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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Malifaux is a pretty complex game and taking a wholly new crew is always difficult even for veterans to wrap their heds around everything. Add to this that Colette and her showgirls aren't exactly the simplest crew and I can see it getting overwhelming quick. I suggest easing into the Showgirls and I would do it by taking the Neverborn starter that she is familiar with and adding, , say, the Coryphee into it. Sure they are different Faction but don't worry about it. Then when that feels good, switch Angel Eyes for Cassandra. And when that works, switch Blood Wretches for Performers. And when that works, switch Scion for Colette.
  2. To be fair, Seamus can turn a dead Razorspine Rattler into a Dead Doxy and a Taxidermist can turn a dead Nekima into a Stuffed Piglet
  3. That is a valid question. I doubt that this particular usage was the designer's original intent but that's true of a lot of things that are seen as valid and powerful yet unproblematic. So yeah, good point. Worth pondering on. Thank you!
  4. I sort of agree and sort of disagree. I agree that the Lightning Bug healing is nowhere near problematic in any other circumstance except Somer Summoning. Compared to Slop Hauler I think that it is worth bearing in mind that Lightning Bugs have better range and it's a 1 AP action. I do agree with you analysis that the actual difference in Wounds healed isn't that great (thanks for putting the numbers on the table - I had never considered it at that level).
  5. Yeah, no Out For Blood for me either. It's way too expensive. I take Know the Terrain and then alternate between Dirty Cheater, Lead Lined Apron, and On Yer Tip Toes (the main effect is garbage but the retake a duel is fantastic) and give Lass the Apron.
  6. I just checked Storm of Shadows and TT was a Faction and Burt had Enmity towards the whole Faction so couldn't be hired if the crew included any TT models. Also, if the opponent declared TT as their Faction, Burt received the Comes Cheap rule (no Merc tax). TT didn't have any models that were wholly their own, though - all were Dual Faction. And Gremlins indeed were not a Faction but a weird separate part of the Outcasts with strong hiring restrictions (I know you remembered that - just for others).
  7. I do like that list. Very similar to what I've been planning to test once I feel like playing Brewski again. Trixie's Upgrade is the weirdest thing. When I take it, in half the games I end up not using it. When I don't take it, I always find places to use it. Maybe it's just that the opponent is wary of it or something.
  8. I understand how you could read it that way but luckily your reading is wrong. Note where the quotation marks end. The "Paranoia Pulse" is part of the Attack, not the Condition: (1) Pluck the Strings (Ca 5 / Rst: Wp / Rg: 10): Target model gains the following Condition until the end of the game: "Paranoid: At the start of this model's Activation, it must discard a card or suffer 2 damage. Then end this Condition." All enemy models within p3 of the target must succeed on a TN 14 Wp duel or gain the Paranoid Condition until the end of the game. M Dueling Banjos: After succeeding against an enemy, another friendly Banjonista in play may immediately take the Pluck the Strings Action.
  9. I understood that in the sense that he won't be expanding Gremlins beyond the 50SS for Brewmaster (so whether a model works with other Gremlins Masters or not is not a concern). I mean, if he was looking solely for TT stuff, I would guess that this thread would be on the TT subforum. If he is looking solely for TT stuff, then Akaname and Burt, Gracie, and McTavish are probably the only reasonable options.
  10. No they can't but if I understood OP correctly, he wasn't averse to the idea of playing Brewmaster in Gremlins and getting one or two boxes to help him do so.
  11. It does cost AP and positioning from the healer. Now, I do think that Lightning Bug is too efficient in healing Somer Summons but with Slop Haulers I think it was very balanced. Also worth noting is that Somer only Summons one variety of 3SS models and the card needed is sorta high. And Do It Like Dis also requires a card - the cost is negligible if you have a suitable card in hand but if your only Mask is 13 it's a bit more expensive.
  12. I suggest getting Burt. He is a superb damage dealer and a Mercenary so you can use him outside of the Gremlins as well. In fact, he is especially is really superb with TT due to the support they can give him. Second, you could consider getting Banjonistas. They attack Wp and have Pushes and weird things and they work better in bunches so you can put all three on the table. You would have an absolutely hilarious force and, well, what's a booze party without music?
  13. She can burn SS for the Suit but that's about it. Do note that it is a low Crows (only a six) so getting a suitable card into hand isn't all that uncommon.
  14. Even though it wasn't said explicitly, this post seems to imply that it won't be a closed beta:
  15. Yeah, I more meant that she is mobile for her mission - she can hide behind something and come forth with Incorporeal and she cannot be Slowed or Paralyzed. But yeah, it was badly communicated.
  16. Removing Swill and Poison is pretty nasty (as those are what Brewmaster mostly does) and Chiaki is extremely mobile and durable.
  17. But the real question is had you taken a different Gremlin Master, do you believe that you wouldn't have made 8th? In Malifaux skill trumps a lot. Brewmaster isn't unplayable and I don't think that anyone is saying that one can't win with him. I've played him quite a bit and I feel that I do by far the weakest with him (even with Francois around the bubble taking things out ). He is also far more counterable than other Gremlin Masters. Heck, Chiaki counters Brewmaster almost by her lonesome!
  18. It does make sense. And having, say, a Francois instead of the Bokor is also going to help by taking the pressure off the Swines a bit (or else it'll help by Francois cleaning house). The one reason I feel it might have some potential is that if the Swine doesn't die they heal up very well so if the Bokor can keep them just barely alive against the enemy onslaught, that's pretty great. Also, Faded reducing damage to zero means no After damaging Triggers which can be pretty great. But as noted, I do have a sinking feeling that you are correct.
  19. I think that it is better this way. We've been doing this tango with Trikk quite a bit lately and, I mean, I love the man, but I'm not sure that the rest of the forum is enriched by us going on about it I do take the opportunity to say that no, I haven't had the pleasure of a TT McTavish. Which isn't something that I'm sad about, mind! And, in order to say something about the topic as well, Bokors might be worth considering for Wong. Positive twists to casts isn't exactly bad for him and that shielding Faded Condition would be welcomed by the Swine-Cursed. I dunno, might not be worth 6SS but I intend to try once they are released.
  20. ...and I was just writing a reply to Trikk!
  21. I'm utterly convinced that she will be absolutely awesome once the new Upgrades hit! (Please don't hit me with the spoon!)
  22. I think that Wrastlers are a step in the right direction in that sense in that they are our first cheap melee Gremlins aside from the Hog Whisperer who is rather specialized. They fill a niche for Mah. And Big Brain's point seemed to be to make the Roosters usable again but it is on such a weird platform that I don't know. I think that he is situationally great but due to his awful Df and him being so annoying to the enemy and needing to be close that he's going to be just another "fun" choice. And Bokors seemed to be about fixing Gators and Wild Boars. So I can kinda see the reasoning there but the challenge is of course making models which, e.g., make Mah better but not Zipp. And that's not easy since Zipp is essentially Mah on steroids. And Wong is a better Ophelia and Somer is a better everyone else... So even if Wrastlers are what Mah needs, Zipp is still better than Mah. Added to this is that almost all the new models are support except Wrastlers. And that's difficult as well since Gremlins are so squishy that support has a tendency to not have anything to support turn three onwards since the canny opponent has killed all the actual achievers. Finally, I think that there's a bit of a witch hunt. Gremlins have always been the faction that you can make fun of ("not a real faction" ahahaha) and they weren't played much. Now that they are having some success people are noticing it and are reacting. People have gotten used to how silly Francisco or Howard are but it seems that only now they are realizing how silly Burt is. Added to that is Nellie and TT hiring Burt and having success due to their ability to support him better than Gremlins have traditionally been able to and a storm is ready.
  23. They can kill the opponent's sucker and score for their FFM! ... I posted about a Skeeter or Somer killing a Bayou Gremlin into a Skeeter or Piglet and then using the resulting Corpse for a Stuffed Piglet. Which I think is a valid change (though card intensive).
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