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Crackpot Theories.


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It is time for wild, groundless speculation!

Colette Du Bois's real name... is not Colette Du Bois.

If I have any evidence for this, it's that as far as I can remember, Black Cyrus never calls her by name in that little fluff chapter. That and it's just such a stage-name-ish name.

When people are Disappearing Act'd, they get sent to a holding cell in the Star.

The showgirls hate it, but sometimes if the person's nice enough they get to help move sets.

Cassandra is the tallest Showgirl.

She just is.

In a pinch, a Mannequin can be converted to a Coryphee.

This saves time whenever one gets destroyed and Ramos is busy, but the Mannequins aren't very good at Sword Dance. They are the donut tires of the construct world.

Speculate with me! Evidence/sense is optional.

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Molly's special forces will include superior undead that are utterly loyal to her due to an addiction to the blood that she continuously vomits. Their craving for blood is so great that they consume the blood of any living victims. The word vampire is never applied.

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Each faction will have exactly one Rider model.

Knight Rider (Guild, Construct, Knight Industries Two Thousand, Unique)

Dead Rider (Resurrectionist, Construct, Undead, Unique)

Mechanical Rider (Arcanist, Construct, Unique)

Hooded Rider (Neverborn, Construct, Unique)

Freelance Rider (Outcast, Construct, Mercenary, Unique)

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Lady J isnt actually blind, she only wears the blindfold so people are not worried about staring at her incredibly large chesticles!

Interesting idea! But i do actually think Lady j ISN'T blind....she probably has some weird eye thing going on (like the judge with half a face missing) and as it would seriously freak out the population, she covers them up with a blindfold.

I vote for a pastel purple eye colour!

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Zoraida's puppets are attempting to become powerful enough to turn everyone they are based on into Soulstones so they can sell the Soulstones and buy Grind so they can modify the Jacks for when they all play Warmachine together because Warhammer is too expensive for them to get into!

Edited by MrNybbles
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Each faction will have exactly one Rider model.

Knight Rider (Guild, Construct, Knight Industries Two Thousand, Unique)

Dead Rider (Resurrectionist, Construct, Undead, Unique)

Mechanical Rider (Arcanist, Construct, Unique)

Hooded Rider (Neverborn, Construct, Unique)

Freelance Rider (Outcast, Construct, Mercenary, Unique)

This is ridiculously full of win. I love it. Almost didn't catch the joke with the last one. ;)

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Most characters have a theme. Whether its Willpower (Perdita), Fire (Sonnia), Illusion (Colette), Electricity (Ramos), or Beasts (Marcus).

Mortimer also has a theme. Grave soil. Exhume isn't him digging up a body, its him sensing the presence of a corpse nearby, and summoning it to the surface. Fling Dirt isn't him tossing a handful of dirt at monsters and soldiers, its him commanding it, sending it at his foes with the force of a bullet. Yes, Mortimer commands grave soil, and in Malifaux, all soil is grave soil.

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Every female in Malifaux is based of an ex-lover of either Nathan or (an important word here) Eric. They are represented exactly like they are in real life, right down to the demon wings and giant sword.

The Breach is a small hole in the corner of the Wyrd office, with a toy railway line running around the room.

Hamelin was inspired by a plumber Eric sued for malpractice.

Lady Justice is the Grand Champion of stick the tail on the donkey.

Edgar Ramos is an anagram of Eric Jones. Don't ask me how it works, just accept it.

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