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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I'm 100% sure that the question was the latter one:
  2. Check the rulebook again on the Burning condition: the (1)Interact action that anyone can take lowers the Burning condition by one, it doesn't remove all of it.
  3. It does make you far more likely to get a higher total first forcing the opponent to cheat first. This means that, unless there is huge disparity in the caliber of your hands, that your opponent will land only one blow. I love the Guardian (and think that the mini is ace!) and find it really good at keeping, e.g., Francisco alive. Have you taken a good look at her? Her gun is more devastating than Seamus', she is nicely mobile, hands out AP(!) and messes up enemy charging. And her defensive stats are nice enough. Oh, and she fully provides all the suits she needs. She is an absolutely amazing model for just seven SS! As for my list: 1) Governor's Proxy (not good enough, I think) 2) Lone Marshall (not inspiring and not very good) ...and that's essentially it. From a play perspective, I can see a good use for all other Guild models. Which speaks very highly to the quality of the balance in M2e.
  4. Any one of these little dudes would work very nicely, I think: http://shop.microartstudio.com/clockwork-servant-1-p-895.html
  5. Oh man, that's great! I especially love the way you've done the spear - it looks super neat. And good job handling that gap - it is one of the worst in Wyrd plastics for sure.
  6. Black skin (as in human black skin, not coal black) would be interesting, I think.
  7. I didn't mean saccing McCabe, I meant (and wrote) "move away". With 3AP and his Wk he is fast enough to get away to safety easily.
  8. If going against it, I would lean away from Bodyguard. Lean far, far away!
  9. :D I think he's an engineer:http://i.ytimg.com/vi/gvdf5n-zI14/maxresdefault.jpg
  10. Another Argentbadger tournament report! A highlight of the day for sure - thank you so much for doing these, much appreciated! You have a really nice style of reporting and the pics are great. Some comments on the games: In the first game, I think you could've moved away with McCabe at the beginning of the third turn. All of you opponent's scheme points were on McCabe so you could've denied them all to him. This is something that I always forget to do though often realize it in hindsight. Him forfeiting going with the Peacekeeper was a big mistake, though. Too bad about the clock in the second game. How much time do you have in your tournaments and how often do games end due to the clock (do you have a rough estimate)? But all in all extremely well done against an unknown crew full of weirdness! That third one was horrible. It really would've taken quite a wizard to win with that crew against the opposing crew on that table. Sheesh! And vindication in the fourth game. Nicely done!
  11. Thank you so much for another fantastic unboxing! Much appreciated! They aren't identical to the metal versions, but really super similar. Weird. It's Freikorps, btw, not Friekorps
  12. I'm really sorry, but I have absolutely no idea what any of that meant
  13. That's a bit of a surprise - is it really that good? This seems like an unsual nomination - is he really that good? Just by looking at him he seems really expensive, but I have zero experience playing with him or against him. She can also take a Mannequin to tag along providing a nice Railwalking point for Mei Feng. Furthermore, her doing the Metal Gamin protection as an Understudy on a Metal Gamin on the first turn leaves the Metal Gamin to actually protect something else for the game.
  14. Those look fantastic! The colours pop wonderfully and the skin on the Lone Swordsman is crazy smooth and nice. Very good stuff. One thing I'm not so keen on though is the pillar on the Dawn Serpent's base. It looks very basic and boring and it juts somewhat weirdly from the wood. Some moss, maybe vines of some sort, some roughness, a metal ring, a lantern - something to make it interesting. You could also add something to the base - I love the shadow but it's still a bit empty. Maybe some discarded item or a small animal like a frog or something. But really looking forward to your next offering - extremely good painting!
  15. YES! I'm having huge difficulty following Godlyness' replies since they aren't arranged into quote blocks and I have to admit that I'm now thoroughly confused by this whole conversation and I still have trouble understanding the timing of various things.
  16. 1. Slop Haulers - Access to 3AP, powerful healing, good attacks and Bayou Two-Card. Crazy good. 2. Gracie - a tank that has reactivate and can move your other models. 3. Bayou Gremlin - Access to 3AP, can do Scheme stuff while your other models kill the enemy. Absolutely perfect for Distract and Cursed Object (also easy to dispose of, if the opponent decides to Distract them in turn). Also Bayou Two-Card. 4. Francois LaCroix - Access to 3AP and one of the most insane melee monsters in the game for 7SS. 5. Trixiebelle - So many movement tricks! Also Poison.
  17. Playing the fight by running away sounds like a really horrid tactic. Who should Lynch bring, in your opinion? Mr. Graves and Huggy would be horribly outmatched against most of the nastier stuff that others can bring.
  18. For a quick example off the top of my head, Eden, Hell Dorado, and Infinity also do this. Infinity especially, as it can often actually be detrimental to kill all your opponent's models.
  19. Yes! Thank you for posting this - a very fun read.
  20. She can start 8" up the board and has easy access to 3" Ml range with Ml6 - she can tie up the enemy rather nicely. (Also, since the Upgrade is free, the "four stone tax" is actually more like a "two or three stone tax".)
  21. Lucky Effigy has this: (0) Luck o' the Draw: Target friendly Leader within 8" gains the following Condition until the end of the Turn: "Lucky Draw: Whenever this model flips a Ram in a duel, it may immediately heal 1 damage." What does "flips a Ram in a duel" mean? 1) If you flip a ram but cheat a non-ram, do you heal? 2) If you a flip a non-ram but cheat a ram, do you heal? 3) If you flip several cards, one being a ram, but use a non-ram for the duel, do you heal? 4) If you flip several rams, do you heal one for each or one total? My guess is that you heal with 1) and 3) and for 4) you heal for each card, but I'd like to hear what other people think. Ophelia tends to flip a lot of cards in duels...
  22. Malifaux has this annoying thing that when you first play against a given Master, you are at a huge disadvantage. Once you have a game or two under your belt against someone you'll recognize the key interactions and can neuter the right targets but the first time is always rough. As for McMourning, very solid advice has been given. His real weakness is his Wp and he will die to concentrated attention from Illuminated and Lynch himself. And the same goes for Sebastian, essentially. Also, don't be afraid to activate Lynch earlier in the round. Waiting until all your other stuff has activated can be amazing, but he deals a lot of damage and sometimes that is needed earlier in the round.
  23. One thing to watch out for is enemies obeying Illuminated into attacking the Depleted - that's bad karma all around.
  24. They are horriblehorriblehorrible in Reconnoiter. Horrible! They are actually rather crazy fast and don't die and if they do, whatever killed them is in deep waters. Horrible.
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