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Things I like about Malifaux


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I agree that the hate thread concluded at a logical point.


So, let's get something brighter going to cheer up everyone's day. What are things people like about Malifaux?

I like using the fate deck instead of dice.

I like the models (nearly all of them, really).

I like the fluff.

I definitely like the setting.

There's certainly more, but I've gotta head to work.

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I love the fact that, you can know what every model does that you are facing, and then still see something completely new and different hit you in the face.

Like warhammer, this unit runs at you, hits you, your men die theirs don't because they are better. They have better magic items you don't know what they have. I enjoy the game but its usually the same.

Malifaux has the ability to have every game play differently even with the same set of models, easier if you use more, but the same set will do different stuff if you let them:) And the big models may do more, but the little ones can be just as, if not more important at times. Leave your big models as sacrificial stuff to let your little models win you the game. Not something that ever happens in other systems i use :D

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Well, like with PP i prefer stat cards to codexes, massively so

I love the sheer force of personality that some minis have... and not always the same minis to the same people... that has been one of the things to kick my painting back in to gear

I really enjoy the alternating activations and the abilities, however annoying at times that can mess with it (companion, pacify/incite)

Definitely dig the small buy in cost if you're happy to just play 1-2 masters... lets face it 3 minis for £12, fine, on par really... but that's typically 1/3 of your crew which is a far more palatable way of looking at it at times and particularly compared to other systems

I love some of the, albeit confusing at times, cross-faction hiring aspects of the game... i have night terrors for my ressers, but now i'm looking at both Marcus and Dreamer and i have a choice that i already know how to use well to use... and don't get me started on Zoraida in this respect :D

And finally i absolutely LOVE the schemes/strategies approach to VP's (however balanced or not some choices might be, don't care) removing a part of the typical gamer "kill em all" or "assassinate" approach has been a welcome break

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The basic mechanics are awesome: Cards. The control hand, cheating, Soulstones, etc. Awesome.

The world and story. Steamvictoriahorrorwesternpunk? yes.

The Wyrd staff. Nate is the only one I've talked to, great guy, but the rest seem cool too. I think they work very hard to make this game work.

The minis. There is one Guild mini I don't like (Papa Loco). There are a handful of others accross the factions I don't play (Neverborn) or only a little (the rest).

The forum, website and PMF. There are fewer aholes around here than most game forums...and it's a group that us always full of solid advice.

In fact, everything outside my hassles with THAT faction...

Edited by fishtank
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In addition to what you've listed, here's my reasons for being a huge fan of Malifaux. Some of these are actually in the Hate's thread, c'est la vie.

Melee range not being base contact. Such a simple thing, avoided by nearly every other game out there. Fist or Polearm, doesn't matter. Also, that base sizes are important, and defined (Had issues with varied base sizes in other games).

Being objective based and having defined goals beyond Slaughter. Tends to discourage "Gunline" armies, as movement is also important.

Terrain being heavy, and being able to customize your gang after seeing the table. One of the consistent issues with other games, is setting (or feeling like you have) a table to benefit/hinder an opponent.

Lack of Faction Books. This is one some people hate, but I absolutely love. During the annual release, there's a book with something for everyone. While there might be some balance issues, there's not the blanket "I'm not going to see anything new for 6 years" thing that other systems have. If they'd done the 'normal' system, and released Book 1, then Faction Books once a year, there'd be more problems than there are now. And less fixes.

I like the model count. That doesn't necessarily make it a cheap game (I own everything Guild, Resser without Kirai, Ramos and Kaeris, Lilith and Pandora, and Outcasts without Gremlins and Hamelin). But the fact that it's a 6-8 miniature standard, makes each model important, not just wound markers for a formation), and each model has some character to it. Sometimes you need to sacrifice a model, but you can rarely afford to throw one away.

Similarly, I like that almost every model has a diversity of abilities that make for tactical choices. Models typically aren't just limited to move, shoot, melee or a combination of them. Death Marshals have Pine Box, Witchlings have Disrupt/Dispel Magic, and those are just the nameless minions. And that's before getting into the Trigger mechanism, which makes certain cheats, a tactical decision (Example, do I cheat a medium Crow on the Executioner for Decapitate, or a higher Tome and just guarantee the hit?)

To expand on i_was_like_you's initial post, I like the theme and setting, and that each faction is unique, and within each faction is diverse. As I said to a friend, if there's not a single master in the game that you can't get into, you're trying too hard not to like the game. From Perdita the Gunslinger to Seamus the Ripper, to Rasputina the Ice Princess, to Pandora to Leveticus, there's just so much range of cool concepts, you gotta like at least one.

Anyways, there's more, but I'll leave that for now.

Morgan Vening

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I like Nathan. Read his posts in the Hate thread and instantly felt "yep this guy is real".

I like the Fate deck. I've used card decks to balance the evil dice in many of my own games. I would have done the deck use slightly differently, but heh its not my game.

I like the Theme and story to the game.

I like that the Malifaux community could run 15 pages of a topic on hate without utterly derailing it.

Did I say I liked Nathan? yeah I like that he acknowledged that we have dislikes.

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I like the game. It took out every other game i have played over the past 20 years and beet them in submission.

I like wyrd they have a lot of love for the game and it shows.

I like they let the hate thread to go on for pages. Tells me they are willing to listen to the players about whats bad about the game along with whats awsome.

I realy love how book 3 turned out. I think it did a great job of adding options but not going over the top in power.

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I like the people at Wyrd. Nathan, Eric and all the Rules Marshals and support people that keep things running.

I love the rules and the models and the fluff

I like the community here.

I like that when a new player asks questions a ton of people jump on the post and help. There is very little "Newb" related flak

I love being a Henchman and showing off this game to others.

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I love the support system that allows enthusiastic players to get more people into the game. The majority of Henchpeople do a great job of drumming up support, and getting people into the game.

I love how open and willing the major people behind the scenes with appearing for interviews, and commenting on the forum. It really helps people see how enthusiastic you are about the game, and is one of the reasons I haven't played another wargame for nearly 12 months. It has been a great year of Malifaux for me, and I can't thank the people at Wyrd enough.

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I like most of the art,

I like the story/setting,

I like the fate card mechanic

I like that a starter box and a tournament army are almost the same thing

I like that the local players keep it in that range (25-35 ss)

I like that the core rule book and many of the starter models stats are online for new players.

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Didn't reply to the other thread because quite frankly Wyrd already know every conceivable issue I have (it's as if they listen to me). That being said, I don't think I've made it clear enough I have postive views as well.

This thread however seems quite the opposite of the last, what do I like? Try what do I LOVE :D

Not that much actually :P

I kid of course:

  • I love a game that is actually original post-GW (undead hookers people!)
  • I love cards over dice
  • I love the fluff (says a lot that my main gripe is there isn't enough of it)
  • I love Marcus :D
  • I love Puppet Wars (or is that Eric just pulling my strings?)
  • I love Twisting Fates, and Rising Powers... and Book 1..
  • I love that Wyrd is too successful (it's gonna lay the pounds on you if you're not careful).
  • I love that they keep getting better, faster, stronger, making it harder for me to resist their sweet pewter love.
  • I love Eric's beard of power (man crush alert) and Nathan's attitude (he'd make a great Scotsman).
  • I love that Wyrd actually put up with us when they could easily make as much if not more money ignoring us, like I said, no reason for me to go on and on about what I don't like, they already know, they're already working on it and like a wizard they will will fix it precisely when they intend to.
  • I love this forum for being a home away from home, and for the Wyrd team for being such lovely hosts.

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I like that it's a serious world that doesn't take itself seriously. No matter how morbid things get, how desperate, creepy or horrifying, there is always Pull My Finger and Bacon Bomb!

I also like that there is no true 'evil' faction. Each one of them is morally ambiguous, power hungry and only out for themselves.

I really like that you pick your models after determining your objectives. This is such a refreshing change.

Oh, and I love Pandora.

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I found malifaux to be a refreshing breeze from the overly large wargames.The time requirement of other games like warhammer and it's futuristic version is too long. Those games are about 90% preparation and 10% actual game. Malifaux gives you the choice of what you do with it.

The game is full of personality, and the fluff is compelling for almost anyone.

The models are also up to the hopes created by the fluff and art, something we can't say of all worlds. Some miniature games had tremendous fluff but models were an epic fail (e.g. Warzone/Mutant chronicles).

Fate deck: finally no bucketload of dice to roll.

Terraclips: very good idea for those who just don't have the time to build scenery. It's also a great outlet for creativity.

The idea of a stat card based ruleset makes it far less of a pain to fix the flaws that are bound to happen with rulemaking. This also means that the designers have the tools to make sure that the infamous "codex creep" factor doesn't come haunting the game.

Edited by Sybaris
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