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Is this game dying?


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We'll be out of business next month for sure ... maybe the month after
I knew it, you're selling the company off and going into the novelty moonshine bottle business called Gremlin Jugs! I wish you all the best on your new endeavour and send out my condolences to Eric for pulling the short straw on who will be wearing the new mascot outfit. "There's no problem you can't fix when your jugs are big enough" Edited by ThePandaDirector
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You know, I rather liked the call for more Strategies and Schemes. Why doesn't someone brainstorm some new ones? That'll keep us busy. :)

Meet For Lunch.

On a city board, one 4" square area is designated as 'The Bistro', where your Master and your opponent's Master must remain for a total of two turns. The player who avoids paying the bill gains 2VP. If you decide to go dutch, both sides gain 2VP. If you manage to sneak out of the Bistro area without attracting a disengaging strike from the Maitre D', the successful sides gain 4 VP.

Also, if Wyrd goes out of business I must humbly put my request in for the pallet of leftover Mannequin models.

But if it doesn't, I'm sure the silence has to do with gearing up for Gencon, and excruciating though it may be, it will pay off in the end! I just know it!

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Meet For Lunch.

On a city board, one 4" square area is designated as 'The Bistro', where your Master and your opponent's Master must remain for a total of two turns. The player who avoids paying the bill gains 2VP. If you decide to go dutch, both sides gain 2VP. If you manage to sneak out of the Bistro area without attracting a disengaging strike from the Maitre D', the successful sides gain 4 VP.

Also, if Wyrd goes out of business I must humbly put my request in for the pallet of leftover Mannequin models.

But if it doesn't, I'm sure the silence has to do with gearing up for Gencon, and excruciating though it may be, it will pay off in the end! I just know it!

"Colette, be a dear and pass the sugar, will you?"

"You know, when you're not butchering people left and right, you're actually quite the gentleman, Seamus."

(Seamus carefully measures a spoonful of sugar for his tea, gingerly balancing the sweet payload in the spoon's bowl so as not to waste even a single grain.)

"Why thank you, lass. From such a lovely thing as yourself, that's quite the compli- uh, dearie? Where did you-"

(Seamus notices a note on top of Colette's plate, along with the crumbs of the scone she had been eating moments ago. The note reads "thanks for tea, sport. Surely you won't mind picking up the tab, will ya? -- C")

"You brazen strumpet! When I kill you, I'll bring you back and make you Molly-girl's new pack mule!"

</horrible writing>

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I have been away from the game for a number of months. I was hoping the Vassal mod would allow me to stay active in the game while I worked to try to build a community locally. But since that didn't happen and the local community was not too receptive my interest waned as well.

But usually around this time of the year there is a bunch of build up towards the new big thing with Wyrd. Last year it was both the Puppet Wars Board Game and The Twisting Fates book release.

My concern is other than a couple speciality models (the Easter Gremlins) there has been very little news from Wyrd. There has been no further expansions to Puppet Wars (though there were indications at its release that more expansions would be coming). There has been no news on anything new for Malifaux, no special events, nothing on book 4.

I am not trying to speak doom, I am just curious as to why things seem so quiet and pondering how different that is than previous years.

Any thoughts?

Some of the "lag" is simply due to us opening a new office and filling it with more people (you may have seen we were hiring) so we can bring you more cool stuff. Starting a new office is hard. Apparently they require chairs and desks and stuff (not to mention relocating yourself). At least this way I'll be able to say to my interns, "When I started at Wyrd, you wanted a chair, you built it yourself!"

---------- Post added at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------

We'll be out of business next month for sure ... maybe the month after!

You could have told me this last week before I signed my new lease.

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Wyrd likes to strike like ninja!!

(gamer voice activate) Honestly, the constant need to be 'kept in the loop' some fans seem to have is like having a parole officer to report to. Some companies feel the need to report weekly/monthly as an advertising gimmick. "Here's a sketch of a model, here's a green of a model, here's a mockup of the fig, here's the painted final fig...here's a sketch of another model...blah blah", or sneak out a 'page' from a book that's coming or blogging on random nonsense to keep us 'interested' to me simply feeds into the instant gratification phenomenon that is so prevalent in today's society. heck, even crowdfunding seems to be a means to promote a product wrapped in an appeal for greenbacks. I remember gaming before there WAS an internet and it took a while to get updates on what was coming from a company...now get off my lawn! (end gamer voice)

But rest assured, stuff is coming.... I think Bowen and I will both be in the Asylum come end of July.

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I'm not even making this up: I had a dream last night with characters I'm writing about as if it were an Avatar: Last Airbender kind of thing.

Got edgy and exciting and even woke me up with a beating heart and sweats.

I'm like, "You've gotta be F'ing kidding."

Voices in my head? I've got whole episodes unfolding.

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Honestly, the constant need to be 'kept in the loop' some fans seem to have is like having a parole officer to report to. Some companies feel the need to report weekly/monthly as an advertising gimmick. "Here's a sketch of a model, here's a green of a model, here's a mockup of the fig, here's the painted final fig...here's a sketch of another model...blah blah", or sneak out a 'page' from a book that's coming or blogging on random nonsense to keep us 'interested' to me simply feeds into the instant gratification phenomenon that is so prevalent in today's society. heck, even crowdfunding seems to be a means to promote a product wrapped in an appeal for greenbacks. I remember gaming before there WAS an internet and it took a while to get updates on what was coming from a company...now get off my lawn!
While I don't want to read too much into this, I find this kind of opinion very, very interesting and could spend a great deal of time and effort exploring this topic further. But for now I'll say that while the concept that companies owe their fans something is rather rediculous in the extremes it is often taken to, the image of the analogue gaming industry (AGI) and the principles it deals with in how it projects that image need to be redefined, imo. While I was in my mid teens before my house got the internet, I spent a great deal of time coveting the sketches, greens and blah blah in White Dwarf because it stimulated my imagination. I also think that while the AGI needs to sell delayed gratification as a positive experience, it needs to first use instant gratification to overcome its negative connotations and bias. Anyway, long story short, we need to use the tactics of today to sell the priciples of the past. So don't let this imply I'm taking your post to an extreme, but rather using it as an opportunity to be opinionated ;) Edit: Motherfu..! Am I really the only one with no advanced functions or spaces between my paragraphs? >:[
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Anything that I would add has already been said:

~ Steady release schedule

~ More Terra Clips

~ FAQ/Errata

As to feeding the rabid fans who can't get enough, I would like to add that I've been very pleased getting a teaser for the upcoming releases. A month in advance I get to buy new stuff and set a goal to paint them before the next set of new stuff comes out.

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Gotta jump on the bandwagon here. Even as a new player (only heard about the game in January, didn't start collecting until March) I've been impressed with the updates they've put out, hints at new products (I'm okay with the delay on the June releases post; getting the heads up nearly 2 months in advance as had earlier been the case (it seems) is a little excessive), and the recent rules clarifications/errata/FAQ pages are awesome.

Purely annecdotally, but if nothing else there seems to be a bit of a draught going on, at least in Toronto. Granted, of all the comic and games stores we have, there are only 2 that I know of with any real significant Wyrd product stocks, but one is regularly sold out of baseline gear (they've been out of stock on all 5 fate decks for a good week or two now, and terraclips for a while too) and the other is on the opposite end of the city. If you look online, ebay seems to be running low on decks too (only a few cheap outcast and ressurectionist ones last I checked) and many of the larger/more popular online US shops I've seen are running low or out as well.

With all the work they've put out recently and Gencon looming, I think it's a bit early to be concerned about the sky falling.

Personally, my circle of friends just added 7 players to the roster in the last few months ourselves (not to mention something of a black hole consuming Wyrd stuff as fast as it's released), and I'm sure we're not the only ones.

I saw a post from a while back noting Malifaux had cracked the top 5 Miniatures games. Any idea what the current standings are like? By players, sales, whatever.

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Aside from the whole update thing, I cannot understand how someone could feel this game is stale.

Including my Henchly duties, I play about 12-15 games a month. Every game I play I learn something new, and there are still many models from Twisting Fates yet to be released.

As a player, I still need to explore the various locations. I still haven't really played the various in game special events. I have played many, many games but I still feel like I need more experience with all the various schemes and strategies.

My suggestion would be to try all these ancillary encounter options in the rules book, it might freshen things up a bit. Just my $0.02

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Ok, now that its been announced, readers who have even a small fear of the game dieing or Wyrd not doing well should check out the Gamers Lounge episode releasing tonight around midnight EST. I keep the links in my signature below.

I spent an hour chatting with Eric about whats coming up with Gencon and other exciting news. I actually started the interview off by referencing this thread specifically. I can only say, holy crap! Wyrd has so much exciting things going on that the only thing I can really blame them for is waiting to tell us all of it! Then again, I am a podcaster, so I appreciate getting the scoop!

Gencon will be Wild this year, Malifaux has a WHOLE LOT coming up, Puppetwars has the coolest announcement yet, and Terraclips is amazing!

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[Puppet Wars has the coolest announcement yet

I hate to steal Wyrd's thunder but I just can't wait for the renamed Panda Wars. Panda Pokey Viktoria is a mixture of kick-ass, cute and strangely sexy... uh.. but that's just me.

But yeah, as someone with just a rough idea of what's coming, I'm super excited for the best year yet :Smug_Puppet2:

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Whoo hoo, my thread gets featured on a podcast! LOL!


Ok, now that its been announced, readers who have even a small fear of the game dieing or Wyrd not doing well should check out the Gamers Lounge episode releasing tonight around midnight EST. I keep the links in my signature below.

I spent an hour chatting with Eric about whats coming up with Gencon and other exciting news. I actually started the interview off by referencing this thread specifically. I can only say, holy crap! Wyrd has so much exciting things going on that the only thing I can really blame them for is waiting to tell us all of it! Then again, I am a podcaster, so I appreciate getting the scoop!

Gencon will be Wild this year, Malifaux has a WHOLE LOT coming up, Puppetwars has the coolest announcement yet, and Terraclips is amazing!

---------- Post added 06-08-2012 at 12:13 AM ---------- Previous post was 06-07-2012 at 11:52 PM ----------

Well after listening to the news on the podcast, I can't help but say...

See I told you so guys, everything is going to be okay!!! LOL!!

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We've been litterally showered with new models and stuff since a while...i've barely had the time to build/paint it all. Add to that the terraclips to build and it's a busy time i tell you :P

You have been literally showered with new models and stuff? Sounds supremely painful - I'm very sorry for you.

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I finally have everything I own glued and primed.

Which means I think I have around... 54 models of varying sizes and shapes to paint (to be fair, 9 of them are steampunk arachnids). Basically 5 crews worth (with assorted backups, of course).

It's gonna be a good vacation next week. Agenda is currently painting, marathoning The West Wing and maybe some ME3 multiplayer/D3.

Which is to say that Malifaux isn't dying, but it may well kill me.

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