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About PierceSternum

  • Birthday 07/27/1967

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  1. I do not believe that you understand the concern is not specifically about this particular answer. But more in the way that it was approached, which was effectively to create new categories and definitions for terms and concepts rather than say "We meant it to behave like X and in future printings we will write it as such. For now pretend like it says X." Rationalizing why the current wording could be twisted to conform to the desired definition does not do anyone any good. ...And defending it and telling people not to "over think" could definitely be categorized as "seriously? just wow" The wording on this particular rule could have used a bit more thought as it is...
  2. I have liked fixed list 30SS with premade lists that were written prior, and then chosen from, similar to magic pre-constructed decks. I have also liked some game-time constructed games up to 40SS. 50SS is much larger than I like playing. Clearly there is diversity in what people like and think plays well.
  3. Have you ever played anyone in chess that sacrificed a piece for better chances at winning the game? If so, were they "that guy" ?
  4. No time for banners... Gencon 2014 is coming.
  5. I would pay handsomely (Like 8 or 9 dollars even), to get a picture of Eric, Nathan, Mack and Justin sweating balls packing boxes while Jacquelyne(sp?) looks down from the manager's air-conditioned window office at the shipping floor yelling at her minions to pack faster. Gencon 2014 nightmare model!!!! (P.S. PDF's for models please... I could get about 30 kids proxying their 40K stuff until they realize how much more they like Malifaux and pull them in. (And I could sell their parents on how much cheaper it could wind up being. (Unless they are silly like me))
  6. What kind of a monster doesn't like caramel with chocolate?
  7. As another "hater", I am similar. I prefer most of the M2E core rules over M1E. I also agree that schemes needed an overhaul. But... I do not like dual-faction. I do not like the simplification of the models and would rather that the outlier models had been specifically addressed and the lionshare of models could have stayed the same, with some cost tweaks. I think that gaining grounds 2013 was the direction that strats should have continued on. I was at a 1.5 tourney last month and had an absolute blast. In particular playing against a Lynch crew I just loved how it all worked together. I will greatly miss the dynamics of that crew in that version. (Its also the only neverborn crew I ever bought and played. So much fun) Its also a little sad to me that my first love Nicodem is going away. I get that he is better at summoning now, but I gotta say that as much as I might have complained about old Nicodem in regards to certain strats and schemes, he could be super fun to play for someone that likes "control" crews. (Always gravitated to blue-black decks in magic) Getting weepy... <wipes tear>
  8. Well, getting down to personal preferences rather than my judgement of the quality of execution for the current art, I rather liked the disparate nature of the original Malifaux. In fact, I thought that Malifaux embraced is diversity of styles quite well by saying how it was a victorian/steampunk/western/horror/magic game... Each crew felt distinct and cohesive within itself. In the new wave, I get that some people view the more universal "cohesiveness" across factions as a positive, whereas for me, I see the "homogeneous" sameness as a negative. In this regard, I completely agree that its a subjective preference and that the very thing they like is what I dislike. (But its also not what I was complaining about.)
  9. 100% of the time, 50% of the art is ok. You seem willing to grade on a curve because of self-imposed time constraints. That's your choice. lol. ok. So, if a Samurai with a machine-gun ever appears will you concede this point?
  10. You read selectively. I said I like the look and heft of the book and found the format to be far better than others had made it out to be and a large improvement over the original M1E book. Then I talked about how much I dislike a lot of the art. The HATERS are gone. People like me that now get branded as the new haters are simply those that have things we dislike in this version to go along with the things that we like. If that's the new "hate", then guilty as charged.
  11. I definitely like the sculpts for many of the models more than their representative art. In the sculpts is where I find my perspective more specific to personal preference of the art direction, but I can appreciate that they are cool looking even if I may not have liked some of the directions. If I were to sum it up, I'd say that the new sculpts seem well-done, but some of them are just are not my style. The art in the book for me is different. There are pictures I like and think are well done. (LadyJ) There are pictures I do not like stylistically, but think are well done. (Sonnia and Death Marshalls) Then there are the others.
  12. Let me be clearer than I appear to have been. I am not talking about hating the conceptual art-direction. I am on the fence about it looking like mad max meets sucker punch. But I knew that going in. What I dislike is the EXECUTION. I think that it looks mostly poorly done. Style preferences are certainly subjective, but I showed shots of it to a friend that is a professional illustrator and he said it looks bad to him as well. I did not expect it to distract me as it did. ---------- Post added at 12:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 PM ---------- I think those look good in their own ways. (Although I was never as much a fan of the alt as the original) I do not care if lilith wears tons of eye makeup. I DO care that the new artwork makes her look like she has the makeup skill of a 12 year old trying to look like a goth. ---------- Post added at 12:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 PM ---------- On the "art is subjective" front... Who likes Perdita's new art? I noticed a distinct lack of mention of her in the defenses of the art.
  13. Cover looks great and I like a rulebook with a little heft. I do not share the hate for the format and layout of the book. It seems decently organized to me. Basically, for playing the game, I find it to be very functional, which is its most important purpose for the game. (I found the first book for M1E to be VERY difficult to navigate to find different things) Now comes my dislike. I *HATE* most of the art in the book. I happened to open it up the first time and saw some sort of garish eye-shadow lilith staring back at me. I was VERY disappointed. I flip the page and Candy looks as bad or worse to me. I am on the fence about the new sort of suckerpunch/punk/anime aesthetics that the game seems to be taking universally, but the execution of the actual art I just find bad. (With a few exceptions) Seamus's face... How would he EVER lure someone into an alley with him EVER. And Perdita's picture makes me outright angry. I would rather there was white-space there. She looks HORRIBLE. The aesthetics are what drew me to the game. Most of this art would not have done so. It feels... Cheap...
  14. I picked up something called "Bag o' Zombies" for a couple bucks and just chopped them into various posses and pieces and put them on 30mm bases for my corpses.
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