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The Minor Complaints thread - There's gonna be spoilers

Jonas Albrecht

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Okay, so lets be as explicit as possible: This thread is not for your real issues with M2e. It's not for complaints about layouts, art, badly written fiction, the loss of your system mastery 1.5 game, getting held up by Mack at gunpoint (and we've all been there), Wyrd turning your childhood home into a sex dungeon, or that Malifaux is now played by spinning tops at one another.

Noooooooooope. It's for the minor things that you just want to get off your chest.

For example: Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Why did you guys get rid of one of the most interesting and alien parts of Malifaux: that necromancy was native to it? Maybe I had it wrong, but I always thought (and liked) the idea that necrotic powers were limited to Malifaux. It made perfect sense, what with the device that was used to kill off the mad-scientists-turned-gods Tyrants contaminating the world.

And please, pleassssse don't make Perdita's mother Neverborn. I will be required to hate on that forever, and I just don't have the time.

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Why did you guys get rid of one of the most interesting and alien parts of Malifaux: that necromancy was native to it? Maybe I had it wrong, but I always thought (and liked) the idea that necrotic powers were limited to Malifaux. It made perfect sense, what with the device that was used to kill off the mad-scientists-turned-gods Tyrants contaminating the world.

Necromancy is Earthside now? I mean, I can see the opening of the Breach (or soulstone use?) causing some crossover, but I'm pretty sure it was limited to Malifaux as well. Unless they retconned necromancy as a lost Earthside magic that has been "resurrected" Breachside, which I suppose makes some level of sense.

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I dont really have a problem with it either way since it was by using soulstones, which contain magic native to Malifaux.

But as for my minor gripe: Why are we still having indents on model for tubes? Everything else is keyed or tabbed! I didnt snap any for once, but why am I holding a tube in place with a hobby knife while the glue sets? ARE WE BARBARIANS?

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I don't really have an issue with that - the entire premise of the breach is that there used to be much more magic on earth, and that powerful casters were searching for a way to continue doing so. Disappointing if it completely contradicts old fluff (though I don't remember that line), but aside from that, it doesn't seem to really affect the core of anything.

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Why do you have to use a soulstone to get a suit BEFORE flips!? Minor one but still, soooo annoying.

I think that choice is them trying to be consistent with all stone use in combat is "pre flip". That decision was made for what sounded like both gameplay and fluff reasons in one of the Mack interviews. Fluff wise a stone user would decide whether to charge up a spell or whatever prior to casting it, he indicated, rather than see a spell falter and only then grab a SS out of his pocket in an attempt to salvage his attack, or something like that.

However, I agree it can be heartbreaking the 1:4 times you use the stone then flip your desired suit anyway, but like a joker flip, I am ok with the little tragedies that kind of stuff brings.

Edited by Fenton Crack
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However, I agree it can be heartbreaking the 1:4 times you use the stone then flip your desired suit anyway, but like a joker flip, I am ok with the little tragedies that kind of stuff brings.

Most of the time you not only need the suit but a high number too (like in combat) to have a chance to use that suit. So that 1:4 times is much less in practice but I admit I also feel "cheated" by fate in those rare moments. :)

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I'll add a minor complaint to the pile.

Why did gremlin's lose their noses? Does Sonnia use them as a material component in the creation of Witchling Stalkers (along with Ronin Clothing) or something? They just look goofy now especially if they stand next to my other pre chopped nose gremlins.

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I dislike that huggy is a henchman that can be played without Lynch because of how I had their relationship in my head.

I always felt like the particulars of what Jacob Lynch was like were what allowed Huggy to fully manifest in Malifaux, making him unique because of their "deal".

Now I feel like a nifty mindset I had in my head for them has been shattered. (Lynch and Huggy were also my only neverborn crew that I enjoyed playing.)

I have no opinion on Huggy as a henchman mechanically as I have never tried it, not having the new rules yet.

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For example: Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Why did you guys get rid of one of the most interesting and alien parts of Malifaux: that necromancy was native to it? Maybe I had it wrong, but I always thought (and liked) the idea that necrotic powers were limited to Malifaux. It made perfect sense, what with the device that was used to kill off the mad-scientists-turned-gods Tyrants contaminating the world.

I always read the original fluff thusly:

The power of necromancy (and technomancy for that matter) is not limited to Malifaux. It's the knowledge of it that didn't exist Earthside before the breach. They even mention in the fluff that Earthside magicians had theories of necromancy prior to the breach, but no one had ever proven them or put them to work successfully. I interpreted that to mean that magic is magic, no matter where it is. It's just that the people of Malifaux figured some things out that the people of Earth hadn't until they found the information (in relics and artifacts) in Malifaux.

I mean soulstones work Earthside. Why wouldn't anything else? It's like living in a world where everybody knows about steam power and then finding a portal to a place that has old nuclear reactors in it. Atoms are atoms. They can split anywhere. You just didn't know how until you saw it.

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