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Representing Flicker on the model


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So, I was thinking it'd be kinda cool to have Asami's summons painted/modeled differently to represent their Flicker.

Like, I'd have two normal Jorgumo to hire into crews, and one with the flicker effect for when she gets off the super summons.
Maybe two normally painted Tengu, and one with the flicker effect waiting to be summoned.  etc.

Right now, the best idea I have is to do some kind of ghostly neon green paint scheme for them.   Do you guys have any better suggestions?

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You could paint them normally, but build runners into the edge of the base. Then make a cylinder that fits into the runners out of black card. Cut gaps into the cylinder. When model in question is summoned, place the cylinder over the model.

Every time you or your opponent mention that model, you reach over and spin the "Flicker Cage" giving an old animation style flicker effect. Too much work?;)

(I tried to find some sort of video to show what I mean, but failed.)

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I would recommend a look at Liquitex Iridescent Medium as a method of creating the effect your looking for. Paint the model as normal and then apply a thinned coat of the Iridescent Medium (I would also recommend thinning with a mix of paint additives to keep everything cohesive). You can add a few drops of an Ink (Citadel Shade) to impart a slight color to the sparkle but be sure to add it little by little or it will overpower the painting underneath.

I have used this technique on several of my models and can post pictures to show the effect if you like (though it does lose a bit in the processing it will still show the effect).

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Well here you go (keep in mind these photos are focused to show the Iridescent Medium and not the entire model).

Wong (Iridescent Medium with Purple Shade added, used on the Purple Smoke)


Lovely Assistant (Iridescent Medium with Purple Shade added, used on the Purple Coat)


Pere Ravage (Iridescent Medium with Blue Glaze added, used on his Elvis Suit)


Mancha Roja (Iridescent Medium used on his Cape)



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That's definitely an interesting sparkle effect.   Thanks for sharing the photos!


12 hours ago, Skitt_Happens said:

(I tried to find some sort of video to show what I mean, but failed.)

I totally get what you're going for, but yeah, way too much work, and I'd hate to have to be constantly spinning the thing.   I'd be like "Oh, it's stopped spinning, I guess Flicker is gone.  He's dead."

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No problem, unfortunately the full effect doesn't translate 100% to a still shot but hopefully it demonstrates it well enough.

If you apply it over a "ghostly neon green paint scheme" it should accent it very well by imparting a shimmer to it. The smoke on Wong's base was originally a ghostly turquoise (Citadel Nihilakh Oxide) with the iridescent medium over it (you can see hints of it in the photo); though it looked good, I really wanted a more "stage magician" look so applied Citadel Carroburg Crimson Shade over it and then another layer of Liquitex Iridescent Medium to achieve the look I was going for.

One word of warning is that when you apply it over your paints it will look milky white, however it dries fairly translucent so you wont notice much lose of color saturation.

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It has a consistency similar to Gloss Medium (Brush on varnish). It is worth adding some Flow Aid or distilled water to thin it a bit. Distilled water is very important as tap water usually contains minerals which can adversely affect the final look, particularly in "hard water" locations.

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Funny you should bring this up, but I just got the Obsidian Oni and was thinking of doing something similar since they're supposed to be huge crystal/rock men.  Citadel paints recently came out with some thick gel technical paint designed for painting gemstones and glass, with red, green and blue available.  I'm going to test it out tonight on a few spare bits and pieces to see if it will serve my purposes, instead of lathering models that cost me $30 Canadian in multicoloured goop.  But I've had good luck in the past using their 'Blood for the Blood God' technical paint for all sorts of things (painting it over metallic paint gives a great sports car style metallic cherry red and I used it to make the new Achilles model from Infinity look like Iron Man :D).

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For me personally, I will be looking into some thing maybe to magentize on the bases. Something thematic. 

I used to play MTG and its oni/spirit set, Kamigawa always depicted oni and spirits with having floating little spirit beacons things. So that's where I'm going to attempt to start my idea.

Maybe finding some small flickering flame enhancements and magnetizing them to the bases, so that for the models I summon in, they show via that flame how many turns are left.

I dunno, the ideas I have in my head, I am NOT a good enough hobbyist for!

I use glass tokens to represent conditions on my models normally, so I might do a glass flat bead and put a stick under it with a cool symbol and just seal it with some felt or something... depends on my motivation considering my painting queue is a mile long right now.

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Judicious use of dry brushing, beginning from the transition line and pulling away from it, should do the trick. A light color in one direction and dark in the opposite. Just be sure to always go back to the same starting point and pull away, lightening the touch as you move away. You want the heaviest saturation at the transition line.

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