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Rasputina post RoF


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I'm looking into branching into Arcanists and since have the old Rasputina metals and the dark carnival boxset figured would start with them. While I see a lot of posts on Colette I don't see that much on Rasputina. So just wondering how people find her in a post RoF era? 

I figure main purchases looking to get are going be ice dancers, mech rider and snow storm? Also is it worth trying to find the Wendigo totem? 

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She's really strong, though Ripples doesn't do a whole lot for her.  The Ice Dancers though... 

She might have one of the strongest in theme model sets in the game, fwiw.  If its got Frozen Heart, its probably pretty solid.  Wendigo is definitely worth tracking down.  It's a pretty spectacular totem if for no reason other than its a significant minion.

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I would not consider Mech Rider a main purchase for 'Tina.  I'm not sure Ripples added anything in particular to 'Tina but she is still basking in the glory of Ice Dancers.  Really she plays well with all the Frozen heart models.  If you're looking to split between Colette and Rasputina, December Acolytes and Silent Ones are quite effective with both, and Ice Dancers play well too.

For just 'Tina, Snow Storm is a huge boon, but you might be able to use the Emissary as an alternative though that can play better for both, and still provides mobility.  I'm a fan of Blessed of December, leap is quite useful, but I don't think she needs to be an immediate purchase.

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Like the others have said, if it's Frozen Heart it's probably good with her.  In no particular order, you should look at getting the Wendigo, Ice Dancers, Silent Ones, December Acolytes, and Snow Storm.  With that you can have a really solid crew!  Mech Rider is nice for throwing out new Ice Gamin, but it's not a crucial piece like the Wendigo and Snow Storm probably are.

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I very much enjoy Raspy.  For me she scratches a lot of high points.  Blast damage - Can do a lot of damage but more importantly disrupts the way your opponent wants to play.  Giving out armor 2 - Against some lists that don't ignore armor you can have walk of the table.  Ice pillars - Again, one certain tables this can win you the game, at the very least its an easy way to get surge triggers off. Surge - I have yet to have run out of cards with Raspy.  I run with Arcane Reservoir and often stone for cards starting turn 2.  Plus surging on a variety of attacks/models AND mech rider drawing cards I often have the card or suits I need to get what I need done.  Paralyze - both immunity to it & horror duels plus being able to paralyze other models (sometimes multiples if your opponent messes up) can be very powerful and control oriented.  Sometimes 1 ap to paralyze their beater is better than 3 to kill it.  She's slow and low Def but casting through frozen heart models and snow storm fix both of those problems neatly (plus you don't want to spend AP on walking).


My typical list is:

Raspy - Cold Nights, Arcane Reservoir and Shattered heart? (the ice mirror one) - 3-5SS

Wendigo - amazing.  Devour, significant, magical extension

2 Acolytes - more control, slow, draining cards on top of all of raspys card draw.

Snow Storm - Saves vs ranged lists, good beater, moves models around.

Mech rider - great at dropping schemes, summons ice gamin for more frozen heart arc nodes, can be neigh unkillable turn 3 on with +2 arm.

Arcane effigy - makes raspy blasts more scary, runs schemes fine, removes conditions.

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The few times I've played against Rasputina it seemed Snowstorm was her only auto take material; when it was missing she really, really struggled when put under pressure. Acolytes, Silent Ones & Ice Dancers are very, very high up the priority list as well. Everything else to taste. 

The player I've faced off against most often swears by Essence of Power and spamming Ice Gamin (8 of them..)

8 seems excessive, but has anyone here toyed with Essence of Power for Rasputina?

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It's quite viable with her.  Tends to make her a little more of a 1 dimensional blaster 

Yep that explains Reece pretty well.
Sadly its a habit he has fallen into because it's given him success in the past, in fact he's only recently discovered focus with Rasputina, I suppose that's what happens when you've never played a wargame before and you pick up Colette as your first master in 1.5......

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47 minutes ago, LunarSol said:

It's quite viable with her.  Tends to make her a little more of a 1 dimensional blaster and is more of an upgrade card than a real model like the Wendigo is, but it can definitely push her blasting over the edge.

I hadn't thought of her as anything except a 1 dimensional blaster to be fair, lol. Shows my ignorance. I'm aware she gives out Armour and plays with Paralysed a bit, but 90% of her focus seems to be on throwing spells at enemies and blowing them up.

42 minutes ago, Vorschlag said:

Yep that explains Reece pretty well.
Sadly its a habit he has fallen into because it's given him success in the past, in fact he's only recently discovered focus with Rasputina, I suppose that's what happens when you've never played a wargame before and you pick up Colette as your first master in 1.5......

To his defence it could work for Rasputina. With a 7ss cache and Essence of Power, every attack can secure those triggers. I guess it mainly depends on one's target priority and how well you create your Ice Mirror network.

Just not against Mei Feng... lol. Leap Aside + Vent Steam is disgusting. 

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4 hours ago, hydranixx said:

I hadn't thought of her as anything except a 1 dimensional blaster to be fair, lol. Shows my ignorance. I'm aware she gives out Armour and plays with Paralysed a bit, but 90% of her focus seems to be on throwing spells at enemies and blowing them up.

It is 90% of her game plan, but her Ice Pillars give her a potent board control element that the Wendigo really helps with.

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Raspy is a master I love playing with that can do a fair bit with a limited pool of models. My standard Raspy crew build is:

Rasputina with Arcane Reservoir, Cold Nights & Armor of December


Snowstorm with Warding Runes

Myranda with Imbued Energies

December Acolyte

Silent One

Ice Gamin

Arcane Effigy


I swap out a couple of models here and there, primarily the Silent One for Ice Dancer depending on schemes and strats. I like Angelica and a couple of Malifaux Raptors with the crew too and will sub out some of the minions  for those when needed. Myranda brings a lot of speed to the crew and shapeshifting into a Blessed with the card draw can be great. There are turns where I am not blasting the enemy crew but instead putting up pillars and giving Armor and Frozen Heart to thos emembers of my crew that arent (or just giving an armor buff) and that is equally worthwhile.


As others have said she didnt gain anything with RoF (except maybe running Kudra) but still definitely holds her own

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If you play her as just a blaster then you are losing out on some of the most amazing aspects that she has. Ice Pillars might be her most devestating ability vs less mobile crews. Walling off one good point can require a huge amount of wk actions and giving you control of the board. Dropping a paralyze bomb on your own ice dancer who's turn one jumped into their starting clump can put a huge damper on their first turn.

Honestly the threat of Raspy's blasts do a lot of work. It will keep models spread out and make it easier for you to do work on strats like extraction or turf war.

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11 hours ago, LunarSol said:

It is 90% of her game plan, but her Ice Pillars give her a potent board control element that the Wendigo really helps with.

I absolutely adore Ice Pillars.  They usually net me a turn or 2 of extra points by boxing opponents out of objective areas.  Honestly I've been thinking about experimenting even more with the control aspect.  I know SIlent ones can get more pillars on a trigger, but I'm pondering about Carlos and his Pyre markers now too

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can someone go over the ice pillar rules for me? The apart I'm wondering about is blocking and impassible so they block LOS and people can't walk though them but what about incorporeal models can they still walk though it? and do the pillars give cover?                   -thanks guys

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You'll find the answer to the movement question in the Incorporeal ability description itself.


Incorporeal: This model ignores, and is ignored by, other models and terrain during any movement or push.

And the Ice Pillar markers have the Impassible trait (page 74 of pdf rules):


Impassable - Models cannot enter impassable areas of terrain, which includes moving through the walls of a building or into other solid objects

Incorporeal will ignore the terrain during movement. The blocking trait does not provide cover by itself (page 73):


Blocking - Objects with the blocking trait cannot be seen through, and therefore block LoS (see pg. 40) if the Ht of the terrain is equal to or greater than the Ht of the models attempting to see through it.

Instead, they just block line of sight. The first paragraph of the Cover section (page 42 of pdf rules) states that:


A model will gain the benefits of cover from a Projectile Attack when any LoS line between the Attacking model and the target model can be drawn through any terrain with the soft or hard cover traits that is within 1” of the target model.

Since the Ice Pillars do not have the Soft or Hard Cover traits, they do not grant cover.

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1 hour ago, frostwolf428 said:

Thank you very much for the well written answer, I find the lack of cover really weird but rules are rules :Pand it sounds like you are saying that incorporeal can't go though the pillars since they are not terrain or models they are markers

If they're not acting like terrain, the Impassible trait is meaningless.  Because it's a terrain trait, defined in reference to terrain.

Because those markers are acting like terrain with the Impassible trait, Incorporeal lets the models move through the markers.

After all, markers themselves don't impede movement.


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2 hours ago, frostwolf428 said:

Thank you very much for the well written answer, I find the lack of cover really weird but rules are rules :Pand it sounds like you are saying that incorporeal can't go though the pillars since they are not terrain or models they are markers


67) Do models with Flying and Incorporeal treat Markers with terrain traits as if they were actual terrain?
Yes, as do all other models.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So if I just plant some pillars blocking someones way but laeving a gap enough to see thorugh, even if the enemy model is within 1" of the pillars and some of the lines blocked, he does not gain cover at all?

Mmmm, I have seen your quotas from the rule book, but is this widely accepted? If so great for me, because I have always played is as if it gave cover.



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