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Everything posted by Zaqir

  1. As a Levi player I think I might take this guy instead of Ryle or maybe just have a weird ranged crew of Levi, Alyce, Ryle and Laz.
  2. I think Sandwhich makes some valid points. The changes lose alot of synergy that non avatar hamelin had in spades which is what made him deadly. The focus for the most part was attrition and not usually via killing the enemy but by making them worthless, at which point Hammelin can put more of the focus on himself forcing the enemy back while his swarm does the job for him. Again once that starts working and blight counters kick in he can go nuts with the disease etc. Now however it all seems a bit disjointed. In a nutshell he goes from basically being an arrogant bully who manipulates the board via insignificant placement and rat swarming to a model that has counter synergistic abilities in relation to the swarm, has powers that relies on the rat yet he loses out on the swarming ability because he can't summon more stolen or rats as well. (Yes other models give voracious rats but Hammelin was always the key to a large degree) So he relies on the swarm as stated, can't keep the swarm going as well (and even requires perhaps an errata because of this) and works on blight counters which again is swarm related or Hammelin centric but he just aint as "meaty" as he was to deliver those blight counters. Saying that this is "such a change to his game that it takes away former bad machups" is simply not true because when he manifests he still wants to do alot of the things he used to do, in some cases he does them better there is no doubt but when that synergy that A leads to B then skips C and leads straight to a D is what is lost. Now going from A to B is alot harder to do. It is a very rare case that after the work you do setting up the first 3 turns or so that you would truly want to stop and switch things up halfway through when the switch really is a bit to radical and the payoff not worth the same benefit towards what you were setting up for. Sandwhich is not truly theorymachinging as he is stating facts, I agree with some posters that you can't take Hammelin on his own and simply look at him in a vacuum because once again the key was the Synergy Nix, the catchers, wretched and stolen all brought together while using hammelin, his Avatar really does give up alot of that.
  3. What about scenarios that count toward the total points killed during the encounter or am do they have some stipulation as well (don't have my rule book with me atm)
  4. Yes but does counting as "dead" differ from counting as being "killed".?
  5. While I agree with the dead part and would somehow like the ruling to be in my favor (Ie levi isn't considered killed) I think Killing and being dead are different but since this came up in a tourney I would like to know just for future events.
  6. I was just wondering if Leveticus using his powers to die at the end of the turn counts towards helping my opponent get credit for this scheme? Does Levi dying count as being killed?
  7. I personally think Levi is the best delivery system for Killjoy Punks are good too.
  8. I know this is silly because Levi is my primary master but until recently I thought Levi could only ever have 2 waifs. This is correct right? He cannot get more then 2 even if using spells correct?
  9. Can the exorcist buff constructs to make them have magical attacks, if so this guy is a must get even if you "think" you might be going against Kirai using Hoffman.
  10. Honestly even if I stopped playing I would buy the books for the fluff and model fluff stuff alone. I dig it big time.
  11. DAMNIT!!! oh well I know who I am getting next
  12. You sure that is not an alt form? It doesn't look very avatarish to me. Also the same for Levi wasn't there a pic of some monstrosity with several body parts making up the body parts of the whole thing?
  13. You can cheat these duels though?
  14. hey Tom, I dont know or have any of Edon's contact info but you were right concerning Jack Daw and Levi. Here is the link http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15776&highlight=jack+Leveticus

  15. any of the riders have good things to assimilate?
  16. I was wondering if anyone has or can point me a list of abilities Hoffman can get per construct and what benefits they bring to him etc. Just a general list because well I want to use Hoffman but I was looking for a place where everything was compiled to help assemble a crew.
  17. Honestly I was sort of wondering the same thing but I am glad we played it right. I am not glad you kicked my ass though Poor Levi. First turn he Cassandra'd all my SPAs and then he turned Killjoy into a friggin Mannequin. 23 pts up in smoke Levi still had you ducking for cover though God I love that old man.
  18. she has a sort of Lady Gaga ish butter face going :/
  19. Yeah but I don't see myself using teddy with Levi, and hmm Lady J just seems to..old for Levi :) Used goods
  20. Just wondering if Gencon is gonna have anything special for the Leveticus/Hammelin players out there?
  21. Can you describe your opponent's list a bit more? Who was his master etc etc. In my mind you might have had to risk running a few guys as bait to lure things a bit out of position. I also can't wait for Night Terrors to help stop range to some degree.
  22. Based on the previews you might have to remodel her minus a head and add some more dead guys lololol...
  23. The thing with Levi is that in a way he is more offensive with constructs (mainly cause he can make SPAs with em etc) and defensive with undead (mainly because in a pinch they become waifs) Levi himself cares little, he does what he does, Alyce likes contructs ALOT more though so keep that in mind.
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