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M2 and buying models.

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I was thinking of picking up Nekima but with M2 on the way I'm not too sure anymore. The last thing I want to do is buy models to have the rules change on me three months later and end up with a worthless model. I guess my question is, are the changes to the current models going to be so radical that I should just wait and see what they do before I buy anything else?

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The models currently released will not be worthless. They may change a bit in playstyle but the "feel" of the model will remain. At least that's what has been said on all the podcasts. Pandora isn't suddenly going to become a melee beast so I think that Nekima will be fine, and you can still use her after the new V2 releases.

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As much as some people may want to sell off all of their old models in favor of the new ones, there will still be plenty of appeal for the older ones, especially with them becoming out of print (if not already, then eventually), even if it means having to buy the faction packs to update their rules. So while we may have complained about a 1.x model, eventually there will be a market for vintage models.

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Does anyone know what is being redone in plastic. I assume the starter sets will all be redone based on the raspy pic but what about individual models. I just picked up the Lilith brood set with alilith, alt lilith and some young nephilim. I want to add lelu, liliti etc but will they be done in plastic. Hell im not sure i even want to keep the old stuff now

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Nothing concrete yet - but the new Rasputina crew pictures strongly suggests that she will get a new boxed set. We've seen new Kade and Candy art. We're extrapolating that many other masters will too, but I don't think we've heard anything as to timescales, or minions currently outside of boxed sets.

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Remember. The first 2E rulebook won't be out until August and the second 2E rulebook until January (at the VERY earliest). THEN you have a while to wait for the new models to be released on a schedule that will almost definitely last AT LEAST until GenCon 2014.

So basically, new models you buy will still be great models forever. There won't be duplicate models for many months. And you're probably going to want to buy the faction deck anyway. So why wait? Buy the model now and enjoy it in 1E and possible 2E playtesting

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It makes alot of sense to redo all the models in plastic from a business perspective. You want to keep all your current model "in print" and having two separate manufacturing streams for old and new models seems cumbersome to say the least.

My only concern is that they do not repeat the design philosophy that went into some of the plastic models, especially the Ten Thunders Archers, where assembling them was an entirely negative experience (for myself at least).

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Another consideration: That elusive Hoffman Avatar...No one will have gotten to officially (only proxies with the book stats) play with him prior to new rules, new models. So will we still be seeing that version, then also getting a 2.0 stat card for it? I think it'd be a small concession to make, putting both stat cards in the same box, when he eventually surfaces.

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New Raspy Crew? Awesome! Does anyone have the link to these photos as I can't find them...

It was on bell of lost souls. It's concept art, not photos of models or anything. But it's Raspy in a new outfit, 3 ice gamin, a VERY different looking Ice Golem, and the Wendigo mauling a hapless Guildie.

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The models currently released will not be worthless. They may change a bit in playstyle but the "feel" of the model will remain. At least that's what has been said on all the podcasts. Pandora isn't suddenly going to become a melee beast so I think that Nekima will be fine, and you can still use her after the new V2 releases.

I'm kind of hoping they do something to fix the feel of Marcus vs the feel of Avatar of Marcus. Don't neuter what Marcus does now, but adding more beast control to Marcus, and making the avatar more of a pure combat monster seems like a better fix than the current setup.

I'm sure there's a few other masters that would improve with a slight adjustment to their abilities.

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I'm kind of hoping they do something to fix the feel of Marcus vs the feel of Avatar of Marcus. Don't neuter what Marcus does now, but adding more beast control to Marcus, and making the avatar more of a pure combat monster seems like a better fix than the current setup.

I'm sure there's a few other masters that would improve with a slight adjustment to their abilities.

Maybe make a Marcus avatar that summons / places more beasts on the field, a la a Tarzan call, rather than him becoming one with the animals. aLilith brings the trees. Pandora and McMourning bring their own friend along, or alter one they have on the field. So it wouldn't be that big of a stretch.

Edited by i_was_like_you
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Maybe make a Marcus avatar that summons / places more beasts on the field, a la a Tarzan call, rather than him becoming one with the animals. aLilith brings the trees. Pandora and McMourning bring their own friend along, or alter one they have on the field. So it wouldn't be that big of a stretch.

Marcus can summon The Rhythm

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Marcus right now can 99% of the time really only care about Wild Heart, Instinctual, Stare Down, Howl, Defend Me, Primal Reaction and Surge (along with all the abilities).

Feral, Alpha, Pack Leader and Primal Flame are all in need of a revamp, and these are most of the abilities that make Marcus a beast master (2 abilities that compliment your beasts, and 2 abilities that are about controlling enemy beasts). So how Marcus plays right now is much more as a hit and run master that occasionally has some great abilities against beasts, while he's written as a balance between that and a beast controller.

Avatar for the most part has abilities slightly more exaggerated than Marcus, but the abilities that work best are the beastmaster ones. On the avatar the attack abilities are dependent on dropping cards at minimum, or on casting a spell and burning a soulstone. The avatar also loses the defensive abilities that help Marcus excel in hit and run situations (particularly defend me).

IMO, they've flipped what Marcus should be. In normal form, he should be more in control - releasing only the small amount of bestial ability when needed (wild heart), however, in maintaining that control, he's more able to affect other nearby beasts. In avatar form, the beast inside Marcus takes over. He focuses less on others, but should become a true combat beast (something like add all of the wild heart boosts to his basic stats).

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I, for one, will gladly trade any of my unpainted metals for new plastics when they are released. I like having all my models with me and plastics are so much easier to assemble and transport safely.

While I love the plastics, they are a lot more time-consuming to assemble, which, in and of itself, means more difficult. I enjoy the challenge, most of the time. [Does anyone have a picture of their Ama No Zako to show me where to attach the two ribbons that join together?] Heck, I assemble the plastic models for the other people I play with.

Easier to transport, though? I guess that depends on how ya transport your models. Personally, I'm afraid to put them in my Malifaux Battlefoam Bags. My metal ones had enough issues in them. I'm not about to try to cram these dynamic poses into them.

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Easier to transport, though? I guess that depends on how ya transport your models. Personally, I'm afraid to put them in my Malifaux Battlefoam Bags.

Hear, hear!

The plastic miniatures are beautiful, but I don't think transport and use were considered in their design.

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