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M2 questions for noob


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I have a Lucius army. I hear this weekend something about there will be a second rulebook coming out after the first M2 one? And Lucius will be in that one? Does this mean I cannot play Lucius until that comes out? Will the guild arsenal deck that is out now have Lucius and all in it?

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There will be a second wave beta starting at the end of september/early october that Lucius will be in, and you can help shape his M2E incarnation during that. Once the beta ends, as far as I've heard (caveat: I could be remembering wrong) there won't be another book but there will be arsenal packs for stuff in the wave 2 beta, so getting the guild wave 2 arsenal pack will get you Lucius' card since you presumably have the model already.

You may indeed want to get hold of the wave 1 arsenal pack for guild, as there are guardsmen in that if I remember rightly, but Lucius is not.

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The rules are complete and have been released - The models for wave 2 are being put into public beta to allow the people that play them to help them feel right and play well when they release the final card.

They're not releasing the wave 2 stuff incomplete, so much as allowing everyone to be a beta tester and help form the new edition of the game. Once the beta is finished, they'll do a formal release of the second wave models.

It was the same with the wave one part - we got to help shape the models and game and provide huge amounts of extra testing, giving us a more balanced and fun game (in my opinion). Then, once that was over, they released the new rules and wave 1 models at GenCon.

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I see. Where can I receive the wave 2 beta cards? Ie for Lucius and crew?

Also, does this mean I cannot play my force in M2 tourneys because they are in beta? I have to buy a new crew that has already been released?

The Wave 2 Beta cards will probably be posted on the forum sometime late September/October. I'm not sure a definitive time has been given yet.

You don't need to buy anything. If you know who the tournament organizer is in your area, I'd suggest speaking to them and seeing how they'll handle M2E tournaments. In my area, for example, no tournaments are being run currently because of the change. If the organizer there is setting some things up, ask how he is handling Wave 2 materials.

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The wave 2 beta cards will not be downloadable for a bit, and the actual Arsenal decks not for quite a while. Informal tourneys you might be ok with the beta cards depending on their rules and agreement of you opponents, but for legit M2E tourneys, you'll likely need a M2E Book/Wave 1 crew.

Edit: ninjaed, and by a more eloquent post.

Edited by Fenton Crack
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The official line I believe from wyrd is that M2e is going to be official tourney ready in January or so after we've got all the cards. For now if you want to play Lucius, (or any of the other masters not included in the m2e book) you're going to play 1.5.

P.S. yes you read that right. Lucius is going to be a master.

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sucky news. oh well

Yes indeed. I did not have quite as much fun at Gen-Con as I had planned. I'm waiting on my Hamelin M2e cards.

The Timing of the Betas was not kind to a lot of players. Forcing people to buy/run new crews at Gen-Con instead of their familiar crews. I really wish the betas had been 2 months earlier. At least then I could have had beta stats for Hamelin at the con.

NEXT YEAR, though, Gen-Con is going to have a RAT PROBLEM.

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Hey bro, I was your Killjoy problem in the tournament Saturday,( fantastic game by the way) we are already discussing another tournament, & I don't think any of us would have a problem with a beta version of Lucius, as long as the rules are out. If not I have all three of the Guild crews in the M2e (plus whatever is needed to fill them out), you are more then welcome to use them. Looking forward to rematch!


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ugh yea! I discovered I HATE Killjoy! haha. My riflemen were soooo close. I had a blast at the tourney btw, even more fun than Ive ever had at a warma/hordes tourney I would say. Thanks for the fun match. Cant believe I got third!

I wish they would have just pushed it all back until all the new rules were ready for release. However, for a business/sales stand point, their move was smart. Hell, Im thinking of getting one of the new M2 released crews now. haha. Damn them and their business strategies working on me.

My complaint is I dont like how hard it is to find information such as this on their site. For instance, what new cards are in their (say Guild) decks in wave 1? Anyway to find out?

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They were available during GenCon. They will be available agin fairly soon, probably late September/early Octobe, as stores reciev them as well. Once that happens, they should still show the cards available.

That being said, I have the Arcanist, Guild, and 10T packs. I can let you know if the card you are looking for is in one of those.

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Sorry, forgot they were only pre-released at Gencon. They are scheduled for general release in September.

Mako has linked to the thread with all the models in Wave 1. Everything else is wave 2. So you probably only have Guild Guard and Austringers from Wave 1 (based on only having models Lucius can hire)

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