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Message to whoever sculpted the arachnids


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You're a masochist, who enjoys knowing Malifaux player everywhere have glued their fingers together 20 time assembling one model. 11 Pieces for the large steampunk arachnid, 12 if you count the base. With the majority of the pieces being long legs with 1 glue point, and all the glue points next to each other, and if you accidentally break one the leg next to it will most likely break...

you're a cruel, cruel person.... Now I gotta trick some of my friends to play them...


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New ones are a single piece .. :)

Nathan if the small Spiders were 11 piece I would be pulling my hair out... I think he might be talking about the Large Steampunk Arachnid... The trick with that blighter is put some blue tac under the main body so the legs can set in the right position then remove it and stick the whole spider to the base.

Also don't do all the legs at the same time. Start from the back and glue the back pair, leave to dry for an hour or so, then do the next pair. OK it takes a while so paint something else while waiting.

Edited by Ratty
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Nathan if the small Spiders were 11 piece I would be pulling my hair out... I think he might be talking about the Large Steampunk Arachnid... The trick with that blighter is put some blue tac under the main body so the legs can set in the right position then remove it and stick the whole spider to the base.

That takes planning. Shame on you for suggesting that!

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I notices the Swarms are much easier, than the old sculpts. The large speampunk arachnids are little difficult, hence thread. The Ramo avatar scares me as being a little fragile.

Yesterday I figured I'd spend an 45 min - hour to assemble 2 large steam punk arachnids, quick metallic prime and bring them to the LGS for a game. Well after over 90 min I finished assembling 1 and didn't even try priming it.

Note to anyone building these, get some Catalyst for your glue, otherwise you need 4 hands to assemble them.

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My poor Large Spider has some very odd legs. I did not realize there were 2 different size legs for him so he has 2 legs that look strange in one in the middle on one side and last leg on the other side. Thanks to some pinwork and some nice glue work I was not able to break them off with out risking breaking some thing so jacked up legs is how he will stay.

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I find that pinning things of this sort work best.


You're a masochist, who enjoys knowing Malifaux player everywhere have glued their fingers together 20 time assembling one model. 11 Pieces for the large steampunk arachnid, 12 if you count the base. With the majority of the pieces being long legs with 1 glue point, and all the glue points next to each other, and if you accidentally break one the leg next to it will most likely break...

you're a cruel, cruel person.... Now I gotta trick some of my friends to play them...


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Blue tac is an excellent suggestions.

As far as having four hands goes, I recently bought a "helping hands" from a store. It's designed for small electronic work I think. It has a pair of small spring-loaded clamps and a large magnefying glass. It works really well for holding minis while you paint them or glue things to them. It cost me less than $3.

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I would have thought pinning would be the best solution if you want a "quick build" (ie. where you are not waiting 1/2 hour for glue to dry on pairs of legs). Even then, I would not be confident the glue bonds would hold on their own.

0.5mm drillbits and brass rod are pretty cheap, and thin enough to pin a Viktoria's wrists :) For bigger models I use 0.8mm and some paper clips.

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For the Large Steampunk Arachnids and the Steamborg Executioner I used styrofoam to stab the legs into in order to position them how I wanted them. For Avatar Ramos, which I assembled here at work, I used the same method, but with a thin sheet of corrugated cardboard. In either case, positioning one or two legs at a time, gluing them, and waiting for them to dry worked just fine. It's all a matter of patience and doing something else, like painting, as Ratty suggested, while you wait.

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I would have thought pinning would be the best solution if you want a "quick build" (ie. where you are not waiting 1/2 hour for glue to dry on pairs of legs). Even then, I would not be confident the glue bonds would hold on their own.

0.5mm drillbits and brass rod are pretty cheap, and thin enough to pin a Viktoria's wrists :) For bigger models I use 0.8mm and some paper clips.

+1 to this. I pin just about everything. And a good part of the reason, aside from a great bond to that hand holding the sword or bow, is the ease with which this facilitates assembly. With a pin its a dab of glue (and with glue it is a case of "less is more") and I still have the opportunity to adjust things for the few seconds necessary. Also a big fan of paper clips and these smaller wire strands I get in the craft section of Walmart (I'm not really sure exactly what they're called, but they're inexpensive and they work.) Pinning is your friend.

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I also use paper clips when I can. They work well, but are large so I only use them on big joins. I'm still using brass rod on small stuff like wrists and horns and such.

Another option is high key piano wire, you would need either great or expendable cutters to clip it to fit but it works great.



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I don't know what you guys are whining about... Poor Ramos couldn't just glue them, he had to build em so that they could kill people.

These things can kill, Frustration = Stress = Blood Pressure = Aneurism = Death. Go Ramos killing people with his arachnids that are in a completely different reality. Ramos the new definition of indiscriminate random slaughter of innocents. A headline for the Malifaux Record.

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I also use straight pins bought in small boxes of 100 for pinning.

Do you have any left after doing your first Large Steampunk Arachnid?

I was lucky I opened and started assembling my first one only to find half the legs were missing. Only half of my head had exploded at that point.


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