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Pitch your Fifth Master ideas.

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You know, I think there's one very important aspect of Guild operations that's been missing thus far. This Master was partially inspired by the rarely used common ability - (1) Drain Souls;

Jonas Gates, Director of Soulstone Aquisition

Jonas coordinates the supply of Soulstones to Earth. Publically, his role is in managing the mining and transport of soulstones. However he also runs a covert network of agents tasked with eliminating the illegal aquisition and sale of soulstones on the black market. Recharging Soulstones from those who resist arrest/questioning often comes with the job. ;)

His work has allowed him to develop an excellent understanding of the nature and use of Soulstones - an understanding that he takes full advantage of out in the field.

Jonas is sort of the Guild version of Collete, with some fundamental differences in how he aquires soulstones and what he uses those soulstones for. He mostly functions as a support master with some offensive capacity. I've tried to stick with the Guild theme of Buffs/healing/physical damage/Wp, although one particular spell seemed too good an opportunity to miss. :D


Slow to Die (plays into his Soulstone-related prowess)

Soulstone Proficiency: Jonas can cheat his soulstone flip. (Jonas' version of Colettes Augury)

Dark Efficiency: Friendly models are not affected by the -wp when Jonas uses (1) Drain Souls.

Terrifying (wouldn't you be scared?)


Mark for Aquisition - Gain 1 soulstone when target model is killed.

Special Allowance - Target model gains Use Soulstone.


Re-employment: Discard a soulstone to summon a previously killed friendly living minion (1-2-3SS for 30-40-50mm).

Soul Siphon: Ranged damage spell, Wp-resist. Gain 1 soulstone when a model is killed by this spell.

Dark Infusion: Discard a Soulstone for a :pulse that gives friendly models Hard to Kill, +X Cb and/or a suit for their Ca/Cb? (Hard to Kill would synergise nicely w. Dark Efficiency, and the suit would have some good implications for the Lawyer and anyone with Crit Strike)

Minions for Jonas could be a combination of Clerks, Guards and Undercover Agents;

Train Guards - 4-5SS generic minion w. high-powered rifles or shotguns and some kind of watchman-style spell (eg. Spotter: Target model ignores cover).

Clerk - Actually the Lawyer would probably fit in nicely. ;)

Agent - Ruthless, Harmless, Crit Strike Sword and Pistol and a Trigger that steals soulstones from models w. Use Soulstones that they damage in melee (Synergy w. giving enemy models Special Allowance?). Maybe something else, depending on whether they'd become a cheap 4SS minion or more elite at 6+SS.

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That seems a great idea rathnard. Though maybe have it be a discard SS equal to half its cost to resummon it.

Yeah, it has some insane potential when you start looking at minions like the Executioner, Papa Loco (!) and Samael so it'd obviously have to be playtested/balanced somewhat. Still, you get the basic idea I'm going for here. :D

EDIT: It's not a Master, but I'd really like to see some more models that make use of the transform rules. Something like;

Were-cursed Hunter

Scout/Hunter w. Poison-tipped bow and some sort of camoflage bonus and the ability to use corpses to draw cards. Has a Shapeshift spell that transforms him into...


Melee Expert combat beast that eats corpses to regenerate. Basically looses ranged ability for melee and some resiliance.

Edited by Rathnard
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I would love some sort of assassin type master. Maybe guild or Outcast.

I would love for him to have different type of attacks or poisons.

An anti casting poison, perhaps reduces the CA by 2 and removes the base suits associated with the caster.

A stealth type ability similar to Bette Noire's

A slit jugular ability.

Some sort of lay traps ability or like mechanical explody spider mines that can move and blow up.

Some spells that are based around exploiting weaknesses, perhaps making allies hit easier or do more damage or removing defenses on enemies.

A flank/backstab ability that works if you have a model already engaged.

A shadow step type spell that lets him teleport to engaged models perhaps.

Just I dunno something cool and stylish and he needs to be very assassiny by have a bitching hat.

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Instead of a Bayou Kraken, might be more fun to have a sewer Kraken ... we have those sewer tentacles on bases, after all.

For the swamps, you *need* gators. You just *do*.

Make 'em aquatic, semi-feral (They'll take a chomp at anyone in melee range, friend or foe), can be wrangled a bit, would work with Markus or the Gremlins... should work.

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How about one of the M&SU miners? Just an average day laborer that discovers some latent power. He could have other miners, lots of digging skills, maybe some repair/healing abilities. Molotov cocktails could make a lot of sense. It would be kind of fun to see a miner using the constructs designed for mining using them for fighting. Kind of a brawl-heavy crew.

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I really like the idea of a preacher based crew...but I'm invisioning one of those sadistic, exorcism based priests with wild, stringy white hair emerging from one of those wide brimmed hats with colorless staring eyes...a recent movie had a great depiction, but I can't recall its name.

Also what about a Master/Henchman based off of King Midas....ability to give living creatures the construct characteristic much like Marcus and beasts, but at some price to either himself or them.

Love reading these creative ideas.

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry to resurrect this thread, but I was having additional master ideas whilst building scenery earlier!


A time manipulator who can rearrange turn sequences, affect card-flow and change schemes to suit/ hinder. Minions consist of clockwork constructs and spirits caught out of time (ghost of Christmas past, present and future, type of thing?). Not overly physical or blasty, relies on ruining opponents planning rather than leading them astray, like Colette. Could have a large time machine "minion" with splash effects? His story involves him travelling back from the future to prevent some catastrophe. Maybe he's the son of Ramos/Rasputina/etc?

Neverborn (Guild);

A super-soldier made using Neverborn DNA/energies/whatever who has found out how he was made and goes on a rampage and joins his Neverborn "brothers and sisters". Very Physical, with powers to manipulate Guild Guardsmen and captains, etc (maybe theynshare his DNA?). Minions consist of human cultists and those twisted with Neverborn magic (mutants/abominations). Play style would be combat heavy, maybe adding some limited ranged power to the Neverborn. In his story I see him marrying Lilith and all hell breaking loose...


A vengeful preacher who has come from earth side to destroy evil! Utilises flaming and purification powers which have powerful effects on spirit, nightmare, nephilim, etc, and much less affect on everything else. Forces others to contemplate their own actions (like Pandora with her woes) and therefore opens them to attack or makes them turn on their evil masters. Minions consist of steam-knights (shot-gun-blades), angelic creatures and hordes of rabble. Storyline begins in the slums and quickly gets out of hand as the movement gains in power.


Something to do with mummies?

These were my ideas. I hope I don't upset anyone by reanimating this thread...

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@Grantt - I would love to have a tabletop game where you could play around with time, and perhaps go back to an earlier Turn and alter the flow of events, but given the kind of record-keeping that seems to require it looks like it is the sole preserve of computer games for now. I keep coming back to it as a game mechanic, though. It is intruiging.

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If there is another Three Kingdoms-flavored master, I would love an herbalist/alchemist type Arcanist. They could spend actions to turn on different auras, like healing or paralysis... maybe have grenades too. They could even have crazed opium-addict minions :D

Absolutely love it, though if he doesn't have a six demons bag I am going to be more then a little perturbed. After all remember what old Jack Burton always says...

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Been through the thread and can't believe I haven't seen this...


I want Lucius Revealed as the new guild master. I want to see the nasty beat stick this guy is. It's obvious from the fluff there are already ideas here - probably better than I can come up with. There's your "assassination/secret branch" Master for guild.

On that note. Elite division needs some more minions:

A sniper. Not like Nino, but more in line with Hans/Gunsmith/Trapper in terms of specialty ammo, sitiational skills, etc.

An assassin. Deployment options, harmless, deadly up close. You know the type.

An infiltrator. I'd love a model with the ability - "this model cannot be targeted by spells or effects that specify enemy models." Along with - (0) gain characteristic or faction of a model within 6" I either want his schtick to be lite debuffing or (more expensive option) tied into the assassin model.

A sapper and/or boobytrapper. Anti-armor and hard to wound. Hands out Easy to Wound. Anti-construct and doll abilities. Drops off boobytrap markers on the board.

As for other ideas people have said:

LOVE THE MEDICINE PEDLER - been wanting Elixirs for a while. Can you sculpt him holding both sides of his long coat open displaying all his bottles? Ooooohhhh. How about a 50mm base because of his wagon!

LOVE the three kingdoms idea - Giving Misaki a Henchman or Master version would be awesome for this.

Love the Indian Medicine Man/Shaman idea.

Like the Carnival ideas.

I'll have to think more about Neverborn ideas in particular.

Edited by Turbodog
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I'm glad this thread came up, after I watched all three godfather movies in a row a bit ago I had been thinking a mafia-don themed rezzer crew for a while. It seemed reasonable that if the mob controlled criminal activities earth side, they would try to control the necromancy trade in malifaux. They could have a don as the master, zombies in suits with tommy guns, special rules with belles and the drowned (maybe a sleep with the fishes trigger that creates a drowned when they kill a model a certain way) and a "black handing" mechinic where an enemy model is forced to make a tribute of cards where they would reveal a card to you and discard it or they suffer damage, and if the card is less than five they still take a smaller amount of damage.

Also, its a perfect opportunity to make don of the dead jokes.

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I'm glad this thread came up, after I watched all three godfather movies in a row a bit ago I had been thinking a mafia-don themed rezzer crew for a while. It seemed reasonable that if the mob controlled criminal activities earth side, they would try to control the necromancy trade in malifaux. They could have a don as the master, zombies in suits with tommy guns, special rules with belles and the drowned (maybe a sleep with the fishes trigger that creates a drowned when they kill a model a certain way) and a "black handing" mechinic where an enemy model is forced to make a tribute of cards where they would reveal a card to you and discard it or they suffer damage, and if the card is less than five they still take a smaller amount of damage.

Also, its a perfect opportunity to make don of the dead jokes.

So you mean like a giovanni vampire in the Vampire: The Masquerade RPG?

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I'd like to see a guild master that doesn't directly damage. I like the priest idea earlier. If he could add an additional ram to triggers (for critical strike), put up negative auras for enemy attack flips, and do some healing. Maybe his additional ram (chosing the suit wouldn't be bad either to make you pick between trigger happy or critical strike) to combat and negative flips would be a 6 inch aura. He could remove effects placed on models or maybe pick a particular model and make it so no enemy can put an effect on it. It'd be awesome if he had an ability that gave an additional +2 to all wp duels too. That may be making himm too powerful though.

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I'd also like to see a resser master that likes to kill itself off and pops up the next turn by sacrificing a model (kinda like Levi). He takes wounds for creating corpse (or body counters), he holds them until the next round, he can sacrifice a friendly undead beast and summon up in it's place, then he can summon by taking wounds. So, he plays as a cross between Levi and Kirai. My thought with him in addition to that play style is that he specializes in splicing men with animals, so he's kinda like Dr. Moreau except undead. This is where you can get your werewolves, they'd be zombie werewolves.

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I haven't played that game (yet) ... but I'm guessing with my luck I probably just direct-quoted it.

You probably won't unless you find someone like me to run it for you. The system went under (they destroyed the entire world in the cannon) when they revised for the new edition.

As fer me, that was the first tabletop RPG I ever played, and I have a soft spot for it.

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