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Is this game dying?


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I have been away from the game for a number of months. I was hoping the Vassal mod would allow me to stay active in the game while I worked to try to build a community locally. But since that didn't happen and the local community was not too receptive my interest waned as well.

But usually around this time of the year there is a bunch of build up towards the new big thing with Wyrd. Last year it was both the Puppet Wars Board Game and The Twisting Fates book release.

My concern is other than a couple speciality models (the Easter Gremlins) there has been very little news from Wyrd. There has been no further expansions to Puppet Wars (though there were indications at its release that more expansions would be coming). There has been no news on anything new for Malifaux, no special events, nothing on book 4.

I am not trying to speak doom, I am just curious as to why things seem so quiet and pondering how different that is than previous years.

Any thoughts?

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It's worth noting that as GenCon approaches, all of Wyrd starts getting very busy. Plus, if they're working on something big like a new product launch, that's going to take up everyone's time exclusively at the expense of communication.

I'm sorry to hear that your local community has dried up. The best advice I can offer is to keep trying; work with your favorite game store (or try a different one if available) to run demos/open play for awhile. You may not be a Henchman, but that doesn't mean you can't be out there spreading the love. :) The game is great, and it's not going away any time soon.

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Oh don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the game. I just started checking out the forums recently and saw a marked lack of any real activity. Not only that, but we are already a week into June and no word on June models. I know they normally previewed them at least a month in advace.

Now, I know a couple of the guys at Wyrd and I am certain they are hard at work on something, I am just curious as to why it seems so....stagnant right now.

Anyway, just wanted to share my concern. Knowing Wyrd, they will probably start showing Gencon goodies soon and I will be with the rest chomping at the bit waiting to buy the new goodies!

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June is a busy month (at least for me). So my weekly game time with Malifaux has decreased to just 1 Saturday for this month.

Plus, I also play Warmachine/Hordes and the Colossals have been spoiled so that means time to save up for the new models.

I agree with the others, I believe Wyrd has something up their sleeves for Gen-Con (4th book is the rumor).

Meanwhile, I just got more Malifaux models so June would be painting month for me... (no model left unpainted)

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Exactly and up until June we had new model announcements every month. Wyrd is not as big as GW or PP yet so you can only really expect one Malifaux book a year. It took PP years before you saw there book production go up for Hordsemachine.

I am sure the current silence is building to some really awesome Gencon announcements.

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Exactly and up until June we had new model announcements every month. Wyrd is not as big as GW or PP yet so you can only really expect one Malifaux book a year. It took PP years before you saw there book production go up for Hordsemachine.

I am sure the current silence is building to some really awesome Gencon announcements.

It's the calm before the storm... I think..

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The official errata/FAQ/clarifications pages were a massive recent thing, and to be honest have probably reduced the amount of rules queries on the forums by a significant amount.

Personally, the game is starting to feel a bit stale... just in time for Gencon to fire it up again. I think it's quite well planned, actually.

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Big things always start in the quiet. Remember gencon isAugust and that the start ofnew release season. Might i suggest listening to some idiots talking malifaux while you wait. Like on cheatedfatesradio, shameless plug

I heard there was some type of teaser on the latest Gamers Lounge podcast as well.... hrm....

It sure feels like there is something coming. I can't wait to see what it is.

And everyone has missed the recently announced Terraclips sets. So, if we look at what we know:

  • Cheated Fates Radio is fun to listen to but they are self-proclaimed idiots *grin*
  • Gencon is coming in less than 3 months
  • Wyrd has released a new book for Malifaux at Gencon 3 years running
  • Puppetwars is completely "out of stock" according to the web store
  • That Gamers Lounge guy says there is a teaser in his podcast, and Lounge Music is fun to listen to
  • The new Rules Clarification and Errata was just released, cleaning up a lot of rules questions
  • Terraclips just announced 3 new sets
  • Owen says Vassal is coming along
  • There has been a flurry of activity with Lalochezia commenting on the Henchman boards
  • There have been a number of new henchman getting their "cards"

It sure looks like there is some big things coming when I look at all that together. I side with Nilus though, I think its more of a Gencon is Coming.. with White Walkers and all.

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Personally, I hope Wyrd comes out with more Strategies and Schemes... perhaps more faction/master based schemes. This would add more life in the game.

New models (I want more Henchmen, a new master and some alt Avatars) and a new book would be awesome.. perhaps a re-release of the book 1 fluff and models (Book 1 remix) and a new 2012-2013 version of the mini rulebook.

As for game growth, Malifaux is growing in the San Jose, CA area.. at least at the FLGS... The local Henchman even has a Malifaux Achievement League coming up...

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Personally, the game is starting to feel a bit stale...

This is unfortunately the syndrome plaguing the player community: a constant craving for new, for more... Although it does motivate creators to bring on fresh and great ideas and stuff (and make sales!), it does mean players are a fickle specy, getting bored so quickly of a system and ever so quick to change systems; our club keeps on changing games again and again, which makes it hard to follow, and leaves you with lots of models, armies, crews that you barely ever use, to the delight of the missus ("why do you buy this if you never use it?!").

It's hard these days with so many systems, so many options to keep a group actively playing the same stuff regularly and for a long period.

But as others said Wyrd has provided continously amazing stuff, and I hope players can keep on appreciating it, I know I still do and I look forward to the community strengthening even more!


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This is unfortunately the syndrome plaguing the player community: a constant craving for new, for more...

Yeah. It's one of those things that happens when you feel like you've got a good handle on the game system, how each matchup plays out, and a decent idea of the capabilities and interactions of the majority of models in the game. You don't, of course, but it can feel like it. ;)

At that point, the changes really only need to be very small in order to make a huge difference. The FAQ/Errata alone did quite a lot to reinvigorate my interest in the game. I'm really looking forward to the supposed Hamelin and Nekima changes, let alone whatever is coming for Gencon. So don't get me wrong, I'm not jaded with the system or sick of it or anything like that, I'd just like to see something new to grab my attention and draw me back in.

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Oooh, we heard it here first, right from someone in the know apparently. Wyrd's big Gencon announcement...... They are shutting their doors!!!

I claim the hidden pallet of Nightmare Chompies and Carvers in the warehouse!

**now where is that Duck for Cover smiley??**


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Well my gaming group is only getting bigger. We just started a league and have 15 people in so far and with new gamers in every week it seems. With Hordes Machines viewed as being too tournament style and GW lastest price hike, everyone is turning to Malifaux and they are not disappointed. I have got more new Malifaux players in the last 3 months than Fantasy players in the 2 years since 8th edition was released. I have heard some of the same cries from some of my gaming group as to wyrd releasing more models for the minis that don't have one and more strats and schemes. For me, I am enjoying malifaux and pace wyrd is keeping at.

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