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New Leader from Monday Preview


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Ok I was wondering if the new master for us is this one in the middle. It will be a Reporter-Leader for reporters from Ripples of Fate? I think i see a feather in her left hand and camera in the right side. What do you think?




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1 hour ago, atoli84 said:

Interesting, but i see a female character there :)

The legs look feminine indeed. Moreover I have the theory that Wyrd wants to rebalance the ratio of males to females among masters in each faction (thats why the arcanist is a male and the rest of the revealed masters are females). 

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Silhouette of the Guild master I am 95% sure is female (I will never be 100% so long as Leveticus has his current sculpt. Damn but that boy got a narrow waist somehow). The redhead betting pool doesn't have odds set yet.

Good eye to catch that they both have cameras. I don't know what we will get. A reporter, a spirit-photographer, an artist, someone who kills with magic poetry...

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Definitely a leader to match the reporter theme. Maybe the Editor? I really look forward to seeing the mechanics. Certainly don't expect it to be another damage dealer so presumably a support or manipulation master. I like the idea of shutting down enemies actions by catching them on camera, after all in the storyline many of the other factions/masters do not openly oppose the guild, but subvert it while remaining hidden in plain sight. 

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25 minutes ago, fauxreigner said:

Definitely a leader to match the reporter theme. Maybe the Editor? I really look forward to seeing the mechanics. Certainly don't expect it to be another damage dealer so presumably a support or manipulation master. I like the idea of shutting down enemies actions by catching them on camera, after all in the storyline many of the other factions/masters do not openly oppose the guild, but subvert it while remaining hidden in plain sight. 

yeah i was thinking exactly that same, i would like to have manipulative crew :) 

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14 hours ago, Franchute said:

Moreover I have the theory that Wyrd wants to rebalance the ratio of males to females among masters in each faction (thats why the arcanist is a male and the rest of the revealed masters are females). 

Maybe that has been some consideration, but the Gremlin in the spoiled picture looks like a bloke and they have 4 men out of 7 currently. It's also only TT and Arcanists that had what you could really call an imbalance with 2 : 5 rations, the others are 3 : 4.

Personally I wouldn't bet anything on the gender of the center person. Their hip is obscured by equipment and the upper body is partially turned in a running pose. What looks to me like a beret and quill gives a quite strong poet/writer wibe though.

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I hope not.

Hated Molly Pidgensquitch as a master (thematically that is), and I will probably not be much more receptive to this.

You know who I'd like to see as the new guild master? The fucking Governator, or his successor using his canon mind control magics, and/or a proper summoner (Guild's General now that they've geared up to have a proper military?) which should have been Lucius calling in the hordes of Guardsmen without number but wasn't because Lucius is destined to be bad.

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Because of how integral to the nature of the narrative they are. It is a truism in all narrative story telling that those things that are mysterious are more interesting. Another truism in game design is "If you Stat it, they will Kill it." 

If the Governor General was actually a playable character in the game he would firstly reduce any impressiveness or gravitas his character should convey in regards to the narrative. Let's not forget the Governor General commands THE human outpost which is the sole source for the most valuable resource there is. His power would exceed that of any real world analogy I could draw. Even a leader of a real world super-power doesn't come close. And a lot of that power is political. Reducing such a character to game statistics would either be game breaking (if the power was actually represented the way it should be) or exceptionally lack luster and bland if balance was actually followed (which it should be). There are just certain characters who not only would never personally get involved in the day to day conflict for SS that a game of Malifaux represents, (If the Governor General actually took the field you'd see something like an army of Peacekeepers as the vanguard of his force, and that would be just the first wave) but whose actual power rests more in politics and on a larger scale than a Skirmish Game represents. He serves the game much better as a McGuffin and narrative figure than he ever could as an actual model.



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And yet, we have three different Tyrants running around, which are immortal entities of near-unlimited power.

I don't think it'd be a problem for the new Governor-General or the Oyabun to show up as a Master. That doesn't mean that it will actually happen, of course, but if it did, I don't think it'd skew the perception of power all that much.

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We can agree to disagree on that, as usual. Keep in mind the Tyrants you have running around aren't actually the full representation of the power the Tyrants posses. If they are then the old Neverborn must have been the weakest and most ineffectual beings in existence for their Inability to overcome them. Hamelin, who is probably the closest representation to a Tyrant their currently is in the game would be overcome in game terms easily by just two masters, let alone one master making a deal with basically, as best we can tell, and aspect of Death itself for the power to overcome them. The Tyrants you have are crippled beings who also posses little to know political power. Keep in mind the power of the Governor General is mostly political. It is the ability to command the talents and powers of an an organization your company has set up to be basically an organization that even the superpowers of earth have to pay tribute to. So I don't think you could accurately create him in game. And it still leaves my original point in that the narrative of the game would suffer to a large degree, at least in my opinion, but overtly creating such a character in game. Obviously as a staff member you have more insight into the company than me, but I feel your narrative would severely jump the shark the instant you actually stat many of narrative movers and shakers of your story. 

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39 minutes ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

Because of how integral to the nature of the narrative they are. It is a truism in all narrative story telling that those things that are mysterious are more interesting. Another truism in game design is "If you Stat it, they will Kill it." 

If the Governor General was actually a playable character in the game he would firstly reduce any impressiveness or gravitas his character should convey in regards to the narrative. Let's not forget the Governor General commands THE human outpost which is the sole source for the most valuable resource there is. His power would exceed that of any real world analogy I could draw. Even a leader of a real world super-power doesn't come close. And a lot of that power is political. Reducing such a character to game statistics would either be game breaking (if the power was actually represented the way it should be) or exceptionally lack luster and bland if balance was actually followed (which it should be). There are just certain characters who not only would never personally get involved in the day to day conflict for SS that a game of Malifaux represents, (If the Governor General actually took the field you'd see something like an army of Peacekeepers as the vanguard of his force, and that would be just the first wave) but whose actual power rests more in politics and on a larger scale than a Skirmish Game represents. He serves the game much better as a McGuffin and narrative figure than he ever could as an actual model.



Plenty of the masters featured in the game already are absolutely integral to the narrative.

As for the GG's actual power, he's strong yes, but we don't know the exact extent of his strength, or even what happened to him after his well laid plans went to hell and the magic he was channeling became more than he could handle; it is totally probable that he's diminished to the point that he's on par with the other Masters.

Also as Mason has said, when we have honest to god straight up Tyrants running around like Hamelin, there's no reason GG couldn't be represented. Sure, narratively it's hard to reconcile him not having an army of elite bodyguards, or the guy taking care of the dirty work himself in skirmishes, but the same is pretty much true of Lucius (whose power is also mostly political; further confirmed by his terrible stat block), or even Hoffman (what on earth is their top engineer doing on the battlefield?).

Further, keep in mind that though the GG certainly has more political than personal power, especially after all of his magics backfired per the story, if he lives, he's still likely more than strong enough to act as a leader with his mind control magic and self-realized Avatar.

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Also remember that in Shifting Loyalties, Mei Feng stood toe-to-toe with the Governor-General and was able to put up a pretty good fight. The Governor-General came out ahead, true, but it wasn't an effortless battle for him.

Obviously, a lot of stuff ends up changing by the end of that story, but it's an example of the Governor-General facing off against a master in open combat and finding himself more or less evenly matched.

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3 minutes ago, Mason said:

Also remember that in Shifting Loyalties, Mei Feng stood toe-to-toe with the Governor-General and was able to put up a pretty good fight. The Governor-General came out ahead, true, but it wasn't an effortless battle for him.

Obviously, a lot of stuff ends up changing by the end of that story, but it's an example of the Governor-General facing off against a master in open combat and finding himself more or less evenly matched.

Granted, he got a lot more powerful since, but it is almost certain he lost much of that strength when his energies subsequently spiraled out of control.

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My suggestion after Guild won the Nythera event was for a Nightmare Sonnia Crew that was the new Governor, Marlow, since he seems to have a similar skill set in terms of terrifying magical power and transgressive experiments. I think it would be interesting to see him appear more often, but I also understand why the previous GG was kept more shadowy and in the background.

It sounds like things are heading from bad to worse though in Malifaux, and Marlow was suggested to have gone out and got his hands dirty with Sonnia in the Nythera penny dreadful if I remember correctly (but he wasn't GG at that point). 

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i don't recall him even being in that whatsoever and we recently just played through it.


i am curious, if the new master is a reporter, whether or not they will be a beat writer or more like an editor-in-chief.

the actiony pose would suggest the former...

i also wonder how much of a guild stooge would they be? Are they basically a propagandist? Or a crusader of truth? Or, maybe both! From what I've seen and what's in my gut I don't get the impression of just a complete dog for the guild. Guess we may get more clues on Monday.

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