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Sandeep's Card Revealed


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We still don't know the exact details of his upgrades, but we now have front and back of Sandeep's card here!  Thoughts?

I'm interested in the idea of a second summoning master, being able to take someone other than Ramos into Interference without feeling like I'm playing wrong sounds good to me!  I'm very interested in seeing what the different benefits and drawbacks given by the two Limited upgrades will be as well.  I'm hoping he'll be able to summon more than just the Poison Gamin, having two masters with very specific summons would be a bit of a shame.

I'm a bit surprised at how few Ca actions he actually has as well - two Ca Attacks, and two Ca Tacticals (the latter both being (0)'s, which is nice for Minions without a (0) though).  Right off the bat I'm seeing a possible nice use of Student Of All letting Sandeep use Mind Among The Senses to pull a friendly model back to safety after going forward and wrecking some face.

All in all I'm intrigued, it's not the playstyle I was quite expecting but I'm seeing a ton of different options Sandeep gives to his army already and I'm very excited to see the rest of the box and how it all comes together :D

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He looks interesting, also still intrigued as to what now seems likely to be the big base and certainly visually impressive totem (Banasuva), although it could be his totems are the Poison Gamin (??) and its not impossible that he'll have no specific totem, but now that Kudra is confirmed as not the totem (Henchman or Enforcer I guess) it seems most probable Banasuva is.  The question is 'how/what mechanic?' plenty of options so very curious.

I'll also be interested to see if his upgrades will give him some sort of directed buffs to certain gamin (such as more Burning or Poison, some sort of Frozen Heart synergy...)? 

Will he be able to summon any gamin type or will he be restricted to a certain type/types and if so will the choice of limited upgrade change these restrictions?

The card is great but really have almost as many questions now based on what I did not know but now do....?

Still cool, but also evil Wyrd as now the Academics from other factions add to my ridiculously bloated collection (roll on the Sanctioned Spell Casters....., what no.. pop!). 

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39 minutes ago, dancater said:

He looks interesting, also still intrigued as to what now seems likely to be the big base and certainly visually impressive totem (Banasuva), although it could be his totems are the Poison Gamin (??) and its not impossible that he'll have no specific totem, but now that Kudra is confirmed as not the totem (Henchman or Enforcer I guess) it seems most probable Banasuva is.

"Sandeep can summon his Totem, Banasuva, to present a large, flaming threat for his opponent."

Seems we have our answer ladies and gentleman. The wording in particular indicates it might even be like Hungering Darkness - able to be summoned mid game, potentially multiple times. The fact it says "threat for his opponent." is awesome. Arcanists might finally have a totem that actually presents viable damage for once!

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38 minutes ago, decker_cky said:

Obviously you've never seen a jackalope on the table...

Well said, I hear he is quite a consistent (and persistent) source of 3 damage, even if only on the charge. You're also right that indeed I have never seen him on the table, so that's why he didn't jump to mind.

I guess I should have said we now have a totem that appears like it might provide some damage & debuffs. The text seems to imply it could hamper an opponent, "threat" was the word they used. His base size is big so even if it's just a nice engagement range, that's a great start and something we don't have elsewhere in the summon-able totem department. I'm hoping he has aura(s) that just hurt or handout debuffs to nearby enemies.

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1 hour ago, hydranixx said:

"Sandeep can summon his Totem, Banasuva, to present a large, flaming threat for his opponent."

Seems we have our answer ladies and gentleman. The wording in particular indicates it might even be like Hungering Darkness - able to be summoned mid game, potentially multiple times. The fact it says "threat for his opponent." is awesome. Arcanists might finally have a totem that actually presents viable damage for once!

Oops I missed that totally, thanks hydranixx, they camouflaged it in a different area which I barely skimmed. 

I'd certainly be interested in a totem which could do some actual heavy lifting in terms of directed violence although points cost would be high, especially if it can be repeatedly summoned and retain its utility.  I am wondering it it is more along the lines of a pulse/aura type damage piece (which is solid given its expected 50mm base size).  Still I will admit I'd like to see some smash face summoned beast action, given that Sandeep box does not have a big hitter (its not Sandeep at least although the upgrades do indicate he'll likely hit somewhat harder, the Poison Gamin are minions and I would imagine will be 3-5 SS and powered accordingly although Kudra seems she could hit hard "physical prowess" and all).  

We'll see, maybe its the arrival of the >6 SS totem? Guess we have about 2 weeks to find out because I'm guessing the first OMG posts will occur about 10 mins after GenCon doors opening, and then only because of foot transit time to Wyrd booth and time for money to exchange hands, box be opened and tablet log on.  Did I mention how jealous I get this time of year of those people who actually live in the same country as GenCon (or even hemisphere..), I'll have to wait several torturous weeks for mine to be mailed to me :(  

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I'm actually quite excited at the idea of the Arcanists bringing the Valedictorian and Students along, that's a nice bit of additional list help there!  I could see them giving another Ca on some of his Upgrades as well (I'm assuming his summoning action is a Ca), the restriction on Beacon of it only being spells from his stat card gives some balance flexibility there.  Basic spells can be handed out, special spells get put on Upgrades.

Plus, his Henchman Kudra we've only heard has "arcane skill and physical prowess," I'd very much like to see what she brings to the table.

Edit: He's actually another option in Headhunter too now that I think of it - a model spends its AP killing a model and walking B2B with the Head marker.  It then uses Sandeep's (0) As Your Deed, So Your Destiny, Interacting to pick the head up (just needing to flip/cheat a 5), and with a Tome you can even pick the Head up while engaged!

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1 hour ago, decker_cky said:

Obviously you've never seen a jackalope on the table...

Well said, I hear he is quite a consistent (and persistent) source of 3 damage, even if only on the charge. You're also right that indeed I have never seen him on the table, so that's why he didn't jump to mind.

I guess I should have said we now have a totem that appears like it might provide some damage & debuffs. The text seems to imply it could hamper an opponent, "threat" was the word they used. His base size is big so even if it's just a nice engagement range, that's a great start and something we don't have elsewhere in the summon-able totem department. I'm hoping he has aura(s) that just hurt or handout debuffs to nearby enemies.


Well, as Hungering Darkness goes, he's 0ss base anyway. I could see Banasuva being quite costly, but as long as Huggy is around, we could also get a relatively cheap, recyclable totem too. I guess it heavily depends on if he's built for raw damage or disruption or buffing nearby allies or what have you.

And yeah, being in the wrong Hemisphere for these events does suck, I agree with you there. There's nothing in Oceania


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28 minutes ago, retnab said:

I'm actually quite excited at the idea of the Arcanists bringing the Valedictorian and Students along, that's a nice bit of additional list help there! 

I always thought the students sure would benefit from regeneration +1, causing burning, and the ability to place themselves within 6" on an (0) action.

Valedictorian with imbued energies and/or warding runes sounds pretty delicious too.

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I always thought the students made better summons than hire's but gaining access to the valedictorian is pretty sweet. Also the increased amount of academics means you won't need to run the oxfordian mages in a group. I can see the mages really being able to stretch their legs and act more independently. 

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My thought on the Academic infiltration is that the largest group are the iron zombies, which are some of the most grotesque models in the Malifaux range, I can't really see them fitting in with Sandeep visually. The characteristic is kind of problematic in my mind as it has been applied kind of haphazardly in wave 1 (where it didn't exist so some models (i.e. Hannah) that screams for it doesn't have it) and wave 2 (where the iron zombies seems to have it as a bit of a lark really). It's a useful ability though.


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9 minutes ago, Bengt said:

My thought on the Academic infiltration is that the largest group are the iron zombies, which are some of the most grotesque models in the Malifaux range, I can't really see them fitting in with Sandeep visually.

Zombies and Yoga?.... Makes total sense ;)

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9 hours ago, dancater said:

Still I will admit I'd like to see some smash face summoned beast action, given that Sandeep box does not have a big hitter (its not Sandeep at least although the upgrades do indicate he'll likely hit somewhat harder, the Poison Gamin are minions and I would imagine will be 3-5 SS and powered accordingly although Kudra seems she could hit hard "physical prowess" and all). 

2/4/5 damage track in a ranged attack that ignores cover and has a trigger for :+fate to damage is called Perdita in a certain other faction. I heard she was considered decent damage dealer. (I know Sandeep only has Ca 6 and shorter range, but that is pretty a darn good attack.)

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3 hours ago, Myyrä said:

2/4/5 damage track in a ranged attack that ignores cover and has a trigger for :+fate to damage is called Perdita in a certain other faction. I heard she was considered decent damage dealer. (I know Sandeep only has Ca 6 and shorter range, but that is pretty a darn good attack.)

It's especially good when you consider your 4ss minions will be casting it too. 

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21 minutes ago, Jordon said:

It's especially good when you consider your 4ss minions will be casting it too. 

True, although they'll be casting at 1 lower Ca (so 5), and you can only cast each of his abilities once per turn via Beacon. It'll be nice to, say, have a slightly better damage track on many of the Gaimins' ranged attacks, but sticking the attack will be a "maybe, maybe not" thing.

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Trying to get a feel for what Academics could be worth picking up with him. I've found stuff on Transmortis group and the Freikorps librarian, but is there anywhere that talks about the Sanctioned Spellcaster card? It's Pull My Finger page is blank.

Also, am I missing any others? Other than the Oxfordian mages.

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They were in the last book, but I don't have the specifics in front of me.  The big hook is they have an ability that stops nearby models from being forced to move that's useful to shutdown lure.  They also have a cast with a variety of triggers and the ability to be turned into bombs.  5 SS?  I think?  They're a rather useful tool to have in the box at the very least.

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The sanctioned spell casters are Ca6 on a 5ss model with a 2/3/4 with 4 different triggers. I don't even need to read anymore to know that is a lot of value for a 5ss model. I know a lot of people tend to compare them to the Oxfordian mages but I think they fill different enough roles that having both wouldn't feel redundant. 

They don't pack as much of a punch as the Oxfordian mages, but they have basically the same survivability. I'd say they are probably more versatile than an Ox Mage typically as they offer some support utility (shutting down pushes) as well as some decent shutdown triggers (turning off (0) and charge actions). They are also better in combat (excluding the melee upgrade for the Ox mage). They can also explode - which can be good or bad depending where and when it happens.  

I think the real problem comes when you have to decide between the 5ss Sanctioned Spellcaster, the 6ss Ox Mage, or the 7ss Librarian. I don't think one choice is outright superior than the other so to me it's just flavour and so makes Sandeep a deep master with many options.

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