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Curtain Call!


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First off, everyone's favorite constructs...




The girls themselves:


(Delia and Iris here are in desperate need of a touchup. This was before I learned to thin paint.)



And altogether!



(First painted model, meet latest painted model.)



I leave you with Cassandra sprouting wings from her head.


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Thanks! The bases themselves I ordered from IronHalo.net-- There are tons of ways to make one's own, but I don't really know any of them. For the color, I basecoated them a medium brown, washed that to define the planks, then built up one side of each plank to a slightly lighter brown, and did a final wash to sort of blend it all together.

And the blush.. that's a good question. It's a fairly thin consistency, almost a wash but not quite, but the color helps make it more sheer-- the skintone I was using for the rest of the model plus a rosy pink plus just a touch of orange-red. Slightly more orange red makes a good lipstick.

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