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Titania and new neverborn player


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Hi all,

I love Titania's mechanics and the look of the models but I really dislike alot of the neverborn models. I was wondering if just staying with her box and the nephilim models is that enough? or do you have to take the dreams/doll/babies stuff to be competitive?

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I think its really too early to say. If you wait until after Gencon when more people have the books in their hands and can see what her upgrades do, what her crew does, etc. you'll get some better feedback. Unless people were beta participants I don't think anyone really knows enough to recommend whether or not thats a good idea. 

I am also interested in the answer though. I'm honestly still bouncing around between Titania, Parker, and Reva, but I also dislike quite a bit of the current Neverborn range despite loving Titania's crew's models. Just looking at her card though I don't see why she wouldn't like hanging around with some of the Nephilim.

That said, I think it's possible to guess what the other models will look like based on previews and art floating around in Chronicles. There's the Grave Goo we've seen as a preview on the front page (and labelled as Neverborn when it appeared Under Quarantine), and the Bandersnatch from the Chronicles story.

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I've been thinking about this as well but was going to wait with bringing it up until GenCon opens and people have books (and the beta NDA lifts). :)

What we know now is that the Autumn knights are described as "impressive" and "very difficult to kill" so the box is probably on the elite side. Subsequently you'll what some cheap models in many Strat&Scheme pools, but this role could probably be filled just as well well by Terror Tots, Gupps, or Wicked Dolls, depending on which you like the looks of.

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I would say that there isn't any must have figures in any faction.  Lilith with a largely neverborn core can be pretty competitive (especially if you're happy to add swamp fiends).

So I don't see why Titania would need any other models in particular. Whilst she might want a cheap scheme dropper, there are several in faction that will fit really well, and it largely won't matter which one you pick for example. 

It also depends on what you mean by competitive. I would argue that for most people, Knowing a small selection of models and using them well would do better than picking the "optimum" crew that you don't know how to use as well. 



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She seems to be more about physical power and speed (for getting into position for those scheme markers) than willpower duels and subtelty, so I'm guessing outside of her Fae units the usual suspect like Terror Tots, Waldgeists, Nekima, Teddy, Doppleganger etc will work with her well.

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Thanks everyone! I am totally going in on the Titania train and I am going to pick up lilith and nephilim crew to go along with. If I can ask a couple more questions about pruchases?

Which are usually better for schemes silurids or gupps?

Is the spawnmother good?

Is Nekima worth her points?

Thanks all!


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4 minutes ago, nschwier said:

Thanks everyone! I am totally going in on the Titania train and I am going to pick up lilith and nephilim crew to go along with. If I can ask a couple more questions about pruchases?

Which are usually better for schemes silurids or gupps?

Is the spawnmother good?

Is Nekima worth her points?

Thanks all!


Silurids have a more reliable Leap , and can actually take a hit, whereas Gupps are cheap models. It depends on where you want them to be and what you want them to be doing.

Can't say for spawnmother as I haven't gotten a chance to use her yet.

Nekima is definitely worth her points. She'll die most games, but if you play her right she'll always take out more SS worth of models than you brought her for.

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Just from looking at her card, I would expect the standard Neverborn all-stars to continue being solid choices:  Doppelganger, Nekima, Mr. Graves, Lilitu, Terror Tots, Insidious Madness, Johan (not Neverborn but still common), maybe the Mysterious Effigy to push Titania out of the way of incoming beaters.

Another thing to think about is the Wp duels she can put out with passive actions (scheme markers) and her (0).  A pair of Sorrows can really magnify the passive damage from opponents failing duels while touching scheme markers, the Widow Weaver can hamper the likelihood of opponents passing the duels, and a Teddy can benefit even more since it would get a free attack each turn from a failed Wp duel.

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I would suggest waiting to see what the rest of her crew can do before commmenting on further supporting models. All of the models that are great with the current Masters are likely to remain great. Silurids, Illuminated. Nekima and Doppelganger to name a few.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some NB Masters can operate with just about anyone and still do well (Looking at you, Lilith), while others really want their subtype around to work well (collodi, Dreamer, etc.)

Titania is definitely the latter. She doesn't need only fae around, but she needs enough to get going, personally I think she hits this point around 2. I think her whole crew box actually runs pretty well by itself.

The Knights are all identical on the front of the card, and similar but distinct on the back. All have a 0 to discard a card and push into base contact with a scheme marker up to 4" away. Each has a 0 action Challenge which pushes an enemy towards them, each with a different affect after resolution. All are Ml6. All have triggers to consume schemes near target to get a +flip on damage. Thorn has a 3" whip and a trigger to card draw if enemy is next to a scheme. Claw has a spear which can be gun8" or slash2" (dreamer and Lucius love this guy). Claw and Fang both have a trigger to drop a scheme marker on a melee attack.

What you want to supplement the box with depends on how you want to run it. Dopple is good because of ability to drop schemes, however most of the fae damage tracks are mediocre and get better on triggers which dopple can't take advantage of. Sorrows make a WP attack build particularly brutal.

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Personally, Barbaros, Sorrows, The Triplets (Lelu Lilitu and Tuco) Nekima, Mature Neph, Silurids, Waltgeist, Insidious madness, Primordial Magic, Lazarus, Gluttony, Lust, Envy and Doppelganger  are all models that compliment Titania's box Crew. 

she can run without other Fae models but Try to keep it to a minimum of no less than 2 Fae.

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I should be getting a game with Titania soon, but from inspecting her cards I'd say if you just want to use her box then there's plenty there to make a ferocious list. Personally I only like the Nephilim models from Neverborn and I think complimenting Titania with the Merc/Neverborn from the Malifaux 2e starter would work out great. 

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I just pictured how good sorrows can be with Titania - their main problem was dieing to fast to just about anything - but if Titania has her up she can make 3 very very nasty tounts per turn - forcing opponent to discard 2 cards just to attack a sorrow will probably deter him from doing that.


Also whip fey is tottaly redonk - the slow aura on her is 3 inches and she has the lure that can place opponent at exactly that range (so no free attacks on her)

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On 8/11/2016 at 8:13 AM, Bodiless said:

This is a totally different box, but I think that Envy will be truly scary with Titania. Zillions of scheme markers, and she has that challenge like ability that will make it even more difficult for people to get to him. 

I've been pondering about Envy too.  But a lot of the scheme marker drops happen while in combat.  I'd be worried about Envy shooting into that combat.

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On 8/20/2016 at 1:29 PM, MetaphoricDragn said:

I've been pondering about Envy too.  But a lot of the scheme marker drops happen while in combat.  I'd be worried about Envy shooting into that combat.

Valid point. I'm also worried that since it will be a pretty small crew if you run the box + Envy that people will be able to get into him and jam. I'm getting my first game with Titania tonight and am running the full box crew to see how they play, plus Graves. Maybe an Insidious as well if I trim back the upgrades. Unlikely to be the best way to run her but I want to see everything on the table before I start deciding what to leave out.

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I got a couple games in with titania. One was vs. Parker it ended it a draw. I used her box plus nekima. With just nekima I took out two bandidos then was able to use titanias trigger off her attack and reduce dmg to zero and have nekima attack anothr model.


Some of the other list I want to try are her with lelu/lility, rougarou, gluttony and possibly some sorrows.

One of my friends suggested using claw/tooth/thorn/aeslin with pandora and throw some sorrows in there.

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I think Nekima is going to be a good choice, because Titania herself has a limited ability to dish out damage in and of herself. Adding in a hitter to back her up seems like it would be of use (also, her ram trigger to pass attacks to her, as mentioned above.) Question is, would a Teddy be competitive for that slot (and cheaper) since his Smell Fear could be triggered more by this crew? 

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When you say "Nephilim", what do you mean?

-Tots are great and see play in high-level tournaments.

-Nekima is considered our top beater by the best UK players, and I would whole-heartedly agree.

-Young Nephilim rarely see play, though I would argue only because we are so rich in amazing 4-7 SS models. They really aren't bad. Personally, though, I would go with Waldgeists or Illuminated.

-The Mature Nephilim has no place :( Grow lists are a frustrating trap, and otherwise, you'd always rather take Nekima. Like the young, he's not bad, we just have much better (Neverborn have many amazingly good models)


So sad that I missed this box :( Went out of stock while I was confirming my purchase!


Also, if you like the fish, Spawn Mother + Wisp is insanely good. Might become a permanent fixture in the Neverborn Allstars.

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