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When is McMourning better than other Guild Masters?

Math Mathonwy

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I'm finding it a bit hard to find the proper synergies and Raison d'être for fielding him with Guild. I mean, he's not awful or anything (far from it, in fact) but what opposing faction (or even Master) and what set of Strats and Schemes would you choose him over all the other Guild Masters?

Also, Nurses are nice with the Guild but have you found Sebastian useful? I really like Francisco and the Judge, so it's a bit of a hard sell for the old Seb. And what about the Zombie Chihuahua?

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Zombie Chihuahua is terrible, in the sense that I blast it off of the board at the first opportunity I get. The auto-poison get really bad, really quick. Sebastian's Under Cover can allow you to field a deadly shooting list without as much fear of reprisals. McMourning also has a lot of scheme manipulation and movement potential, and his buff and Nurse healing allows you to get a lot out of cheaper minions like Guild Guards.

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NEVER!!!! Filthy Rezzer contaminating my righteous Guild forces!!

Sorry....I couldn't resist. I can't help you because I'll never use him........like Fetid, I have an intense personal distaste that he is dual-Guild. Nothing to do with the game or the mechanics, just a personal thing.

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There are a few models in the Guild Army that benefit from McMourning's Plastic Surgery upgrade's Skin Graft ability:

  • Lone Marshal
  • Exorcist
  • Judge

These models usually can do extra damage vs Undead. Or in the case of Judge(with upgrade) or Lone Marshal, cause horror duels.

Nurses are really good for locking down opponents. Especially with the Paralyze/Heal early on. With the right cards it will lock down most enemy models.

Sebastian's anti-shooting aura is amazingly good from what I've heard. Have yet to try it myself though.

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He's an amazingly survivable melee master who can turn his zero into either an extra melee attack at 6" (with upgrage), an out of activation push/scheme drop, or a ca7 spell that wipes poison doing a load of damage. He ignores armor and hard to wound, so pretty decent foil to arcanist crews. He can heal himself up to 5 wds per turn just by attacking.

Nurse plus witchling stalker = full heal and paralyze clear for any crow and a 4up of rams.

I would say he's the guilds best option if you have anything that's scheme marker/interact heavy.

I don't know if I'm down with the fluff on it, but I think he's a really cool addition to the guild master lineup.


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He works in the guild morgue, but it's just a front for him to be able to carry away corpses for experimentation. The anti-guild Doug don't see the guild knowing what he can do, and not persecuting or executing him.

The biggest injustice is that the arm of the guild that specializes in detecting and eliminating the undead forces (the marshalls) are one of the best ways to synergize with McMourning- if you give him the undead aura upgrade, then the Judge's "Stand for Justice" tactical action can do more damage to a model engaged with Doug (as he is giving them the undead characteristic).

I can see McMourning wanting to continue to work for the guild- as their resources and... ehem... personnel... allow him to be more ambitious, and if there just haaaapen to be any casualties... well... accidents happen.

But the only bit of fluff that they gave for him to be able to continue to be a ressur under the guild's watch was Lucius the Gov's Secretary sayin, basically, "Hey... we know what you're doin'. Don't stop it. Just use it to help us." Which is pretty paper thin. Lady Justice wouldn't stand for that crap, even if his paperwork were in order.

I on the other hand love playing guild McMo. He is an amazing fit for my rushdown playstyle, while still allowing me the flexibility to achieve schemes at an amazing rate. And fluff aside, he's really fun to play.


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Seb is great with McMo based on the fact than Induction is amazing. Any posioned model in the aura takes 3 damage which cannot be reduced. If you can time it right and peg a model with posion +2 before they activate in the turn, it becomes 6 damage from poison by the end of the turn!! It's the passive damage from poison that makes Seb an awesome choice with McMo, Guild or Resser!

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I just assumed that fluff-wise, everything McMourning is doing is under the table. McMourning is a powerful resource for Lucius. Compared to all of the other Guild Masters, he is not only more expendable (they're technically only losing a coroner) and more valuable in some ways. For example, all of the other Guild Masters have shown some form of moral fiber, albeit not necessarily strong morals. Justice has a black and white view of the world that would prevent her from completing more morally questionable missions for Lucius. Hoffman is pretty much truly good-aligned, and never would want to kill innocents. Even Sonnia Criid honestly believes her witch hunting is the right thing to do. Naturally, these members of the guild wouldn't listen to some of Lucius' more evil commands, such as 'Leave no Witnesses alive' or 'make sure the rest of the team doesn't come back...'. Mcmourning offers a unique skill set that Lucius can use under the table at very little personal cost. Maybe he has to let McMourning keep some of the body parts from his kills mid-mission, but then again Lucius doesn't need those anyway. The only thing he HAS to do is make sure the Marshalls don't check around his place often, but even that is relatively easy. Canonically, many actual troop combinations don't entirely make sense, so I doubt Lady J will ever be aware of his necromancy. Honestly, I don't understand the fluff-hate for it. McMourning has always been one of my favorite characters in the fluff, and Lucius blackmailing him into doing jobs just sounds like a cool and logical plot development for him.

On the game note, he offers a unique playstyle, cool synergistic units (Nurses can be amazing with the right Guild Units), and some cool and different models to the guild overall. I think he's a fine addition personally.

Edited by Claymore65
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You can take Nurses to heal up your own Guild models then use an Witchling Stalker's Dispell Magic to remove the Paralyze condition and roll on to take a beating again!

I'd imagine Lawyers are also pretty good with Guild McMourning as they can dish out their fair share of poison which McMourning and co. can expunge. Also as mentioned before by usings McMourning's ability to give out the Undead Characteristic he can synergise well with The Judge and Exorcists.

I must admit I'm hell bent of collecting all the Guild Masters but I've been hesitant to get McCMourning because I was struggling to think of how to use him but this thread has offered some nice ideas.

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But the only bit of fluff that they gave for him to be able to continue to be a ressur under the guild's watch was Lucius the Gov's Secretary sayin, basically, "Hey... we know what you're doin'. Don't stop it. Just use it to help us." Which is pretty paper thin. Lady Justice wouldn't stand for that crap, even if his paperwork were in order.

I've always assumed that only Lucius knows, and uses this to control McMourning. "I'll keep your secret if you do my dirty work when I need you to". One bad guy using another.

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I've always assumed that only Lucius knows, and uses this to control McMourning. "I'll keep your secret if you do my dirty work when I need you to". One misunderstood guy using another.


Yeah- one thing that I keep trying to do, but it never works out for me, is use Doug to Soften targets up, and push the Guild Executioner around, and then have him clean up- Exe's also a good anti scheme marker guy. But he always gets rushed down. S'too bad, really.


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I've always assumed that only Lucius knows, and uses this to control McMourning. "I'll keep your secret if you do my dirty work when I need you to". One bad guy using another.

Aye, that's been my reading, too. And furthermore, that Lucius uses his (considerable) influence to help McMourning keep his secret. Also of note is that Sebastian is extremely capable and helps McMourning in keeping his operation secret even if Doug himself is a bit... peculiarly gifted himself.

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Aye, that's been my reading, too. And furthermore, that Lucius uses his (considerable) influence to help McMourning keep his secret. Also of note is that Sebastian is extremely capable and helps McMourning in keeping his operation secret even if Doug himself is a bit... peculiarly gifted himself.

He is the only Rezzer to hide in plain sight and live. He is the best mastermind. Barring his antics. Lady J and the judge don't suspect a thing.

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Something like this?

Guild Crew - 35 - Dustup

Dr. Douglas McMourning -- 7 Pool

+Evidence Tampering [2]

+On the Clock [1]

+Plastic Surgery [1]

  • Zombie Chihuahua [2]
  • Nurse [5]
  • Sebastian [7]
  • The Judge [9]
  • Witchling Stalker [5]

There's 3 points currently used for extra stones. Could put an upgrade on one of the Henchmen if you want. Sebastian could also become Fransisco rather easily.

Edited by LunarSol
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