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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Those Witchlings look great - a very strong scheme that should look awesome on the tabletop. I also really like what you did with the blades - a cool effect for sure. As for the Purifying Flame - I think it looks fine. One thing I've learnt about doing the flame effect, is to add a bit black onto some of the very edges. It really brings the effect into life. Like here, for example: http://taleofpainters.blogspot.fi/2014/08/tutorial-how-to-paint-fire-flame.html But yeah, keep up the good work!
  2. Ah, awesome report! Thank you for sharing once again. I need to get a move on to try and start keeping pace. As for comments, I thought that Ophelia was supposed to come out only against evil people (Myyrä)? Though she is rather good if one wants to Assassinate Jack Daw, I guess... Why didn't Librarian heal Jack one turn four before he exposed himself? But go go Young LaCroix! Nicely done, for sure. How did you find that Strategy? Was this your first time playing it?
  3. Really well done! And thank you for the report - you seemed to do better and better as the tournament went on. Had there been ten games, you prolly would've won the whole thing
  4. I would paint the eye normally and then take a very thin white with a bit of blue added and do as many layers as it takes to make it look proper.
  5. Belles are nice to get that one opposing model close enough in order to give your own models Fast.
  6. For new players who don't have old metal models, they are a really annoying, super-redundant extra cost if one wants the generic upgrades. For old farts like me who have huge metal collections they are very convenient. If you don't care for the fluff, I suppose you could use them to sort of replace the thick rulebooks and make do with just the cards and Arsenal packs.
  7. And here I always thought it was the sound that Cojo is making in your avatar... . . . (not really)
  8. For Dust Storm: https://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/elemental/latest/02251 or https://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/elemental/latest/02252 For the core - well, anything really. The official model is a tiny flaming skull sitting on a mound of skeletons.
  9. The old Confrontation Fire Elemental by Rackham would be pretty damn spot on: Can be difficult to find, but here is one, for example: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rackham-Confrontation-Elemental-of-Fire-SPANISH-Card-/261782189497?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3cf36f35b9 This could also work: http://dark-age.com/shop/dragyri-1-1/dragyri-greater-storm-elemental-1.html There is also a clear version: http://dark-age.com/shop/dragyri-1-1/dragyri-clear-resin-greater-storm-elemental-1.html
  10. Reverse Hannah - an amazing regular version and a very meh alt. Much prefer it this way, got to say.
  11. Hungarians should be cuddled, I think - way OP! But yeah, thank you for posting - a very interesting read. And big congratulations on the win! Your bracket, though - wow! Talk about allstars - whew! As for Aidan's forum handle, unless I'm mistaken, he's CunningStunt. How I know/think I know this I have absolutely no idea. Pretty ballsy playing Dreamer the first time in such an environment. I also note that you really like Silurids I mean, I got the Zoraida box and was kinda wondering whether I should prep all three or just two but looking at those lists, I'd better build all three, for sure. Also interesting redundancy in the lists. I thought that the common wisdom was that you should seldom use more than two of a given profile in a list but here the lists show lots of them sporting three (or even four (not counting the Stuffed Piglets)) identical models. But yeah, thank you once more for taking the time to post this! Good show!
  12. Yeah. I have played against our resident Lilith player quite a few times and he indeed tries to keep her out of LOS as much as possible and resorts to her sword only when the opportunity is absolutely golden. His philosophy for playing Lilith is to first consider all other options rather than doing a melee attack with her. Tangle might very well be the most versatile single ability in the game (only challenged by Nico's Summoning, I think) - you can do an utterly insane amount of things with it. Taking squishy enemy in to kill them, moving tough enemy into bad places, disrupting the enemy by throwing something durable in their midst (Waldgeist rocks for this, btw), helping in accomplishing any Scheme or Strategy in the game and so on. But it can lead to analysis paralysis as well. I certainly think that Lilith is actually one of the most difficult Masters to master as she is just super versatile.
  13. For Perdita, I think that Hola Ghost's Soldadera is utterly perfect Sonnia is easy. There's like a dozen songs about burning witches that I know of but let's throw an old classic: For Levi, well, he is pretty evil so pretty evil music fits him, I think: Speaking of pretty evil, I think that Tara is also rather nasty, so let's plumb those depths!
  14. Foundry does zombie gunfighters: http://www.wargamesfoundry.com/our-ranges/old-west/old-west-apache-collection-bcow018
  15. Math Mathonwy

    No Shelter Here By Nao

    Very gothic! The purple has been executed wonderfully and the contrasts work really well. The atmosphere rocks!
  16. Very strong colour choices. A bold vision! Candy is my favourite of the bunch.
  17. Very nice job on the greens - really intelligent painting. I can see that you're a great painter who did this crew quick - your skill shines through in various places. Would love to see close-ups.
  18. Math Mathonwy

    Seamus Crew Web

    Good gaming force. The bases really work. My favourite of the bunch is definitely Bete. Really nice!
  19. Math Mathonwy

    Sweet Dreams

    Great job! There are so many awesome details to pick out. LCB's blood effect is great, the bases are downright amazing, Coppelius' pants rock, and the lighting effects are great.
  20. Very cthulhoid, nicely subtle. The Wretches are the best of the bunch - the eyes work on the them really well.
  21. Very dramatic as is your forte. Your best crew to date, though. A lot of thought went into this one as usual for you and the effect is simply phenomenal.
  22. Math Mathonwy


    What a fun idea! The white works really nicely.
  23. Interesting execution - certainly nightmarish. The bases are a fun idea and fit the crew very nicely.
  24. Great basing, really clean paintjob and great colors. These look absolutely phenomenal! The Whiskey Golem's metal is superb. Great job!
  25. Math Mathonwy

    Mei Feng's Crew

    You have nicely captured the feel of the crew here.
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