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Miss Step


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Okay, my order arrived, and I've started putting it together. is it just me, or is miss Step tiny compared to the old steamborg executioner?

I think the scariest crew I saw back in 1.5 actually was mei feng with a rail golem, mechanical rider, rail golem, and large steampunk arachnid. The big three were all scary beaters in their own right and mei feng could bounce along them to be nearly anywhere.

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Is she easy to assemble? Steamborg executioner was a nightmare to put together.

She's ok to assemble, I managed with my fat fingers without major foul ups, although I did use tweezers for a couple of the littler parts.

As for her size, she's still fairly big, just not as chunky as the old Steamborg was. She certainly looks 'nimble' to me.

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I picked up Miss Step at Gen Con and assembled her last week. The stance on her legs is a bit wider than the 50mm base she comes with, but as I'm using Secret Weapon Miniatures' Town Square #2 50mm base I was able to get her to fit with a wee bit of gentle pressure to gently bend her delicate legs.


I'll post more pics as I finish the base coating and block coloring.

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Introducing... Miss Step, Maiden of Carnage... and that's a lot of blood!

It's nowhere as good as pro-painters' work but I had a great time painting her. Pretty proud of it, actually.

The new plastics are truly wonderful: great details, easy to assemble, and still quite sturdy.

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And now, One of the legs broke off at the ball, and I didn''t notice until after the vacuuming. as it is unlikely I'll ever see the leg again, any suggestions for proxying one of her legs?

Hmm, tough with such a thin specific piece. I think I would start by building a replacement out of wire (piece of paper clip or whatever) and attaching it to the base model by drilling a hole to accept it. I would then use use green stuff or some other epoxy to start building up the thickness in certain areas and sculpt the "scythe" shape into the lower leg. Depending how well it went, I would run interference for the new leg by partially obscuring it with terrain on the base (rock, shrub, grass tuft) or/and add a weathering effect such as rust, corrosion, blood & viscera, etc. to all the legs to unify their look.

Edited by Fenton Crack
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Here is my progress with Miss Step so far. Sorry for the slightly blurry pic. It's all I was able to do at work. Next photos will be better.

I've blocked out her body's metal components with Vallejo's Tinny Tin and put down two thin basecoats of Citadel's Leadbelcher on the manhole cover, then put a couple of thin even coats of Citadel's Bugman's Glow on her exposed skin.

I then gave her metal body components and the manhole cover several thin washes of Citadel's Athonian Camoshade (a great "dirty" wash. Very brown, green, and black).

Next up I'll begin picking out the brass components on her body. As always, comments are very welcome!


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