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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Add Casting Expert. But in all seriousness, Brewmaster is a difficult concept. He is often seen as frustrating when his bubble works so making it work better is dangerous. Swill is OK but it is a bit boring as a main focus and making it even better would just emphasize that further. Debuffing Wp is nice but tied to the bubble. Making Obey better is encroaching into Zoraida's territory. One thing that immediately springs to mind is that his Upgrades stink. Binge if good but the rest are some of the very worst Master-specific Upgrades in the game. And even with Binge there is the problem that why not Swill some more instead? I mean, there certainly are situations where you want to Binge but it's still somewhat niche ability. And I'm not sure that the Maks was meant to work on friendlies Brewmaster is also oddly resilient in that he crumbles like a wet paper bag against shooting but bubble can make melee a nightmare and Wesley is of course another (weird) factor. I would like to see him being better at buffing Moon Shinobis and the Whiskey Golem. Maybe Swill against friendlies allows for a second Swill to be cast immediately at a different target?
  2. Well, that was rather sad Did it take luck for the Desolation Engine to finish off McCabe? Of course the massive card advantage from the Abominations helps but still, it needed to do 14 wounds (with a weird effect in the middle that might waste some of the damage of the first killing blow) with Ml 6 against Df 6 and SS use through five attacks. That said, I'm not sure that McCabe barely surviving first turn would've made a difference at all. So even if it was somewhat lucky, I doubt it would've mattered much. And I'm honestly asking whether you felt that it was lucky because I honestly am not sure. Also, and this might be a silly question since I have so little experience against Levi + Deso Engine, but how did the Engine charge McCabe? Wasn't it Slow? Ghost Rider against Joker would be interesting, though - Penance Stare would likely melt Joker's face off
  3. Poison Brewie is definitely 'hard mode'. Beatstick Swilling Brewster is quite a bit better.
  4. She does a bit more damage but Gremlins do damage well - Zipp OTOH bypasses lots of defenses that otherwise can be problematic for the Gremlins so he sorta fills the role better IMO.
  5. I've played lots of Brewski (with a huge emphasis on Swill - you're very far from the first person to suggest it!) and lots with Mah - Mah is, IMO, hands down better. Mah's main problem is that she is just worse than Zipp while doing the same thing (positioning and melee damage). Brew at least is unique, lousy though he may be. Also I'm really weirded by someone considering Parker as the best - I wouldn't put him in top three of Outcasts, let alone the whole game. Which just goes to show how subjective this all is.
  6. If someone put on gun on my head and told me to answer, I'd say that Sandeep is the strongest and Brewmaster the weakest. That said, a good Brewmaster player will beat a weak Sandeep player all day.
  7. Arriving on Friday - anything to see in Stockport? Anyone wanna go for a pint in the evening?
  8. Iron Bug = Lightning Bug + Iron Skeeter tag team?
  9. Is he likely to bring a full-on crew or something more laid back? Aim for the best possible game experience for the both of you!
  10. "I'm not much of a runner but I've completed a couple of dozen marathons"
  11. The bulk of the conversation is happening here on the beta test forums: http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/forum/408-mfx-pt-gremlins/
  12. She can also up the Ml of her crew which can make Pandora sweat quite a bit more than normal. You forgot Zoraida who is actually very good against Pandora as she is herself is pretty safe with her Wp 10 and she can can control positioning which is pretty key against Pandy. She doesn't have a (0)Action so Liquid Bravery for a bit of extra protection and for boosting your Minions. Also, Bewitching Pandora is fun She would actually be my second favourite choice against her after Zipp (who is just stupid).
  13. Have you considered outsourcing summoning to Sammy and doing different stuff with Ulix?
  14. The most ultimate of all diversions, then! Truly impressive!
  15. Sammy with My Threatening Gun can give Ophelia an extra AP (the negative flip is countered by her positive flip on her normal shooting if you want to Attack with her). Sammy can do Summoning duty while Somer/Ulix do other things. She isn't quite as good but frees up Master AP which is pretty potent to say the least.
  16. I believe that Mutter meant that Yin hit Panora with Gnawing Fear (on Wp and Ca duels). After which she is extremely vulnerable.
  17. Look at your crew, now back at Pandora, now back at your crew, now back to Pandora. Sadly, your crew isn't hers, but if you stopped using models that attack her in the conventional way and had access to blasts and pulses and whatnot, you could kill her. Look down, back up, where are you? You're in Torsul's post, following his advice. What's in your hand, back at Pandora? It's VPs that you get by concentrating on Schemes and Strats and killing her crew and ignoring her. Look again, the VPs are now Pandora's tears. Anything is possible when you combine the advice of Adran and Torsul. I'm on a Pig.
  18. Hahaha, so the "Why play TT?" thread really made an impression on you
  19. Zipp's Up We Go -attack can affect friendlies (and be used to Place them). Unless I misunderstood something.
  20. Could it mean the e-mail you have used to register to the Wyrd webstore?
  21. Thank you once again for taking the time to write all that and also for showing how "conventional wisdom" is not necessarily the final say when it comes to list building. I just get such a massive out of your lists! Though I have to say that the Rabbit vs the Bear in the second game is one of the funniest things I've read in a Malifaux report But getting a win out of a game where almost 20SS of your models are fighting one another is pretty amazing! And against Reva no less. Oh, and congrats on a great performance!
  22. It's a bit weird why Pere with PHE and Skeeter-transport hasn't been a bigger thing since it has been talked about a lot on the Gremlin forums when Zipp came out and then periodically again when Zipp has been talked about. And it's just such an obvious thing to do.
  23. This has been my thinking as well. But then we came to the problem of it being an 8SS-module and then you usually want something else as support as well. Not saying that it is an insurmountable problem (there's a few solutions suggested in the other thread) or that it isn't worth it, mind you. One thing worth remembering is that Wisps are still Minions even if they are Insignificant - they count for many strats which is nice (well, in the case of Collect the Bounty).
  24. Do people get a use out of Convict Gunslingers? I've seen them fielded quite a few times but they never seem to sing. Except when with Tara but she can make anything shine if she wants to so that's kinda of a moot point, I feel - they most certainly aren't the best choice for her.
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