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Was/Is Malifaux your first Table Top Minature Wargame?

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Minis games that I have played and own a force (for almost all I own several with some being really big) for in no particular order:

  • Space Marine 2nd Edition, Titan Legions, and Epic: Armageddon
  • WHFB 4th to 8th
  • 40k 3rd to 6th
  • Confrontation 2nd to 3.5, also Ragnarok and Nemesis
  • Blood Bowl 2nd to 6th (the current one)
  • Warmaster
  • Infinity
  • Alkemy
  • Hell Dorado
  • Necromunda
  • Mordheim
  • Eden
  • Carnevale
  • Malifaux 1st to 2nd

Bubbling under (have a force/waiting for a KS to resolve but haven't yet played (a baby made hobby time become less)) are

  • 1650 (amazing, amazing minis - the best there is, really)
  • Pulp City
  • Arcworlde
  • Dreadball
  • Sedition Wars
  • Guildball (maybe)
  • Smog 1888

... I may have a problem.  :P

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Relatively in the order in which they were picked up...


Star Wars minis (WOTC)

40k (trying to sell my army)

Fantasy (just have models, don't know how to play)

Malifaux 1.0 (very short time then abandoned, don't remember if I did 1.5)

Infinity (d20 drove me nuts)

Dystopian Wars

Malifaux 2.0

Wrath of Kings (Kickstarter)

Relic Knights (Kickstarter)

And board games involving lots of minis....like zombies....

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To make a long story short:

I started playing Warhammer 40k. Then I played Malifaux when I wanted to play a smaller wargame.


To make a long story:
I started playing Dawn of War 2 with a friend in college. It got me interested in Warhammer 40k. I then I started playing Blood Bowl when it got turned into a video game. So far Blood Bowl is the one game I understand the strategy the most. Probably because all the info is there and I don't have to remember that my models have Guard.


About 2-3 years after that an event occurred, to cope I bought into Warhammer 40k. Orks. However, because Orks haven't been updated in years and I didn't want to play internet spam lists it was a major uphill battle. And so I put them on the backburner for a bit to renew my interest.


Then last year I found out that there was Warmachine. Warmachine had just transitioned from a small skirmish game about controlling robots/warjacks, which is what I liked about it, to larger infantry-based game. The players tried to sell me that the game was still small scale skirmishes. But after watching people bring out Colossus and entire platoons of soldiers I realized I'd be paying the same as I do for Warhammer 40k.


Last September I found Malifaux, and I was immediately sold by the style and fluff. It was a bonus that it was going through the rules change. The problem I have with games like Warmachine and Magic the Gathering is that the rules seem to have stayed the same. Meaning that starting those games I was going to play against people who had years to master tricks with the rules.


Originally I was going to play Gremlins, but realized that I already have Orks and would rather play something else. I saw the Death Marshals and my journey into Malifaux was complete.


To make a long story even shorter:

Second Game.

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Started with blood bowl almost 20 years ago, then moved on to Fantasy and 40k.  Tried Warmachine when it came out and didn't like it.  Tried Hordes when it came out and didn't like it.  Many other smaller games along the way, but since 2009, I've really loved playing Malifaux, and the other games with the exception of Blood Bowl have fallen by the wayside.  I still have tons of fantasy and 40K as I just can't seem to give them up, but I don't play them very often.

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My first was Rackham's (excellent) AT-43 and I was sad to see them go.  We actually played this game because they were pre-painted.


Then started a love-affair with painting a WH Dwarf army.  It's been about a year and I still haven't played but have been really enjoying the hobby of painting! I might go back and touch up some of the AT-43 mini's now that I have some knowledge.


And now Malifaux.  I'm not sure where to get started (I guess coming here to the forums is as good a place as any.)

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I am still very new to Malifaux (started about 2 weeks ago) and it is indeed my first skirmish game. I always wanted to play games like 40K and Fantasy but never had the money to drop on them. So when i learned about Malifaux and its much lower cost of entry I was all over it. Trying to get my friends to try it now and its been an uphill struggle....

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If I start with the first wargame that I played more than two games of, it would be Space Marine/Epic.


Sure, I had the books and stuff for Rogue Trader, and played a few games of FASA Battletech using cardboard pieces, but that's like calling the AD&D or Gamma World (Rainbow ACT table edition) mass combat games 'wargames'.  :wub:  

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I know I already wrote something, but I've noticed that a lot of people that have replied to this post have played Warmachine and/or Hordes before getting into Malifaux.

I'll be honest - Warmahordes is a good game. I've played since nearly the beginning; the only books that were published when I started were Prime and Escalation. I've been to Lock and Load and have met Privateer's awesome staff. But the game has gotten far to big in scale for me, especially with huge based models and loads of infantry ("infantrymachine"). There are too many models on the field and a turn takes so long in a casual game that it is difficult to find the motivation to play. I haven't played the game in months and don't miss it much, besides walking by beautifully painted models that I'll hardly find the motivation to use.

I enjoy Malifaux for its small scale games, alternating turns, and simply the variety of not having to roll dice.

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I know I already wrote something, but I've noticed that a lot of people that have replied to this post have played Warmachine and/or Hordes before getting into Malifaux.

I'll be honest - Warmahordes is a good game. I've played since nearly the beginning; the only books that were published when I started were Prime and Escalation. I've been to Lock and Load and have met Privateer's awesome staff. But the game has gotten far to big in scale for me, especially with huge based models and loads of infantry ("infantrymachine"). There are too many models on the field and a turn takes so long in a casual game that it is difficult to find the motivation to play. I haven't played the game in months and don't miss it much, besides walking by beautifully painted models that I'll hardly find the motivation to use.

I enjoy Malifaux for its small scale games, alternating turns, and simply the variety of not having to roll dice.

This. So much this. I started playing Warmahordes about two years ago, and with the release of Colossals/Gargantuans, the fun just got sucked right out of it for me. I like playing smaller games, and Warmahordes really stopped being that here. With the big toys available, everyone wants to play with them. I'll admit they're big gorgeous models, but I don't want to play with them. (Okay, yes I do own a gargantuan. I won the thing in a raffle.) It's still a good game, I just don't want to play right now.


I originally considered Malifaux back in the 1.5 days when my FLGS randomly decided to stock it. That was about the time the first plastic crews were coming out, and the one I wanted wasn't out quite yet, so I picked up the pocket rulebook and waited. Two things stopped me. One was I got put off by the rules. The 1.5 rules were confusing in places. The other was that while I saw people playing 40k and fantasy and Warmahordes, I didn't really see anyone playing Malifaux.


And then 2.0 came out and I got to play a couple of games, and I liked it. So now I'm the guy with a crew trying to get other people to play. Go me!

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  • 4 weeks later...

The first experience I had with miniatures was with D&D. I really wanted to get into wargaming so did some research. I was talking a coworker into starting up with me so we decided on 40k since it seemed the easiest to find games for.


I quickly got into the hobby side of things more than playing with the ultra competitive crowd at my local gaming store. I ended up with over 3,000 points each of Black Templar and Tyranids. I think about half are assembled and about a third are finished painted. I gave up on the game after about two years because I didn't like the cost or the direction GW was taking things. I got out right before finecast hit the shelves. At this point I am actually looking into some trade sites trying to unload all of my 40k models. Go figure! LOL


I started getting into Malifaux at the end of my 40k time and fell in love with the models, the game and the community.


I also started some Flames of War armies for my larger scale itches and it seems to appeal to a larger group of my friends that I am slowly getting into tabletop wargaming.


Lastly, I picked up several X-wing models and some Wild West Exodus but Malifaux remains my main game and hobby efforts for now. I don't foresee me getting into any other games but I do still have a mountain of models that need painted and some are projects for friends I need to finish.

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First miniatures game was Battledroids (before Lucasfilm sued FASA and forced them to change the name to Battletech) which has since  been followed by everything from 15mm ancients to WW2 micro-armor to Warhammer 40K.


Currently my fanaticism has been focussed on Warmachine, Dystopian Wars, and now, Malifaux.  I fought it for a while.  Then I saw the Sonnia Criid plastic crew box.  Now I'm hooked.  CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE HER NEW AVATAR!  :blast

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started with wfb/40k and played them through most my teen years and adult hood, mageknight for a short while before whizkidz  was bought by topps and mageknight was killed off, and heroclix until i moved to an area where noone played.  picked up malifaux because 40k became a game to make sure your weekend was clear for and I was looking for something skirmish sized that i couold get a game in within a couple hours., plus i liked the settings and steampunk style.  have been slowly getting into warmachine as well and have a dystopian wars fleet, though i havent played yet

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I got into table top gaming with warhammer fantasy I would say 15 years ago . I was glad that we had a Games Workshop store near us so I could play games with other since none of my circle friends never really got into it. Played fantasy until lord of the rings came out and was sold right away on that line . Played that for about 4 years then the local games workshop closed it's doors . It was then I took a long break from gaming (it just wasn't the same ordering online then going to the store) .

Recently I have gotten back into miniature table top games as my fiancée's kids love heroclix and we play every weekend . While we were on our weekend hunt for heroclix I stumbled upon Malifaux and was sold as it was a gothic / steampunk table top game !

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  • 2 weeks later...

I play almost everything because I'm a horrible person XD

I started with 40K when one of my best friends decided to make me play.  Naturally I went for the prettiest stuff I could find at the time, which was Witch Hunters.  I did not do well...at all, but I looked damn good doing it!  I moved on to other armies, though I still have all of the Inquisitorial stuff as my first love (most of it stripped and being repainted as I take painting breaks from other projects).

Warhammer Fantasy came next, though that's primarily character models as that game is easily played with squares of paper and a pen to X them out as they die.  The only thing I have from that game that is probably army-sized is Dark Elves...though new Wood Elves are coming and, as noted, I'm a horrible person :D

Then I forced people into playing Hordes (yes, Hordes first, Warmachine later).  While I sold most of my original Legion stuff, I'm rebuilding it slowly.  Warmachine I grab things that I fancy - mostly I just pick up starter boxes and paint them, or a 'jack box as it gets my robot fix satiated.


Tried to get into a bunch of skirmish games - never really found one I liked (and Warmahordes sort of balloons past skirmish quickly).  Watched a few games of Infinity and nearly passed out from boredom.  Saw several other small games just not take off (Relics, Bushido, etc. - solid games, just no audience I can find).  Malifaux has really come back from being a tiny section of stores to actually getting their own wall at places - good mechanics, gorgeous minis, and a nice combination of styles to suit everyone. 

So...yeah...Malifaux is probably my most recent addition.

Also, don't ask me about Kickstarter.  I need to put a parental lock on that site...

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Short answer, nope.

Long story: started with card games (Star Wars, l5r,) moved on to gw games (40k, lotr), took a break due to being irritated with gws product and attitude, then got into warmachine 3 years ago. Picked up xwing a year ago. Was looking for a small scale game that I could use so I didn't burn out on warmachine in between tourney/ con prep and found malifaux.

Really excited about the low cost of entry, the awesome looking plastics, the large amount of terrain, and the interesting story

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Nope. For me it was 40k, which I started back in 92/93. I still play 40k, and over the years I've dabbled in WHFantasy, WM/H, and infinity. WHF, WM/H and infinity were fads and all fell by the wayside. I must say that other than 40k I have not been this excited and this enamored with a game (model-wise and rules-wise), and can see myself sticking with Malifaux for a long time.

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