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Parker; a Fuller Picture


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So, now that the back of his card is known (http://www.wyrd-games.net/parker-barrows in case you somehow missed it), what do y'all think of him? The front of his card was tantalizing, and the back starts to show why. My favorite Master is Shenlong, and I really like McCabe as well, so the possibility to cycle upgrades and mess with scheme markers and get extra Soulstones during the game... Well, that all sounds pretty appealing! Plus the possibility of a 5/6/7 damage gun when you're in a pinch could be useful.

So what do you think? He looks more interesting than a run of the mill gunslinger to me.

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Okay, so where to start :P

I don't know his upgrades, I think that they will play main role. I can only guess, that it will be something like Ophelia ;) His known attack action is SH 6 :+fate, so ignores cover on default. Dmg track is weak as for killy master, but can be improved. I am more happy to see his trigger to drop enemy scheme markers. Why? It can easily counter enemy schemes, because they cannot be 4'' or 2'' close to each other (depending on scheme).
I think that "Hands in the Air" can be great against summoners or support masters :) Imagine that Nicodem has no one in range to attack, and before anything he does, have to discard two cards!

Push action is OK, but I think that in most cases I would prefer to use master for other things. If some upgrade will allow me to have some nice trigger on it (take attack action, focus, remove / place scheme marker etc.) it will be great.

I think that Parker will juggle his amount of SS thanks to effigy and "Limited Supplies".
Also he is natural counter to some Arcanist Showgirl :P and any master who likes to drop many scheme markers.

For his crew, I like to see doctor card, I hope it's gremlin type of healing, so many models at the same time, not Librarian one ;)


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I absolutely love Parker (bet you couldn't tell).

Hand's in the Air is great. Enemy beat stick not engaged? That will make it hurt. Enemy scheme runner hasn't gone yet? That will cripple it. Enemy want to focus to get around your cover? That's going to cost them.

And push actions can be awesome. Playing the Crossroads Seven taught me that.

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It's FINALLY the thing missing in the faction.

He has a not bad push but mostly interaction with scheme markers.

Now also outcast have a decent chance to compete in scheme markers game.

We'll see the upgrades, it isn't a killy master...but you have enough in outcast of them!

And I love the model :D


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24 minutes ago, Blacks85 said:

Now also outcast have a decent chance to compete in scheme markers game.

So far I never had a problem with 'scheme markers' game - I was simple killing enemy scheme runners :)

As for Parker - he must be pretty close to this markers to remove them so he might be exposed a bit when he does so.

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9 minutes ago, daniello_s said:

So far I never had a problem with 'scheme markers' game - I was simple killing enemy scheme runners :)

As for Parker - he must be pretty close to this markers to remove them so he might be exposed a bit when he does so.


Indeed you can kill them all, but some schemes are impossible with outcast (if you don't bring mechanical rider with Levy....)

Now with its shooting action giving schemes for free, everything is doable.

EDIT: Oh wait, it places an enemy scheme marker....the first reading was a misreading, I thought it placed a friendly scheme marker.
So there's a less impactful difference in scheme games...meh 

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2 minutes ago, Blacks85 said:

Now with its shooting action giving schemes for free, everything is doable.

Enemy scheme markers for free :) so additional trick is needed (Parker change scheme, or maybe some of his thematic models tricks).

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I have been pleasantly surprised by all of the masters showns in this release, but I think that Parker really became more interesting than I'd dare to hope for. I love flexibility and tricks in a master, and the decent shooting, movement tricks, disruption and upgrade swapping in one single model is simply glorious! :D Let's also hope that the Bandidos will give outcasts the nice minions we miss. :)


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2 minutes ago, Blacks85 said:

and IF you have cards....too many IFs 


To be fair a trigger which read "discard a card, drop a scheme marker next to the target" would be a good trigger. 

And we already know that Parker has card draw abilities on his card. 

If you want to isn't really an if to consider. So you need to be within 4 at the end of his turn and discard a card for each one you want. Thats a pretty easy Plant explosives for 2 cards for example

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I think he might be a bit more killy than he looks.

Just from his card you can drop a soulstone to gain an upgrade, discard the upgrade during his attack to give him the 3/4/6 damage track, then get the soulstone back from 'Limited Supplies'. I'm going to assume that either something happens when he attaches an upgrade, such as a push or something less McCabe like, and/or such upgrades might be like +1 or +2 shooting stat or ignores cover, or doesn't randomise - something designed so that it only needs to work until before the damage step occurs so it can be discarded without affecting the text on the upgrade. That's a potential 7 min damage at Sh6 with :+fate (ignoring what his upgrades might bring to the party). Sure, something with armour or a ton of wounds will still be an issue but when have they not been? He looks amazing for killing off weakened models, mid range minions, disrupting support pieces, etc. Keep rusty nearby to further enhance the effect if 'Hands Up' as well.

Plus if you bunged a 4+:mask at the start of that you'll still get another (0) action too.

Looking at it...... If you're close enough (about 7" max) you can burn oathkeeper (which will net you a SS, yay, free oathkeeper!), take 4 shots, using at least one to force them to drop a scheme marker in your direction, then use the (0) and a small mask to reattach Oathkeeper using the enemy scheme marker, so you come out of the activation with plus 1 SS and plus 1 AP and plus 1 (0) action, having killed or disabled the enemy model. Who knows there might be some super awesome 3 or even 4SS upgrade you would get for free in this way just by sacrificing Oathkeeper.

At worst you can just recycle oathkeeper every turn through soulstones. This seems really broken, surely?

Give him Tally sheet and the effigy and his initial cache seems like it could be very adequate. Can't remember the last time I made a crew that used the full 50SS?

I was tempted to embark on a new adventure with Mr Jack but might just hold off until Parker's release. He looks mighty interesting.


Upgrades you attach with '5 finger discount' have to be Parker's specific upgrades, so no Oathkeeper recycling. But it is still essentially free as you'll still get the SS you spent on it back for discarding, which is still pretty awesome, and all the rest of the shenanigans seem solid.

Me still likey

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17 minutes ago, Manxfaux said:

At worst you can just recycle oathkeeper every turn through soulstones. This seems really broken, surely?

Five Finger Discount specifies that the new Upgrade must have the Parker Barrows Restriction, so you can only burn Oathkeeper once.

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1 minute ago, Da Git said:

Five Finger Discount specifies that the new Upgrade must have the Parker Barrows Restriction, so you can only burn Oathkeeper once.

Correct :) But it's still nice trick to have free 1AP when you want to.


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Just now, Jafar said:

Correct :) But it's still nice trick to have free 1AP when you want to.

True, but it means you must start the game with Oathkeeper as you can't get it midway through the game & no recycling it!

Not saying it's a bad idea... Just not as rosie as appeared! Fast Masters are never bad!

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6 hours ago, Parker Barrows said:

I absolutely love Parker (bet you couldn't tell).

Hand's in the Air is great. Enemy beat stick not engaged? That will make it hurt. Enemy scheme runner hasn't gone yet? That will cripple it. Enemy want to focus to get around your cover? That's going to cost them.

And push actions can be awesome. Playing the Crossroads Seven taught me that.

Speaking of Hands in the Air and Crossroads 7, Parker could be pretty interesting with Pride. At the right point in the round you could pretty effectively shut down a couple of models with this combination. 

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8 minutes ago, Trample said:

Speaking of Hands in the Air and Crossroads 7, Parker could be pretty interesting with Pride. At the right point in the round you could pretty effectively shut down a couple of models with this combination. 

Also good idea :)
I don't like matches against summoners, so it looks perfect to shut them down, two attacks (maybe they will drop some cards), than "Hands in the Air" and look how they do maximum 1 summoning :P

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Really hoping some of his other upgrades give him some defensive tricks, because while 14 wounds is great, he has no healing, no Armour, no hard to kill, and nothing similar to terrifying. He looks like he could be assassinated quite easily.

I'm hoping one of his upgrades gives him the Df trigger the convict gunslingers have where they can shoot back if an enemy misses, it would fit thematically.

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I'm really excited.  I have Viks and von Schill, so I feel like the Parker box set will fit in well.  Be good to have some real scheme marker manipulation to compete with the antics of some of the other crews.  Being out activated without any way of manipulating scheme markers can be highly problematic.


He's the sort of master where your opponent will really want to kill him though so I think keeping him alive will be a challenge - because you want him playing reasonably forwards too.  I suspect hiding him in cover with a Librarian hiding behind him will be the way to go.


Manipulating the amount of damage turns him into a real wildcard - the opponent is going to have absolutely no idea if you're going to drop upgrades to deliver +3 damage, or if you're just going to drop scheme markers.  Bluffing and feinting will be part of your playstyle with this guy.  It looks like there's going to be a few ways to play him - I'm really excited.

Don't forget he gets soulstones from discarding upgrades too, so it's going to make him a lot harder to kill.

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I'm hoping that his minions have Rapid Fire/ Flurry and are Mercs. 

A Faster Than You type of defense trigger would be nice, but unlikely. I'm going to guess that his upgrades will give him "Untill End Of Turn/Next Activation" type abilities/triggers when discarded/attached." I would over to see a Pilfer type of upgrade, steal an enemy generic upgrade. 

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I'm also very interested to see how the henchman and minions turn out.

We already have strong picks in the 10ss bracket so hench will need to bring something new to the faction, and if that's good enough to oust the likes of Hannah, Lazarus, the SaS, Rusty, etc then we look set to have another awesome pick.

Minion wise, they're guys with guns, which immediately puts them in the same bracket as the F-men, which if it weren't for void wretches, would probably see a lot more play. I can't see them being faster than either so they're probably better fighters, which is not something I'm sure is really required from a faction point of view. It would be cool if they were one of those '1 in every list' models like 10T brothers, belles, nurse, trapper, austringer, etc, but I expect they'll be a bit more like guild guards or perdita's pistol minions. If they're 6ss and more akin to death marshals, that could be interesting.

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