with Lenny and Som'er working the Piglet summons.
  2. Well if going that route a War Roster would be a better companion than a War Pig.
  3. Could also be from Kentucky I would imagine. Shouldn't be to difficult to adjust the history of Kentucky's "Blue Fugates" to also cover Green skin.
  4. All I will add to the above is that the composition of the Gunline affects how it is really used. A Bayou Gremlin gunline is designed around the "Punches in Bunches" approach instead of the "Knock Out Blows" of a more elite gunline. The Pigapult is sort of in a class by it self and benefits from a different build as well. __________________________________________________________________________ Another Som'er build option is a variation on the Summon Factory and is better suited to those high defense or clustering crews. It leverages our summoning and the Show Off Upgrade to create wave upon wave of exploding Gremlins. Stuffed Piglets can augment this as well.
  5. While that is definitely a valid approach (btw have you taken a look over at the Pull My Finger wiki? Many of the entries have that kind of information) I might offer a bit different one. Why not try building a "core" crew of "Staple" models (read as those that can fulfill several different roles) that you can then augment based on strat/scheme instead of trying to create the perfect crew of unfamiliar models for every Strat/ Scheme pool. The advantage to this is that it lessens the amount of models you need to learn and recall each game. I cant recall the number of times I have forgotten some critical ability (read as the primary reason I hired said model) until it was too late. Many of our Masters are designed around their cores, and many of their staple models are versatile enough to adapt to different roles. Ulix and Somer are probably our best in this regard.
  6. Perhaps try the "punches in bunches" approach, instead of trying to have your Gremlins or pigs deliver a big knockout blow. I tend to favor this approach.
  7. I often thought that the complaints about v1 Gremlins had far more to do with the players than the models. They were definitely a lot harder to run well back then. Always enjoy a stroll down nostalgia lane... got to stop eating these damn memba' berries.
  8. If Into the Steam didn't contain so many needed additions to the system (particularly the magic system), I would strongly disagree that they came out in the perfect release order. Under Quarantine does the most to flesh out Malifaux city proper, Into The Steam really feels more like an outside of the city supplement. But this is probably the truest assertion. In the end each supplement is a worthwhile addition.
  9. I would say that Gremlins as a whole are one of the most difficult factions to play well consistently. There are a few reasons for this: First, we are built upon synergy more than any other faction (and I know that someone will poke in with a "crew x is way more dependent upon synergy than Gremlins" at some point). The layers of buffs we can apply makes decent models absolutely amazing. Second, our faction is fueled by self-inflicted Wounds to elevate them above their peers. Bayou Gremlins with out Drunk and Reckless are hardly worth their SS cost. I would argue that access to either the Dumb Luck or Thinking Luck triggers also goes a long way toward making our models shine in comparison to other models in the game. Third, activation order is usually far more important in out faction than in others with more "self sufficient" models. Som'er for example typically needs a Slop Hauler to heal his Bayou Gremlins before he can summon more. Som'er or his Skeeters need to go early in the turn to pass out Suits. Positioning and Activation order keep our faction functioning as intended, screw up the activation order and the crew doesn't function as well as it could. Fourth, nothing in our faction can really be described as "Incredibly Durable". Our faction is really designed to be spammed, both in terms of model count and Healing. Unfortunately this edition doesn't really allow for the model count advantage (I still argue that the Bayou Gremlins should have remained 2 SS instead of 3 and Piglets should have stayed 3 instead of going to 4) that makes us less vulnerable. Additionally, "owning the middle" is a lot more important with the symmetric Strategies than it used to be when the Strategies were Assymmetric, our models don't generally do this well. Fifth, the or from those buffs is typically fairly confined. These means or faction more than many others is strongly encouraged to cluster around the buffing "hub" turn after turn. This, combined with the above points, means that an opponent that can quickly engage the "ball of models" with a melee big baddy (like say Bishop or Nekima) can also likely remove several of your models in a single activation (usually as fast or faster than you can replace them via summoning). All of these factors make consistently playing Gremlins well (and by that I mean winning more than losing) more difficult than with other crews or factions. The play style is not for everyone, but win or lose I have never had a bad game when piloting the little fellars (and I have been singing their praises far longer than most). Personally I enjoy the more cerebral play of the Gremlins than the other more straight forward crews/ factions. What I would offer in terms of advice is If your games are consistently being decided by turn two regardless of strategy/ schemes/ opponents crew choice, then it is likely you are running them way to hot (i.e. wounding them to much) and screwing up either your positioning, activation order, or both. The faction as a whole is very unforgiving of these things and makes your opponents job significantly easier. I think these factors are one of the primary reasons Wong is such a popular choice in the competitive fields. He and his crew typically suffer the least from them.
  10. I take some offense to that, Gremlin's in V1 were plenty competitive...many (in your neck of the woods specifically) said overly so (not that I agreed, especially if the loop holes were omitted from the discussion). It is a bit of an esoteric discussion though as there aren't many on here who can intelligently speak about the gremlin old days (I membah though).
  11. I would agree that if you are only going to get only one additional book that Into The Steam is the best bet. It patches some significant holes in the system. Under Quarantine though is better if you want to concentrate on the city as opposed to the country.
  12. The "truffle shuffle" is a good method of delivering your suicide gremlins. A Somer Summon Factory to replace your losses is definitely the best option for "power gaming" this. It is a fun build but also one that is fairly telegraphed and somewhat easy to take a part. I would build your crew to be able to transition to something else if you are going to go this route.
  13. Over all I really like these changes. I figure Lenny is the biggest but I never really used him for that any way so it doesn't affect me as much as others I guess. Very glad to see the Rooster Rider adjustment, they really shouldn't have gotten published as they were. I do wish the Elevation rules would have received some attention though. Perhaps next year...
  14. As for which book to get next...well that depends on where you want to go. If you want to stay in the city then Under Quarantine is probably the best for that. If you want to leave the city then Either Into the Steam or Into the Bayou would be better. Which to get between these two depends upon what your players want to explore. I am partial to Into the Bayou but that is because I love Gremlins, your players may differ.
  15. When you say "too large" do you mean in length or height? Mine fit on their supplied 40mm bases with very little overhang. I would agree they are a bit taller than the average gremlin model but still about the same height as the War Pigs. Finding a suitable proxy replacement model is going to be difficult and unlikely to fit the look of the other Wyrd models. These might be a good start though.
  16. Still not sold on the Emissary. Making him a buffing agent, ties him down reducing his mobility (making him a less durable Gracie IMO). Also the Swine-cursed trigger can cause them to attack the Emissary which is a non-pig model or easily move out of its smallish buffing bubble. As for Trixie well she can only really ever push the Emissary (non-pig and non-gremlin) and when the Swine-Cursed are Gremlin characteristic they can only ever come to her (when they are pigs they will always push away). Positioning and activation order is going to be very tricky even with her long range Gremlin Lure. I think Old Major with the Saddle Upgrade would be a better buffing option since he can either carry a Swine-Cursed or Trixie for free movement (can augment this further with his 0 action for Gremlin characteristic models or his 1 AP action to both push pig models and provide a suit for their actions) while also handing out on both attack and damage on the charges when the Swine-Cursed are Pig characteristic (this is for the duration of the models activation as well so it doesn't matter if they move out of the bubble through charge actions). I would also argue Gracie is the better melee option. She can get to min damage 5 with her trigger and Ooh Glowy! can gain reactivate on her own, and I would argue is more durable giving she has Hard to Kill, Armor +2, and Eat Your Fill. With Wong's Ooh Glowy she would also have Regeneration. Add the Saddle Upgrade and she can cart around Aa Swine-Cursed )or other Gremlin model). Even the Sow challenges the Emissary's role a bit and at a cheaper cost. I like the Emissary's model but the rules are where it falls apart, it just doesn't really fit in with the synergy that is such a strength of our faction. Making it work takes a lot of effort in comparison to many of our other options. I look forward to reading how your combo works out for you though.
  17. It would have gone a long way toward making it worth its points despite the counter employment methods. IMO, Right now the only thing that really makes it somewhat worthwhile is that long melee range. That alone isn't worth the points for me, I'd rather have Gracie honestly.
  18. Really Wish the Emissary would have had the Pig and/or Gremlin characteristics. He is really difficult to justify over our other choices which have them and are a bit more focused in terms of usage (read as not at odds with their options).
  19. While I agree that there needs to be an easier method for players to access event information I don't think the forums are a good way to achieve that. I would probably try working with google maps and a calendar application. That way players can just look on a map to determine where "close" events are (a very relative term dependent upon ones willingness to travel) and when. The only tricky part would be in having the calendar application "clean" old events from the map so they don't clutter the space. Would also probably be good to include a date searchable feature to further restrict the number of event "hits" that are viewed. As a benefit Wyrd would also gain an easily identifiable "hot spot" map for future marketing or convention support.
  20. This is the first TtB supplement that actually felt like a faction book. Not that the others were bad, they definitely were not, but this one is the first were I felt character creation really tied the player to their Malifaux faction. Hoping for more like this. Also @Mason can we get the downloadable character sheets on the main page updated to contain both the Under Quarantine and Into the Bayou versions please. I know you probably have a million other things going on but those would be a help.
  21. I was thinking of hosting a tournament in late February early March as a last chance Adepticon primer. Not sure of a location yet but perhaps we can co-ordinate something Slapdrone.
  22. Announcing an Organized Play Event for the Cleveland Area. Warzone Matrix is hosting a 5 Week league from January 14, 2017 at 1:00pm thru February 11, 2017 at 5:00pm for the purposes of expanding the local Malifaux community and having a great time. The Store is located at 4704 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland, OH 44135 Additional: Event Cost: $5.00 per participant, 100% of costs will be utilized for league support. This league will utilize my own Marshal Law League rule set built around defending and acquiring territories about the world of Malifaux. As players accumulate or squander territories they will gain or lose access to in game resources. All Participants will need to be present for the first day of the event in order to generate their starting territories and receive their league packs. The League will close at 5:00pm on January 14, 2017. Official League Days are scheduled for Saturdays from 1:00pm to 5:00pm and players are strongly encouraged to play during the allotted time. The intent of this is to facilitate a diverse play experience however, in order to accommodate differing schedules players may arrange games outside of normally scheduled day once the league has closed at 5:00pm on Saturday January 14, 2017. All games must be played at Warzone Matrix. Upon completion of the event, league sheets will be turned into the Henchman for tabulation. Players will be restricted to a single Master throughout the league, however, may alter their crew composition (non-master models and upgrades) between games. Masters are not unique for the purposes of this event, i.e. Lady Justice may be played by more than one player. Proxies will be allowed as long as they clearly represent their base model. This is a casual event that is intended to build the Malifaux community. Sportsmanship is a large component of this, in short, games should be engaging and fun, not "soul crushing". All player levels are welcome, even those playing their very first full games. Think of these games as more of creating an engaging narrative than honing your tournament lists. Painted crews, dense terrain, and utilization of the asymmetric Story Encounters Strategy/ Scheme rules vice the Standard Encounters are highly encouraged but not mandatory. This event will utilize the Official Wyrd Event Prize Pack and may have a few additional offerings based upon participation. At the Least each player will receive a Guilder (Poker Chip of various denomination) for participating in the event. Prizes will be awarded upon completion of the last game on Saturday, February 11, 2017. Those interested in attending or with questions regarding this event may contact me via either PM or email at NOLA_henchman@yahoo.com We look forward to seeing you at Warzone Matrix.
  23. Would be a great way to bring back Wyrd's Dwead Piwate Rupprecht from the old Twisted Line.
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