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2021 Monthly Painting Challenge - October


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Greetings, fellow painters, and welcome to the Monthly Painting Challenge for October!

Everything you need to know for the Challenge is right HERE.

Folks, this month is going to be a very quiet month for me, as life brings me a whole bunch of new excitement. Don't worry, though, I'm not going anywhere, I just know this month will be a huge one for me.

This month, as Bob Ross would say, "Let's get a little crazy, here".

The Unexpected Challenge!

In the month of October, I challenge you to paint a miniature in an unusual manner. An unusual theme, an unusual colour scheme, a crazy hair do, a ton of tattoos ... get a little crazy! This segues nicely into the Wyrd Painting Competition:

Rotten Harvest!

Have a fantastic (and/or spooky) October, look after yourself and your loved ones, and keep those brushes damp!


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As I mentioned, folks, this one is going to be a very quiet month for me, as life-outside-playing will have to come to the front burners for a while. My pledge for this month is going to be starting one of my few remaining Outcasts keywords: Amalgam.


Let's start big, with an eBay Rescue Leveticus and Rusty Alyce.

Have a great October, my friends!


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Ah, the best month of the year! My local group is having a grow league this month into next so I'm putting my previous plans on hold to finally get into my Guild costume and do some opposition research playing a few games as Sonnia. Meaning I'll need to paint up the Sonnia crew I've had laying around a while. Threw in some Investigatiors and Agent 46 to finish up Lucius' crew, as well as Rollins Black as my Pale Rider. Oh, and finishing up an Effigy that's been half done for far too long.


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Two more Intrepid Effigies (8 soulstoens) and Grave Goo (7ss) that bring me to a total of 65 soulstones this month. May squeeze in some more :)


For some reason my iPhone really struggled taking decent picture of this mini on the standard backdrop I use.



Next in line for painting: 


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On 9/29/2021 at 11:34 PM, Engorn said:


This is my pledge for October. I guess I'll paint anything more. Six miniatures seem to little.

@Caedrus, each Viktoria is worth 15SS?

Well, everything is painted.


Grave goo: 7SS worth.


3x Moorwraith: 4SS worth each, so 12SS total.


2x Viktoria Chambers: 15SS, so 30SS total.

@Caedrus that's a total of 49SS this month.

And as an extra, I painted some Infinity models too.




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@Caedrus a last time addition... I was planning to paint them in November, but I had some extra spare time I wasn't counting with and... Here is the result.


3x Surveyors. 6SS each for a total of 18SS. 

So, in addition to the 49SS I've already painted, these make a total of 67SS in October.

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@CaedrusNot a super productive month, at least for all things Wyrd. I got distracted by other toys this month. I did manage to meet my pledge. Here's English Ivan (15ss) and Mr Mordrake (6ss) 21ss total for October. I'll strive to be more productive in November as I have a few things I want to finish before the years out.



Edited by Magnus
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September ended on a shit note for me, which made doing any hobby in October hard, but my simple schemes and contrast paint has let me finish a few things, so I guess I've made my 1ss pledge. 

Painted in October (most recent to oldest)

Jorogumo 9ss

Wendigo 3ss

2 Komainu 12ss

Obsidian Statue 9ss

So I guess 33ss total

(Again with caveat that I'm planning to batch bases once keywords are done so they at least have that holding them together)







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