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Who is the least effective Resser Master?


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No lynching hats please, this thread is here for good reason! ;)

Now you should all know that I'm the kind of player who's enjoys the challenge of using the underdog (and if you didn't know that, shame on you!). So when Ressers are often considered the 'weakest' faction as a whole, it's actually a travesty and a shame that I've never picked up a crew of the recently dead!

So it's time to rectify that. I'm going start playing Ressers, and by Chompy, I'm going to not do too terribly with them.

But the first thing I need to ask myself is - which Master should I start with? Clearly I'll be going for the least favored (of course) and while I suspect I know who that is, I thought I'd put it to a poll anyway (you never know, I could be wrong).

And no, Molly is not on there because 1. She's not a Master and 2. I'll be getting her anyway. :D

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I have been playing (and winning) with rezzers since book 1, i have to say I think it would have to be nico who is the least effective. not saying he is bad. Just saying in my arsenal of undead murder, he is the least effective master IMO. not including his avatar, haven't used that yet. everyone else i think is just fantastic

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Nico is the most reliant on Corpse Counters in more scenarios than any other master.

He can win, and if you're against a living crew (Or bringing his Avatar, holy s**** that thing is insane) he's actually really, really powerful.

If you aren't versus a living crew or a crew with unanimously low Wp (Read: Gremlins, and only gremlins.) he's going to have a tough time.

I suggest trying to not do the "Kill my dogs make Punk Zombies / Belles" strategy because it'll really just stem everything you try to do later on.

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Well this is interesting...

I'd actually assumed that Seamus would be the bottom of the pile, so I'm intrigued to see that the consensus (thus far) is actually Nicodem?!

This turn of events has gotten me rethinking some things. One of which is how I break it to my regular opponent Ausplosions that I might wind up collecting his favorite crew? ;)

Keep the votes (and thoughts) coming guys!

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Having only played the true Resurrectionist (Sorry Kirai, my dear), it is a tough question. I would at first say Seamus, but with a horde of belles, he can be quite good and fast. Nicodem with the right stratergy can be very powerful. McMourning is a beast and summoner no matter who he is fighting. I have to go with everyone else and say Nicodem. He is just too slow for most stratergies and schemes and needing a protection bubble this makes his whole crew kinda slow. Go up against a non living crew ( I know, they are rare) and you don't have a lot going for you.

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say what you want about Seamus but here is the truth. His crew has great board control when played right, he is amazingly hard to kill when played with skill, his spells and ability's are some of the best when it comes to staying alive or shutting your opponent down. combine that with his great damage output, yes i mean his beautiful gun, and he is a threat that only a fool would underestimate. sorry but i love my mad hatter and i must defend his honor

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I voted for Seamus although he is my first love, I'll take Nicodem over him repeatedly. As Paralyze tends to help mitigate his weakness and his avatar also helps. Seamus however tends to give me fits, his hard 2 wound 2 combined with df4 and only a 2 stone cache hurts him immensely. His lack of true combat summons also hurts his versatility. Pure Fast is nice but with walk 4 it gets lost in the shuffle. Love my Ressers but the man with gun is the one left holding the bag.

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I too would like to hear from those voting for Seamus. I always thought he'd be the worst due to a low SS cache combined with a reliance on Terrifying/morale duels for several key tricks. But from the responses thus far it seems I might be wrong?

Rath you should know first hand Seamus isnt the weakest, aSeamus went a long way in helping that, he just needs a few tools to help him do his job and I find I have a more consistent core with him than any of the other Resser masters.

Nico I think needs the most finesse to use effectively.

I'm abstaining from voting but you know my opinion is always available for you

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I voted Seamus, I have posted my reasons for believing he is severely under the power curve in the current environment in many previous posts, so I would prefer not to post a long list of reasons once again here. I would be happy to discuss the matter privately for anyone who would like a little better understanding of why I feel that way if anyone is really interested. I feel that in style and sheer coolness factor Seamus is #1 above the other Ressers, its just as the game has evolved, and as it currently is played, at the competitive level, I don't think Seamus, even with his avatar, can really perform consistently, and constancy is one of the hallmarks of a competitive model.

That said I am optimistically looking forward to the release of more horrors.

<President of the Molly and Seamus fan club.

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Well this is interesting...

This turn of events has gotten me rethinking some things. One of which is how I break it to my regular opponent Ausplosions that I might wind up collecting his favorite crew? ;)

I've certainly won more games with Nico than I have ever lost.

To be honest, and anyone who has played me would attest to this I'm sure, Nico is actually the most adaptive master in the Resser faction.

He is the only one who can effectively pull out the right minion for the right circumstance. Seamus is certainly the 'weakest' in my opinion.

Collect Nico all you want. Maybe I'lll be able to give you tips for once... *wink*

But I certainly don't think he is the weakest, not by a long shot.

---------- Post added at 03:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

Nico I think needs the most finesse to use effectively.

This I agree with. He can do a lot, but you need to know when to do what with him.

Seamus' tactics to me seem to be much more limited..

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As much as I love Seamus, and he is my favorite Resser master, where he lacks in is actually being a Resurrectionists. Belles, as awesome as they are, are not Punk Zombies, Flesh Constructs, Shikome and RN's when it comes to damage. The fact that Seamus cannot summon any of these, really hurts him IMO. However, he does have a very different play style than the others, which I enjoy a lot (although I've been on a McMourning kick as of late =D). I voted Seamus due to his low SS cache and awkward play style in comparison to the rest of the Faction.

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I think with Rezzers it's the case that the Underdog is Nico but the weakest playwise is Seamus. Seamus appeals to alot of people fluff wise and i have yet to meet someone who doesn't like zombie hookers.

In my opinion Seamus needs his Avatar to work properly kinda like Ramos. But i still voted for Nico because he isn't often seen on the board.

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I voted for Seamus and here's why:

- His low soulstone cache combined with a low Df and Cb. (Compare him with Perdita who also has a cache of 2 but makes up for it with good stats.)

- Terrifying can be useful but you don't have much control over whether your opponent wins or loses the duel since you're unable to cheat or use soulstones to affect the outcome.

- He's really easy for the opponent to shut down if they attack him with the nastiest heavy hitter they have (especially if it's a Master). When that happens I find I'm wasting my soulstones and AP on just keeping Seamus alive and can't do much else with him.

- Limited summoning options. Just being able to summon Sybelle would be useful but what Seamus (and Molly) really need is a combat belle.

Also, when I think of the times I've won games with Seamus I can't recall any where I've won convincingly (except when using his Avatar). Whereas I have done so using McMourning or Nicodem (I don't play Kirai).

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I voted the last option because I've only played Seamus, so my opinion on the other three masters would not be backed up by experience.

However from my fairly limited experience it does seem to me that I struggle to get any form of a win, unless I get lucky in game.

Now having said I haven't got any experience I have been reading and analyising all the Resser models throughly, looking for that combo that everyone else has missed .... yeah I also play Magic the Gathering - Blue ;) so I know how to look at rules and abilities from many angles.

Not accounting for Avatars

To me Seamus is very reliant on facing 'living' oponents and suffers from a low SS cache low DF and hard to wound 2.

Nico really needs those corpse counters, so again falls short if enemy models don't drop corpse counters. He's also very fragile if the enemy gets through his zombie defence wall (again more living enemy help make more bricks for the wall). Also because he wants to have all of his minions close by, this can hinder his ability on a fair few strategies.

On paper to me it would seem that Seamus is the weaker of the 4 masters, followed by Nico. The other two seem to have plenty of synergy with multiple minnons and tricks to enable them to be able to try and win at most (if not all) stratergies, so I'd suggest that Rathnard doesn't even consider them to be underdogs.

Will be interesting to see if you can actually work out what we are all missing with Molly. Theres just got to be a reason the Dev team made her a costly 9SS with Henchman [5]

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I voted that you should finish painting what you've already got.

That would probably be the wisest answer - I've still got another 43 models to paint, and then there's the Puppet Wars I recent bought. Then again, I just can't help myself, especially when people keep saying the Faction is at a significant disadvantage compared to the others. :P

I'll give the poll another day, but it's looking like Seamus will win out after all.

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That would probably be the wisest answer - I've still got another 43 models to paint, and then there's the Puppet Wars I recent bought. Then again, I just can't help myself, especially when people keep saying the Faction is at a significant disadvantage compared to the others. :P

I'll give the poll another day, but it's looking like Seamus will win out after all.

I recommend Hanged and Jack Daw

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I applaud this effort but I must admit I am a bit skeptical. Rathnard you are a smart guy and I love your model analysis. However those who feel rezzers are weakest and have been playing them for quite a long time are I am sure at least reasonably bright and dedicated gamers. This opinion about Rezzers isn't based on a short span of games, or the frustration over losing with them. It comes from a deep understanding and experience with their interactions which is probably at this stage, even deeper than most of the designers themselves have. That's not derogatory, it is a phenomena that any good game designer knows is bound to eventually occur. Richard Garfield himself admitted once that he is an average tournament player at best. I doubt he just sits around thinking of magic decks, he has far too much to do.

So what I would be sad to see happen is for you to grab some models, play a bunch of games and win them and come back not seeing what the actual problems with faction are.

What Master should you play? Depends. If you want to try Seamus, make sure to play against opponent's who are going to have few to any living models, and fast models that jump on Seamus so he cannot fire his gun. There are plenty of top tier crews like this. You need to be in a situation where you are looking up and down the card and realizing that most of what you should be able to do won't be relevant or possible. If you can then find something we have all been missing I will be ecstatic.

If you want to play Nico, play some really fast crews where you need to across the board or very far away by the end of he game. Nico is very good at getting to the center of the board and establishing a controlled center, something you should learn rather quickly. So don't pick strategies that allow for that.

I'm not saying skew the odds against yourself so much as that we are talking about the problem with rezzers as a whole, and you are not going to get that by taking a slice at any one Maste at the few things are good at.

And please if you do this don't use any mercenaries. I don't think hearing about another win with rezzers using Von Schill, Killjoy or Jack Daw is going to make any point about the faction.

Just my thoughts.

Edited by ravenborne
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