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Guild Death Marshals


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Hey, I had a crazy idea/thought today in my game with Rameses. Wouldn't it be fun/beneficial (albeit occasionally) to stick one of your own models in a Pine Box to safely kite said model around the board?

Can anyone think of any situations where this sort of insured delivery system would be ideal or beneficial? I'm honestly just spitballing here, but it feels like it could be a good way to keep, say, your Scales or Lady safe for a little bit as you maneuver about the field.


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Hey, I had a crazy idea/thought today in my game with Rameses. Wouldn't it be fun/beneficial (albeit occasionally) to stick one of your own models in a Pine Box to safely kite said model around the board?

Can anyone think of any situations where this sort of insured delivery system would be ideal or beneficial? I'm honestly just spitballing here, but it feels like it could be a good way to keep, say, your Scales or Lady safe for a little bit as you maneuver about the field.


I am pretty sure this has been a tactic used by Lady Justice players for quite some time now, even before ME2.

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They do, and its pretty cool playing jack in the box!

I think that's a J in a box.

really makes people think against killing said death marshall less Lady J is released close to their lines to beat face. Executioner is good too, might try a Peacekeeper in a box too.

Its even better now its a (1) action not the (2) action it was in 1st ed

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I suggest keeping a lot of high cards in your hand to keep things buried. And to try and stay near cover to avoid the inevitable hail of fire to free the trapped enemy. Granted its AP being spent to not hit Judge or Lady J, but its also at the cost of 6ss model that, while hard to wound, will most likely go down in 2 or 3 hits.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Came to mind the other day, what if Papa Loco was boxed and brought closer to the enemy?

I know he has a blast attack and he could get it off twice before killing himself. If the opponent has a lot of models grouped together essentially he could wipe out a lot of models in one turn. Blasts are very deadly in this game and with Papa Loco in the box, if the opponent kills the Death Marshal Papa Loco will be released and be able to activate as soon as he is released.

Granted releasing him before hand would open him up to being targeted.

Edited by Hagisman
Grammar bad...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Pine box is awesome I use it to transport my Executioner safely to the front lines. Bury another enemy model and out he pops. A trick i used last time was putting him into Defensive +2 before I buried him as it lasts til he next activates. Other possibilities include Peacekeeper coming out with Flurry or Justice gaining positive damage flips for not charging. Also they can be used to save your own units that are about to die and transport them away from battle for healing/denial.

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  • 1 month later...

'Pine Box' is incredible, I've used it defensively to ferry people about (as noted) or to get important models out of sticky situations they can't deal with. Offensively, it's also amazing. Works great against annoying, slippery models (Fingers *hates* death marshals!) as even taking them out for a turn can be game changing. I also use it if the opponent brings the fight to me before I'm ready. Teddy, Killjoy, Steamborgs - anything big, scary and tough - if Lady J can't deal with it, stick in in a box for later and kill it when it suits you better.

Awesome ability that makes death marshals one of the best minions in the game IMO. Being able to get two attempts off the charge is just dandy.

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Has anyone tried this against Tara? I would be interested to see the outcome of that.

With limited experience playing as Tara, I'd put this solidly in the "terrible idea" realm.

-One of her upgrades allows her to use buried models' abilities

-One of her upgrades allows her to unbury a friendly and chain activate, or unbury an enemy and fake-chain under her control

-Her standard minion can attack buried enemies or heal buried friendlies

-Her totem can attack buried pieces

... in short, bad idea to do to her or your own guys, as you'd be playing to her strengths. Some few examples of when it might be okay:

-if your opponent were really heavily exploiting Glimpse the Void, you didn't have the cards to WP past it, and you had a disposable model to throw in the box.

-Maybe if Tara couldn't go that turn and you wanted to take one of her pieces out for the rest of the round, but that's still likely a gamble, since she can extract and chain activate at the top of next.

-maybe with a high WP or otherwise valuable piece, and the right cards to prevent being dumped and mind controlled?

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Hi there guys!

As my nickname says.. well, it was love at first sight for me: these guys are ghostraiders with coffins!

I am a complete, total noob, I've learned about the game and had my first intro today withy lady justice and her crew.

I've red here about this taxi thing, and I was curious if someone could explain it to me:

- how to use it

- how it works

- why to use it

- what should i carry inside

- how to do the charge thing explained above with an executioneer :)

thx in advance for the reply! I'll be buying this crew box veeeery soon! I just can't resist curiosity!

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-The principle is, instead if using it offensively to take an enemy out of the game for a while, you're protecting your own piece and transporting it up.

-How it works is very easy: you have a Death Marshal hit the spell's target number (needs a 5 IIRC), have the target voluntarily fail the resist. Later, you either fail the WP duel at the start of the DM's activation; have the DM cast the same spell again, dumping your model out; or get your DM killed, with their cargo hopping out to avenge their death. If you do it right, you should see little opportunity for retaliation before the target gets a turn to activate near the enemy and wreck face.

-Why you should use it: the obvious way is to get a bullet magnet (such as most heavy hitters that don't provide a ton of support (so their support won't be missed while they're gone)) up field quickly and without taking damage.

As a note, some Conditions (Fast is probably the most easily accessible) don't expire if a model doesn't activate, so you have the opportunity to store a model with its bonuses.

As a secondary note, some things can affect Buried models, most notably stuff associated with Tara. Be sure to note this or it could wreck your trick.

-What you should cary/how it works with an executioner is in the above bullet point.

As another note: I find that at most 2 is the most I will ever field and would suggest just one: they've got very useful abilities, but are expensive and only around as offensively good as models that cost 4 (Guild Guards). They're some of my favorite models, but they're not the best game pieces in bulk.

Edited by SpiralngCadavr
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I think they are offensivly / defensivly worth around 5 points. Compare them to our stalkers.

That + pinebox makes them 6 points, but you will rarely need more than 1 pine box. So 2 is really the maximum I will ever field, normally only 1.

For model count I prefer guardsmen, as cheap fighters stalkers. At 7 points you get family models...

So we have enough other options.

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