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Colette in the New Book? (Speculation)


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So we know for every mast that we are getting an alternate and the avatar. For the Alternate I am just expecting something a little different no huge change.

First big question. What is her Avatar going to look like. I really have no clue I have a buddy who keeps saying if there is not a stripper pole it is a lost opportunity. Anyone who has any idea I would love to listen to them. I think maybe her with some Mannequins on the base with soulstones everywhere.

Second I personally think in the new book we are going to get at least one if not two or more models for her crew. I think one generic and one unique. Generic I think a seamstress would be awesome ability to repair/heal and some buff abilities. Unique i am thinking a Comic with some melee and debuffs and I really think they will be lower point cost.

There is my speculations what do you think.

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or even better... several collettes NOT on a single base (who says all avatars convey a single base after all.) that being the power.. duplication instead of transportation

maybe with *warpy* elements on all of them.. as if they are only part real/physical/materialized

Edited by Illustrange
not gonna at a third.
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Well those are great Idea's I almost like the idea of a horse for an Alt if they didn't mind increasing base size. Made of soul-stone avatar might look so much like Raspy but I like the idea. Thanks for the new idea's I was stuck on nothing so thanks. I want Mounted Colette next to my Mechanical Rider.

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I've also heard the rumour of her Avatar being basically 3 separate models. Two of them would be decoys (noted secretly) that would disappear if hit, and only one would be the real Colette.

I'd think that would fit perfectly with her fluff and playstyle.


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I've also heard the rumour of her Avatar being basically 3 separate models. Two of them would be decoys (noted secretly) that would disappear if hit, and only one would be the real Colette.

I'd think that would fit perfectly with her fluff and playstyle.


This would be the preferable option...the chance to paint all those colettes! Hmmm...

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Well those are great Idea's I almost like the idea of a horse for an Alt if they didn't mind increasing base size. Made of soul-stone avatar might look so much like Raspy but I like the idea. Thanks for the new idea's I was stuck on nothing so thanks. I want Mounted Colette next to my Mechanical Rider.

Actually, most of the Avatars shown have been on a 50mm base, so a different base size isn't an issue.

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Actually, most of the Avatars shown have been on a 50mm base, so a different base size isn't an issue.

I meant the alt sculpt would be great if it was just her on one of the horses. Avatar form I don't know if it would work for her but I would like it either way.

Confused on why so many think she's a stripper. I could see the showgirls doing a burlesque style show but everything in the fluff says she's a straight up magical entertainer...

Although with what we've seen from the other alts and Avatars skimpy clothes seem to be in season in Malifaux...

Well it must be summer so everyone it makeing sure to stay cool and the stripper comment is more cause he hate playing against her and it would be funny he does know she is not a stripper.

As for the 3 model approach I didn't expect to think it was possible because everyone else is on a 50mm. If it happens it will have to be really cool models to match up with the large models that everyone else is getting.

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I'm...not sure how I feel about that, actually. The feel seems to be more of an Alt. model rather than an Avatar...and if that is her Avatar, I hope there's more to it.

I'd say its an ALT also. I'm guessing the new method for Avatars is that they get released 2 books after the original is released.

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